Off Topic: Amazing Grace.

da rattler

Today is Easter ,one of the highest holy days of the year. Wintley Phipps, one of my favorite singers, discusses the history of one the world's most famous gospel songs--Amazing Grace.

While the words to Amazing Graces were written by John Newton, the former Captain of a West African slave ship. The music is believed to have been written by a slave.

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  1. very interesting. thanks for sharing.

  2. You say that this is "off topic," but actually it is so relevant to FAMU's current situation.

    We MUST realize the history that informed why it was necessary for us to exist in the beginning and why we must continue to exist.

    I don't even think the dreams of former slaves could have held the weight of imagining what we as blacks enjoy and experience today.

    It was through God's amazing grace that we have a FAMU. It is through his grace that FAMU will continue exist in centuries to come.


  3. Rattler Nation
    Thank you for the clip of Amazing Grace from YouTube. This was the best thing I have seen and heard all day. This really touched my heart and I thank you for putting it out there. I wished I had checked this out earlier. I got so tried of hearing and seeing all of the white Jesus on TV for Easter. Just like Christmas, seems like people forget or just dont know the reason for the season.
    Again I thank you Rattler Nation

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