"Where Florida A&M University is today, I think it is my duty to share with this institution the talents it taught me to develop," said Ammons, a 1974 FAMU graduate. "I am convinced there is an incredible match between what I bring to this position and the challenges before us."
Continue reading: It's Ammons turn now
Dr. Ammons, as a token of my confidence in your leadership, my check is in the mail.
ReplyDelete...“This is going to be Ammons' turn, and I am sure he does not want to be called Humphries II. He's got to be his own man,” said former trustee James Corbin, a staunch Humphries critic. “This new president has got to be given room to lay his plan out, and the (board of trustees) has to hold him to it.” ...(from the T. Democrat)
ReplyDeleteWho really cares what Corbin thinks at this stage. Just like Humphries, he has had his turn at giving the President (Gainous) room to lay out his plan as a board member and failed miserably at it. Everyone knew he was running Gainous (trying to). So before you start critsizing Ammons, know this, people are not the idiots you'd hope we were. We saw you for what you were.
I really wish the Tallahassee Democrat would quit interviewing folks like Mr. Corbin and Steve Ufelder.
ReplyDeleteJames Corbin represents the worst of any university's graduate that I can think of. The man is still fuming because he is not the president of the uiversity and he aims to say the most belittling thing that comes to that shiny dome of his in order to make himself feel good. Isn't that what bullies do? Trample others because they feel inferior themselves.
ReplyDeleteCorbin is one sick puppy. He is no one to talk about accountability, leadership, or integrity.
ReplyDeleteCorbin is crazy, certified and lives in Chattahoochee. Send him to the mental institution!