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Homecoming Gala (pd adv)
The 2007 FAMU Homecoming Gala will pay tribute to State Sen. Al Lawson. Sen. Lawson, one of the longest serving members of the Florida Legislature, has been a strong and staunch supporter of Florida A&M University.

Without a doubt, Sen. Lawson has been a strong part of the Rattler Renaissance.

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  1. Great commercial !

  2. It doesn't look half as good as the other homecoming commercial. RattlerNation have you seen the one posted on the FAMU site?

  3. Actually, I have seen the one on the FAMU site. I sent FAMU PR an email asking for the code to link it and got no response.

  4. 12:06pm,

    This gala commercial is a much better :30 second spot than the one on the FAMU site. It moves fast and covers a lot of territory in 30 seconds while, at the same time, remaining focused on the Gala.

    The video on the FAMU site is about one minute long and seems to promote the overall homecoming without necessarily prompting anyone to do anything. It is just a feel good spot that should NOT be put on TV.

  5. This gala price tag will remove so many from the affair who might have wanted to go. I'm not complaining, even though I'm a faculty member who wouldn't mind attending, since I'm also a graduate of the university. Only those with hefty purses and wide pockets get to attend these kind of functions. The little folks can never afford such luxuries.

  6. NuRattler, you know those folk don't want to give up anything. Those folk "over there" probably think they're "better than us!" So the next time the run something like this, just let 'em run it, and don't bother asking those Negroes for a damn thing. But you knew when you asked them that they wouldn't give up the goods. They probably wish you would go away. But you'd better not. I/we like you just fine. We can always talk plain, ol' talk here, and unless we get just downright stinking up in here, we can be assured that the commentary will be posted. Tell 'em to go Muck themselves.

  7. 12:06pm

    I'M WITH YOU!!!!!!! Great commercial on the FAMU site. Great Concept! THIS commercial for the GALA looks cheap....(sorry).


    It's obvious that the other commercial is for the entire homecoming and not just the gala. I'm glad you like it, even though most people that I know that have seen it, don't. The other commercial is just way more polished. The gala commercial isn't prestigious enough for a gala costing $125 a pop. It just looks, (sorry again).

    But overall, I'm glad to see all the PR!!!!!

  8. This commercial is HORRIBLE compared to the Homecoming commercial. It doesn't get me excited about the gala or anything. At least the other commercial gets me excited about homecoming in general. It's on youtube at

    The other commercial IS HOT!!!!!!!! I hope the J School didn't do this Gala commercial because then it wouldn't say much about the school.......then again, I HOPE FAMU DIDN'T PAY SOMEONE TO DO THIS COMMERCIAL......HAHA. If so, can we get a refund?????

    Good job FAMU on the other commercial.....very, very CLASSY!

  9. 3:45 pm and 12:23 pm

    I agree. This commercial DOESN'T make me want to pay $5, no less than the $125 it costs to see Al Lawson. The lack of moving footage puts me to sleep in 10 seconds.

    The overall homecoming commercial is pretty cool. I saw it on the FAMU webpage and it made me feel proud about the direction FAMU is going. I think I even heard this same commercial on 96.1. Kudos to FAMU for this PR effort.

  10. TIME OUT !

    We don't have to tear down one FAMU ad, in order to esteem another! Lets chill on that.

  11. 10/19/2007 1:51 PM

    I'm glad you like the commercial, but it seems you're in the minority, which is fine. I personally would rather see the other commercial on TV and not this one. I agree with 10/20/2007 12:29 AM in that the commercial comes off cheap looking.

    NuRattler, you're right though, we shouldn't tear down one over the other, but you have to admit......the other commercial is way better.....LOL!!!!!! But anywho, we can't all be YES people.

    Let's not revert back to the first year of the CVB administration were she was given a rubber stamp and surrounded by YES people. If some people don't like one of the commercials, they should be able to say so, so that the next time the same mistakes aren't made. I'm sure the administration would like to know these opinions to aid them in their decision making process, seeing that we all know they watch this blog. But overall, FAMU should always put out the "best" thing not just "any" thing and the FAMU community as a whole should serve as the watchdogs. But regardless, a year ago, we didn't hear or see anything, so Im happy for the new PR push.

  12. What does the "(pd adv)" in the title mean?

  13. (pd adv) means it is a paid advertisement, and we received a fee to place it on this site.

  14. FAMU PAID FOR THAT?!?!?!?!?!?!? Wow.......I see i some areas they are still wasting money (although I'm suprisingly happy the school isn't responsible for it). Maybe next time FAMU should save their money and let the J School do the commercial! I'm almost positive they could have put out a better commercial. Im shocked that anyone actually PAID for a professional commercial that looked so amateur. My little cousin does a better job with videos and he's 11. Next time I'll give you his number FAMU and you can save some funny.....and sad at the same time!!!!!

  15. Did they actually pay for this? IS THIS TRUE? Please say it ain't so! IS Please!

    It does look like an amateur video. Looks like they copied and pasted pictures of Dr. Ammons and Al Lawson on the screen. We've got to do better. Especially if they want us to pay $125.

    Next time they need to leave the commercial producing to the Journalism School. Our students could have done a better job... and for free!

  16. Is it too late to get a refund????

    Well least you got paid!!!!!!! But seriously, the fact that FAMU paid for this commercial is laughable! I hope none of our people are putting out stuff like this and getting over on FAMU!

  17. We can't say wether or not FAMU paid anybody to produce this ad. We can vouch that we (RN) recevied a fee for its placement on this website, just as we do with most other ads you see on this site.

    We are a resource and we earn our keep.

  18. Well if they paid 50 bucks, then I guess its you get what you pay for. If we paid more than 5o bucks, then we should be upset. Very upset. Nice come up though RN!

  19. $50. FOR WHAT? They shouldn't have paid 50 cent for that bootleg commercial!

  20. I give it half a star, but seriously.......who made this commercial???????

  21. Wow......this sucks :-(

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