FAMU Board Meeting Cancelled

The expected FAMU BOT phone conference this morning has been cancelled. Trustees were expected to approve a multi-year contract for the hiring of a new football coach, however it appears that talks with the prospective candidate have broken down.

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  1. Dr. Ammons,

    Call Billy Rolle!

  2. If Ammons calls (and if Billy Rolle is the smart man I think he is), he won't answer the phone. He'd be an unwise man (I don't want to call the man a fool) to leave the top, high school program in the country with a formula for winning to come to FAMU where he could get kicked out on a whim. High school coaching is different from college coaching. Rolle needs to stay where he is and continue doing the great things he's doing in the school and community: building character and molding young men (and young ladies who also see him as a wonderful role model). And if Broadway has any sense, he'll carry his arse on to Duke. Hey, I ain' hatin', I'm just calling a spade a spade.

  3. what is broadway going to do at Duke, coach defensive ends, David Cutcliff just got that job over the weekend.

    I say call Rick Comegy from JSU is Broadway dosen't want the job, I am more than sure he will take it. Comegy said that he wants to one day coach at a FCS school, and I think FAMU will get him there quicker than JSU.

  4. That what happens when you rely on those "ships" friendships, kinships, partnerships, etc., there is always a risk the ship sinking. Billy Joe has gotten away and we are back to square one, which is no head football coach, a school that is still on probation, and National Signing Day is in Februaray. This equals disaster for any football program. The State Championship games in Orlando were loaded with college scouts, but FAMU was not represented and even if they were, what could anyone say to sell FAMU without a head coach? We sure do know how to mess it up. Broadway would not have been a good fit here anyway. As a matter of fact, SWAC coaches need to stay in the SWAC that includes Comegy.

    Again, Dr. Ammons, you better wake up and leave them "ships" alone. Billy Joe was the answer to our situation, but you let him get away. Why?

  5. Billy Joe isn't and never was gonna be FAMU's big saviour. He had his time and he started losing. FAMU is looking forward not backwards. BJ took the head coaching job at Miles go support him over there. I don't see a H.S. coach coming in leading the Rattlers either. Whomever Dr. Ammons hires is gonna have a lot of work ahead of him.

  6. Can Nu Rattler get us more information on what happened, what thre real deal is. Broadway said that he was going to have a press conference today to discuss his status at Gram, is that still on. What is really good?????

  7. Again, you Rattlers and your speculation. Can you just WAIT for a change. Sometimes leaking info too soon can mess up negotiations and violate specific terms of contracts. CHILL OUT and HAVE A MERRY CHRISTMAS!

  8. Cynthia Hughes-Harris, dean of the School of Allied Health at FAMU, has just been named Provost.
    At least that was a sound move by Ammons. Now, what we're going to do about the coaching position, well, only the man upstairs knows. Yeah, we can sure muck up some things sometime.

  9. Dr. Ammons is a very capable president and knows what he is doing. I have confidence in him and his leadership team.

    GO FAMU!!!

  10. Sometimes it's so easy to sit on the sidelines and criticize because we are so impetuous. Let the man work the plan. Poise yourselves to support our president. Do more than just complain. PREPARE TO WRITE A CHECK!!!

  11. Let Dr. Ammons do his job....stop complaining. I echo the previous poster...write a check instead of complaining...that's what I did!!!!

  12. According to TDO.com, Ammons still has his man the contract talks are just taking longer than expected. In simple terms, Broadway just traveled back to Grambling, reviewed the contract that Ammons sent, probably wasn't in agreement with the buyout clause that is in there, and wants some other changes done.

  13. Who does President Ammons have negotiating this contract?

  14. Not sure, but proable Avery McKnight

  15. ??? Is this the same person that was negotiating the UBC contract and the stadium naming rights? If so, we are in trouble.

  16. i'm not writing a check.

  17. 11:53,

    Then SHAT UP!

  18. no high school coach all northwestern teams were already put together first state team coach goldsmith, this team coach smith.

  19. 1:14, i don't quite understand the writing.

  20. 12/18/2007 1:14 AM

    What is this poster talking about?

  21. Anonymous said...
    Can Nu Rattler get us more information on what happened, what thre real deal is. Broadway said that he was going to have a press conference today to discuss his status at Gram, is that still on. What is really good?????

    12/17/2007 10:04 AM

    Nu Rattler will get it when it hits the papers....

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