Among the items the trustees intend to addresss, is the university's plan to address SACS concerns. This will be President
James Ammons' first meeting with the FAMU BoT.
The meeting is being broadcast live over
FAMCast begining at 8 a.m.
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This board meeting is running much smoother than past meetings.
ReplyDeleteI am truly concerned by the fact that the previous board was accused of being a rubber stamp and yet each report by the new administrators was accepted almost without questions (including the finances). This may be because every written presentation was perfect... but, I hope that the board is really taking time to review the board packets they recieve. Just because a meeting goes "smoothly" and lasts less than 3 hours, it does not mean that business was taken care of and performed adequately.
ReplyDeleteBut it was the BEST meeting the BOT has had in some time.
ReplyDeleteTrustees didn't really rubber stamp anything this meeting. Ammons and his team just had their shyt together!
ReplyDeleteI just don't think FAMUans are used to the way board meetings are supposed to be: boring
ReplyDeleteIt's great to hear FAMU administrators answering the BOT's questions without the spindoctoring, vague statements, or attitudes. Castell and her crew used to always get ghetto whenever some one began grilling them or called them out.
ReplyDeleteIt makes all the difference when you have confident professionals running in the administration. People like Castell, who didn't know what the hell they were doing, always got defensive when they were asked tough questions. The message was clear: "If you embarass me by asking me the basics about my job that I don't know I'll retaliate by accusing you of bullying, micromanaging, etc..."
I'm so glad that those times have finally passed and we've got some adults to run things up in Lee Hall now.
Anonymous 11:32am
ReplyDeleteAmen to your comment. Prior to working for FAMU, every board meeting I have attended or listened to was BORING. You couldn't wait for it to be over with if you had to attend. Here it's like an old Mike Tyson fight. Everyone gets together for breakfast and talks about who threw the best punch. If ther BOT and President are doing there job then the meetings should be short and boring. I for one I'm very happy about this turn of events
Can you update us on the traffic and parking revisions?
ReplyDeleteSince some concern had been voiced on rRland Gaines, can anyone comment on his participation.
ReplyDeleteRoland was only up for a very brief portion of the meeting. He announced that Parking Services has been transferred from Fiscal Affairs to Student Affairs (his division).
ReplyDeleteHe presented the BOT with a new schedule of parking fees. Mary Diallo questioned why FAMU charges $3 temporary parking permits for visitors (including people who are interviewing for jobs on campus).
Roland said that the fees are consistent with the other institutions in the State University System. Dr. Ammons chimed in and said that anyone who parks on campus is using a space that would otherwise go to a student, staffer, or professor and should thus, help with the cost of parking services. He added that there is low cost metered parking available for visitors, as well.
Diallo expressed some additional reservations but the parking fee schedule was approved by the BOT.
Well if boring is getting the job done, the carry on!
ReplyDeleteFinally a board meeting that lasted just under 3 hours.
ReplyDeleteThanks President Ammons and staff for delivering the board their meeting materials last week.
This allow board members the time to read and research their concerns and items requiring board approval.
Keep up the good work and hopefully the days of uninformed board members and pontificating is a thing of the past.
... and an excellent idea about parking services. Free parking for visitors, is wasted revenue.
ReplyDeleteParking is not consistent with other SUS. Faculty and staff all pay the same amount for parking in and out of gated lots across the road-FSU, unless they have a designated parking space. Also, certain departments has designated parking for visitors, etc. if they are interviewing or if they know that someone other than faculty or staff is coming on campus. I wasn't aware that visitors were being charged at FAMU. It kind of sound like we are money hungry.
ReplyDeleteI don't know. I guess the short meeting was nice, but I guess I'm still upset that no one on the board has taken any responsibility for the circumstance that FAMU is in. If they are supposed the overseers that is.
ReplyDeleteAmmons' team (sans Barnes) has its stuff together. That lady who is the chief of staff was handling her bizzness today. You go girl. Work that meeting. Keep the, pontificators within their 3 minute limit.
ReplyDeleteare the minutes from the meeting posted anywhere? if not, was there anything else of interest discussed in the meeting?
ReplyDeleteThe following was taken from the Democrat's section where readers can ask TK Wetherall questions:
ReplyDeleteCheck this out. They are supposed to be so perfect and drama free.
Dr. Wetherell,
1) At one time FSU was rated far higher by the US News. However, over the past decade the ranking of the university has slipped dramatically. What is your administration doing to reverse this trend?
There are some white people on our blog who just love us so much. They really do. They can't help it. It's in their genes. Goes back to slavery. OOh that is it. they know that we are their cousins and blood kin, and that's why they stay on our board and even add comments.
ReplyDeleteIt's ok boo. YOu can admit it. Just say it and free yourself -- "My name is Chez Whitey, and I love black people, especially those at FAMU."
Hey Whitey. Applause.
This comment is in response to Ms. Chez Whitney. I truly agree with you about certain non-FAMUans constantly delving, probing, digging into our space without getting to know the facts. They can't help it. Media is their only real means of information pertaining to the Great FAMU and therefore, they feel they must react by jumping on the bandwagon to drag our name through the mud during this "temporary" low point. However, Ms. Whitney, we must not stoop to their level with the arbitary name-calling and comments. It is unnecessary and worthless because a product of greatness does not have to prove anything to anyone. Just sit back and let them watch FAMU emerge to unmentionable heights once again. You know they can't stand to see us happy and exceling, so the best that they can do is try to steal our joy by any means necessary. Ha!
ReplyDeleteHey Non-FAMUans, how about you get to know us first before passing judgment. AND NOT THRU THE MEDIA!
Point well taken.