What in the blue blazing hell were the FAMU Cheerleaders thinking of when they decided to wear tank tops and orange gym shorts in yesterday's Circle City Classic parade? Didn't they know that hundreds of thousands of people would be attending the parade and they needed to dress correctly. Nevermind that the parade was televised to millions more.
Embarrassing! Our cheerleaders looked a hot ghetto mess in yesterday's parade. Very bush league.
ReplyDeleteIf you think that's bad, imagine them at the Florida Classic about two years ago walking into the gates of MGM studios with hair rags on zit cream on there face and aweat pants on. There image misrepresented our university and unfortunatly is was nothing to CHEER about.
ReplyDeleteI would like to say that the cheerleaders didn't look that bad, unfortunately I can not. As a FAMU student and native of Indianapolis, I took all of my friends to the parade so they could see how FAMU gets down. When the cheerleaders walked by the first thing they said was, "What are they wearing? Did they forget to put their uniforms on this morning," loud enough for everyone to hear. Talk about embarrassing!
ReplyDeleteBut, ... that's still better than during the MEAC/SWAC challenge when SU performed in their practice clothes. lol
if they didn't know what to wear (and obviously the did not), they certainly should have had the adult guidance of their sponsor to tell them better. they may be good students, academic-wise, but once a hoochie, well, it's hard to un-hoochie one on the spur of the moment. and of course, they probably believed that they had it going on. from the single shot that i've seen, they did look pretty bad.
ReplyDeleteThe cheerleaders need there butts whipped, they know better.
ReplyDeleteFAMU cheerleaders had it goin' on back in the day (85-90). What is goin' on? I could not believe what I saw! I actually thought they were the pep squad or something, but NOT FAMU cheerleaders.
ReplyDeleteThe FAMU Cheerleaders are a very decent squad. They may have looked a mess but im pretty positive it wasn't their fault. Just look at it as bad LEADERSHIP. I have witnessed Great cheerleading squads and there leadership was a mess. The coaches are the ones who call the shots. So dont blame the cheerleaders because i know if they had a chioce it wouldn"t have benn tanks and shorts. And as you can see they may have looked a hot mess but they didnt show it on their faces.
ReplyDeleteWhy Yall have my friend up there with that BIG CHEESE on her face
ReplyDeleteI'm very disappointed in the appearance of our cheerleaders. Speaking from experience 90-94), we were encouraged and mandated to be well-groomed from head to toe. We always represented ourselves in uniform. (no pony tails or excessive make-up was allowed). Thank God for great leadership. I truly hold the squad’s sponsor and captain accountable for the misrepresentation of our university. They totally missed the mark for projecting themselves as a reputable collegiate squad.
ReplyDeleteLord help em’
ReplyDeleteWell Missy,
ReplyDeleteThese young lady looked a hot mess Saturday in the parade! WSSU's cheerleaders had on uniforms, not wifebeaters and gym shorts!
If these girls got 3.0 GPA , then Gawd Bless'em. They got book smarts and no common sense for coming out looking so tacky!
Directed to 4:00pm.....
ReplyDeleteIf YOU have a 3.0 gpa, then maybe you need to be in an environment that challenges you more because the grammar you used in your response is ridiculously off. The spelling is horribly substandard for a college student as well. Hopefully this was a retort for cheerleaders in general and was typed in by a middle-schooler. I'll just hope that it wasn't really a former FAMU cheerleader (let alone a former college student). If it was a college student....then please,.....LET'S DO BETTER!!!!
In general though...
I don't think anyone would have really cared if our cheerleaders didn't look so "plain" in general to begin with. They never seem to stand out. If they were all "hot" what they had on would have went virtually unnoticed. I thought cheerleaders where known for being the cuties on their respective campuses. I guess not in our case.....sadly (but maybe its a new day). Also, it would have been nice if, at the very least, ALL of them could have had their hair done, and not just some. Just a suggestion.
Is this considered a blog??? Yes, so education has NOTHING to do with this, grammar and spelling does not matter!!! It will be very illiterate of me to continue to argue and defend the famu cheerleaders (us) I was only trying to get a point across to the uneducated, instead of downgrading us, why dont you be positive and upgrade us!! Instead, you all are being vicious and trying to humiliate and attack us. Please get a life, if you were so concerned about their apperance than you should donate money to the cheerleading budget!! I will continue to keep you all uplifted in my prayers. It is very sinful to be hateful, idk is it hate or is it jealousy and bitterness!!! There's no need to be anonymous black people, besides it is a free country, your at will to say what you want. O yea by the way I am sorry that I didnt CTRL C AND THEN CTRL V TO MICROSOFT WORD AND USE THE SPELL CHECK AND GRAMMAR!!! XOXOXOXO GOD BLESS THESE SALTY PEOPLE
ReplyDeleteFirst, I would like to say that the Florida A&M Cheerleaders are a first rate and superb cheerleading squad. A former cheerleader as well as an alum of FAMU, I would to comment to the others that are leaving messages of negativity. As an outsider looking into an organization, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. But as a former FAMU RATTLER CHEERLEADER, I have to set the facts straight. Yes, the cheerleaders could have been in uniform for the parade, but as a program of the school, cheerleading barely gets school funding to help cover the minimum costs such as travel better yet uniforms. Also, the cheerleading squad is the last to be informed by the Athletic Department of such events as the parade or events that the cheerleaders need to perform at. It is not fair to pass judgment when you don not have a clue what is going on. I take the harsh criticism from former cheerleaders from "back in the days" to heart. I see that everyone is posting "yea we had it going on back in the day" well if that is the case why don't you give back to advance the proper state and condition of the current state of your alum cheerleading squad. Secondly, leadership is a huge issue at hand with any program at FAMU. The FAMU cheerleaders are forced to take in a sense what is given to them and do the best that they can. How can you expect for a squad to do better when the school has hired persons who necessarily have no clue to cheerleading and the fundamentals. They would not give the football team the basketball coach or vice versa. SO, before you post comments without fully understanding the depth and nature of something, I suggest you keep your comments to yourself. Those young ladies work hard at what they do. Cheerleading is a year round sport. Yes, a sport that requires a lot of dedication. In my opinion, I agree there are some things that should be changed or should have been changed a long time ago. But as a former Rattler and cheerleader, I understand (as well as my former teammates) that the love for cheerleading allowed us to look beyond the barriers and obstacles to do what we loved to best.
ReplyDeleteOne more thing, a lot of people making these negative comments towards the top of the page are probably rejects or those who did not quite have what was needed to be apart or rank among the selected few. It amazes me how people talk bad about something, yet secretly deep down inside desire to be apart of. It is 2007, isn't about time that we stop hating on our on...we should be uplifting each other instead of trying to tear each other down.
Are there any renderings of the new teaching gym?
ReplyDeleteApplemania, while you were cheerleading, maybe you should have had your head in a book (or your body in a library)! Oh, the
ReplyDeletehorrendous writing! Before you (and others) respond, let me be clear here: I KNOW this is an informal site for commentary, but let us all be cognizant of our (very public) writing. No excuses, please!
6:27--Now, before you go calling folks out for their horrendous writing skills, you oughts to check yourself, my friend. Your response to a previous blogger is so full of grammatical infractions until it is absolutely unbelievable that you would dump on someone before ensuring that you had your own game together. Point # 1 (in your response): SENTENCE #3--There should be a comma INSIDE the quotation mark (as in "hot,"); same sentence: "...would have gone..." instead of "...would have went..." (we're talking regular andirregular verbs here, and "went" is an irregular verb, thus it needs no auxiliary--or helper--"have"--before it. SENTENCE #2: "...chearleaders were...", not "...cheerleaders where..." (two completely different words). SENTENCE infraction: "...it's..." instead of "...its..." the first is a contraction for "it is" or "it has"--depending on the text of the sentence; the one which you used, "its" is a possessive pronoun (showing ownership) of a noun. Now, before you gets to stomping and mashing and spitting out complaints and criticisms, check yourself. Your commentary, as you have suggested to the other blogger, appears to be written by a middle-schooler (or an elementary school student). Holla.
ReplyDeleteThe cheerleaders in this pic look like they at a cookout, not somewhere representing a educational institution.
ReplyDeleteNot a good look! : (
O my goodness.... I am appalled at all of the negative comments. I am not only a former cheerleader but a former LEADER "CAPTAIN" of the FAMU cheerleading squad. I must say that I do agree that the ladies should have been in uniform but does that give us the right to come down on individuals that are representing us as a university? First and foremost as stated before please know the facts before you state your opinions.... I'm almost positive that the only reason the ladies wore this attire was because it was scorching hot, secondly, they had more then one performance and did not want to repeat uniforms.. My thing is, if we as African-Americans stop bashing one another and implement change then maybe we too can come up. If you were that overwhelmed by the ladies attire, you should have contacted the coach and adviser and arranged some way to contribute toward the budget. I'm just not understanding why we are so concerned with something like this when we have our university accreditation in process. Now that is the subject at hand! Let us stop posting negative things about our university that is visible for the public eye to see... This is why Famu is always in the media now because we the student body and Alumni are always quick to down grade our university. Lets implement change to the things that are needed instead of voicing our opinions and leaving the problem to be solved by someone else... Famu Cheerleader 03-06 signing off...
ReplyDeleteI love you ladies and continue to allow God to assist you in using your talent. You all are doing an awesome job... *Vida*
10/08/2007 9:12 PM
ReplyDelete"SENTENCE #2: "...>>>>>chearleaders<<<< were...", not "...cheerleaders where..." (two completely different words)."
Sorry sweetheart.....I spelled cheerleaders correctly. Still feel good about yourself.....HAHA. I guess that makes you preschool then.....ha!
Listen, it's only normal for people to make minor mistakes on a blog, but not like the ones you see all over this one. The fact that we know a certain blogger is (or was) a college student, means the bar is a little higher. I mean come on now. Let's make people improve themselves instead of allowing all the bs. Regardless, duly noted, it was bad for me to say something about another person's post if mine wasn't 100% on point. (But then again, I'm NOT in college.....ha)!
At the end of the day, all people want is cute cheerleaders who can get the crowd hype and possibly some acrobatics. I mean is that too much to handle? Let's start with just having our hair done. How about that one?
1:40--you completely MISSED the "cheerleaders" correction. You used "where" when you SHOULD HAVE USED "were." That was the correction. Not the spelling of "cheerleader." Plus, if you're not in school, perhaps you should be. Why not enroll (or re-enroll in a basic writing class, because you COMPLETELY missed the corrections.
ReplyDeleteparenthesis--should end my above post.
ReplyDeleteIf there is an issue, bring it to light and propose a solution. Does anyone have a reason, (given from a credible source), as to WHY the cheerleaders were wearing what they were wearing? It is SO easy to badger an individual or a group, but it takes brains to come to an understanding and to grow. We won't get ANYWHERE until we stop badgering each other. Being real is one thing...being over-analytical and not searching for the truth is another. Don't kick your brother while he's down, help him up and explain to him how to avoid a fall the next time.
ReplyDeleteFAMU today and FAMU forever....
All i will say is - INDY was HOT, HOT, HOT. At the end of the parade, EVERYBODY LOOKED TIRED, SWEATY and "NEEDED TO GET THEIR HAIR DID" [done is grammatically correct, but you get my point]. So cut the sistas some slack UNLESS you marched that LONG ROUTE in that HOT SUN.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDeleteThe cheerleaders need there butts whipped, they know better.
10/08/2007 7:04 AM
Obviously not!!! Had they known better, perhaps they would have done better....Just my .02
Anonymous said...
ReplyDelete1:40--you completely MISSED the "cheerleaders" correction. You used "where" when you SHOULD HAVE USED "were." That was the correction. Not the spelling of "cheerleader." Plus, if you're not in school, perhaps you should be. Why not enroll (or re-enroll in a basic writing class, because you COMPLETELY missed the corrections.
10/09/2007 4:54 PM
Is this a blog board or a gatd@mn presentation in the boardroom?
We're just family...chitchattin'. Damn!!!
even though i'm not a rattler cheerleader per say i do have cheer experience to know that they wore what was comfortable. cheerleaders don't need to be full uniform all the time and usually u wear what is comfortable to cheer stunt and tumble in. i saw nothin wrong with the outfit. maybe the weather might have influenced their decisions.