“FAMU leads the U.S. in producing the most students with baccalaureate degrees,” said Reverend John Green of Bethel . “It is critically important to the advancement of young African Americans, not only in the immediate community, but in the U.S. ”
At the church service, Revered John Green presented FAMU President James H. Ammons with a check for $11,000.
Just one week earlier, Tabernacle Missionary Baptist Church of Tallahassee presented Ammons with a check for $2,000 at one its its worship services.
The donation will be used to aid President Ammons with his recruitment efforts.
Aiding in the recruitment of students?? How about using some of that money to purchase a couple of working computers for faculty members who've been without a computer since James Ammons left Tallahassee to go to NCCU six years ago?
ReplyDeleteWhy don't we just say "thank you" instead of complaining all of the damn time? The more students we get, the more funding we will receive. That will equate to more dollars allocated for new equipment and other resources.
ReplyDeleteThank you Bethel for the donation and your continued support and confidence in us.
What the hell happened to separation of church and state?
ReplyDeletewhere is the ACLU?
Is FAMU officially a Christian institution now?
ReplyDeleteWhat's your point?
When we receive funds from corporations, are we then classified as a corporate institution?
Thank you Reverend Green and Bethel AME.
No, it’s a public institution. A public institution that has employees, family and friends who are Christians. Therefore, the church donations. Now, we should not only be proud that the recruitment program is back in full swing for the number of students but for the quality of students. I say in about 3-5 years there will be a cultural change in the make up of the student body at FAMU. As Ganious and Bryant were accepting large numbers of unqualified students in order to “keep the numbers up,” Ammons is recruiting the best students while also accepting the “diamonds in the ruff.” Thank you Dr. Ammons, Thank You!!!
ReplyDeleteBethel's gift was very generous and greatly needed. The new president has people excited about FAMU again. Keep the good news and money coming!
ReplyDelete7:25--Who's complaining. Whenever someone voices a comment contrary to the norm, we're "complaining." I assure you I'm not complaining, just stating the facts, m'am. The university has been "receiving" money since Jesus was a baby, but a GREAT majority of the faculty are still, in this day and age, without the necessary tools to do required research. Whenever the university gets funds we as in are the last ones to benefit from any of it. There's plenty $$ flowing through the university. The faculty just doesn't see it. YOU do not teach there, so YOU have no idea of the needs of the faculty. Be quiet until you know about what you comment on. Sometimes you just might have to look at a picture larger than the one from where you sit. The truth hurts, doesn't it? From: 2:46 AM
ReplyDeleteI guess so much for voicing your opinion at the faculty senate.
ReplyDeleteWow.....you complain when we DON't GET money,now you complain when we do...Please stick it in ya juice box and shut up.
ReplyDeleteAnd just to make a minor correction to the story reported, Tabernacle gave a check for 200,000; not 2,000.
Why don't you get your church to make a donation and earmark it for computers for faculty members?
ReplyDeleteBethel AME's gift was raised for student recruitment.
There is still time to get on the A-Train and raise funds. All it takes is one person willing to step out on faith.
I am sure the faculty will be appreciative of your efforts.
Give it a try.
Churches shouldn't have to "raise money" for university computers for its faculty members. If faculty members were high on the president's list of priorities, then they would have computers in their offices. Parishioners should not be in the business of "raising funds" for university essentials, especially a university as rich in resources as Florida A&M University.
ReplyDeleteHow about some of those faculty members purchase their own computers. I mean they only teach 9hrs a semester and make nice large salaries. I'm sure if they ask for computers they shall receive. Like the previous poster said, just say thank you. It doens't matter what the funds went towards, without students there is no University. Thanks to all individuals that donate to FAMU.
ReplyDeleteHow 'bout the professors get their selves busy writing grants? There is PLENTY of grant money available out there for computers and such - ESPECIALLY for minorities and minority institutions. I'll bet most professors can't even tell you what "title" that FAMU should apply for. Hint: Its a number.
ReplyDeleteA large part of a professor's job is to do research and raise funds to do that research. At some schools a professor is required to bring in a multiple of his salary in grants.
Step it up faculty. If we want FAMU to be great, the great teaching has to be coupled with great research and great research grant writing.
1:16, you're an idiot, and obviously you've not been inside a classroom since you left high school--if then. i'm sure faculty members have computers at their homes, but what they have at their private residences has zip to do with provide you university should provide. the thing is, black folk are so use to "doing without" on jobs, and "making do" on jobs, and doing without basic necessities, that not having computers or other essentials for research purposes and teaching purposes is no big deal to the community. we've just come to accept such poor treatment and are grateful for whatever little things are thrown our way, until there's no hue & cry for anything better. it's call professional abuse. we all recognize domestic abuse. well, this is called professional abuse.
ReplyDeleteWhen's the last time you donoted something, anything, to the university, except a post on RN, poster 1:16? _____________ = Neveraury. Just what I thought.
ReplyDelete1:16 You make a very good point and I agree with it. The danger is to keep pressing for charges but not losing track of our purpose for being here: The Students. You do not want to become so bitter that it engulfes you to the detriment of doing a good job. You have to try to keep a balance. The reality is that Dr. Ammons is on the right path, he is very conscious and he is doing the best that he can. I really believe that and if you want to be fair, you will have to see it that way. Keep pressing for more changes but give him some time to deliver. He delivered for NCCU (just like at his record), he will deliver for us. Just be patient.
ReplyDeleteFinally, we have got to stop demonizing anyone who espouses a different point of view. This does not change their minds, it just pisses people off and they become even more entrenched in their positions and, worse, they want nothing to do with our position.
Relax Ya'll, we are on the right track.
The 1:16 blogger doesn't know what she/he is talking about. Teachers at FAMU teach four (and sometimes five) classes. Four is the norm every semester, and sometimes the ask for an overload because of their low salaries. Granted, there are a lot of professors who make decent salaries, but there are more who do not and teach an extra class just to make ends meet, just like everybody else. The myth of all professors at the university making huge salaries is a "true myth." Some professors work other part-time jobs as well. Everyone knows that Dr. Ammons is doing the "necessary things," but many professors at the university have been patiently, patiently waiting since, well, before Dr. Humphries and Dr. Ammons left, and now Dr. Ammons is back and they are still waiting. If professors didn't have their own computers at home, they would be SOL. Some professors have pc's, but the majority do not. Folks have been asking, begging, waiting, grant-writing, letter-wwriting, pleading and using other folks' computers, while steady doing the work, so for some people to say "ask and you shall receive," is an idiotic statement. So far, the asking hasn't been heard and no one has paid any attention to the cries.
ReplyDeleteThat's right. I teach at SBI and I only make in the LOW 90's for teaching 9 months (I get extra in the summers). Thats barely over 10gs a month. How the HELL is a brother s'posed to live off that... and BUY a computer too?! n-plz
ReplyDeletesalary infromation
Little Miss Complain-about-the-Everything and Everbody....
ReplyDeleteAre you in the faculty senate?
Have you voiced your concerns to the faculty senate?
Have you voiced your concerns to the Senate faculty president?
Have you voiced your concerns to Ammons himself?
I'm sure all of these are NO.
You're fighting in the wrong arena.
If you have a problem with it, instead of ANONYMOUSLY posting, go out and get your point across. And ONE TIME for the comment about the GRANTS. YOU HAVE PLENTY OF RESOURCES...USE THEM!!!!!!!!
And you are being VERY selfish right now might I add. Enrollment is low, Pharmacy is in trouble, and the school is on probation, and u worried about a damn computer???? Oh PLEASE. Get it together. It definitely can WAIT.
As a matter of fact, I am in the Faculty Senate, I have voiced concerns and complaints in senate meetings, I have indeed voiced these (and other) complaints and concerns in the meetings. Sometimes things work but most times they do not. And, if you absolutely must know, I have, on several occasions attempted to contact the president regarding a number of issues, but have, so far, been unsuccessful. I've not given up trying, however. I don't think that I am being selfish. And yes, I will continue to complain about what I see as faculty oversights.
ReplyDeleteYou write so well. Why not write a grant for some computers?
ReplyDeleteI know a Faculty member that has a laptop, does nothing for FAMU, but can take a laptop home everyday. You see.... it's people like her that makes it hard for all Faculty. Then she comes to work and use her work computer to do her consultant business and walk around campus the remainder to the day looking for meetings and ways to plot against her employees.
ReplyDeleteDr. Ammons need to check the Faculty Senator roster and see how many of the Faculty members that just start back attending the Faculty Senate meetings. They are scared and wants to know what is going on. As long as Castell was at FAMU they did nothing but put FAMU's Faculty, staff, and student down. But now all of a sudden, they love FAMU.
I am going to be patient and wait on Dr. Ammons, because with GOD being ahead of him, he's going to uplift FAMU.
You write so well. Why not write a grant for some computers?
ReplyDelete9/27/2007 10:34 PM
Maybe one of their staff members wrote the passage. Remember we do all the work. They get all the credit and then turn around and get us fired.