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  1. Is this up for critique or will you be banished for saying anything interpreted as negative????

  2. I hope the journalism school didn't do this. The greenscreen work is very amateur and they shouldn't have filmed Ammons sweating like that in the sun.

    Overall though, the concept was nice. It needs much better production in the future though.

    Did the J-School do this?

  3. At the beginning of the video it list Andrews Plus. They did the video, not the J-Sch.

  4. So somebody paid for this video to be made? How much did it cost? Anybody know?

  5. I don't think there anything wrong with this commercial. It was a great effort and first step. Hope there will be others like this to follow to get our name out there in a positive manner.

  6. 2:36, folks can't sweat now? check this out: Ammons is in the sun, in a suit & tie, on a simmering day in, I presume, the middle of summer. a a couple beads of sweat pops up on the man's face. now, if he had snatched a handkerchief or tissue out of his pocket and started mopping away, well, now, i might have a problem with that. but he didn't do that. I say let the man sweat if he is so inclined to do so--and apparently he is inclined to do so in view of the fact that he does so. Holla.

  7. 3:19

    You obviously have not an inkling of what is visually professional. On set, of course people sweat when they are in the sun, but you wipe it off between takes and best believe in the editing room, you don't choose the clips where he is shown sweating. It's the difference between being professional and amateur. A professional deals with the little things such as the perception of a leader sweating, while an amateur could care less.

    If you can show me ONE commercial where the president of the university is shown "sweating" from an institution "on-our-level" i'd love to see it!

    It's called MARKETING.....look it up!

    The reason why people love the commercials from Boston College, University of Miami, UCLA, etc. because of the quality of the production and attention to detail in the projects.

  8. 4:49 pm,

    Give it a rest! You have passed your exit and are reaching for the most minute thing to complain about.

    This is a fairly decent commercial.

  9. I say if were paying top dollar for a commercial we should get a top dollar commercial. This looks like it was done in Windows Media Player....HA. I work at an advertising agency and we had a ball laughing at this commercial. Don't get me wrong.....the message is GREAT and im glad to see more advertising. My collegues and I had fun with it not because of the quality (which is questionable....sorry) but the amount of money that was shelled out for it....HA.

    NuRattler, you want to tell them how much the school paid to get this made. I know you know!

  10. 4:49, Obviousy YOU do not understand sarcasm. Re-read my post. The comment is a tongue-in-cheek response. (And nowhere in my post did I say the video was good, great, wonderful, or even mediocre.) I made no comment on the quality of the video. Do you understand what sarcasm is? Or wit, even? Obiviously you do not.

  11. ^^^^^^
    Sarcasm is the use of Irony to show contempt. How was your statement ironic again????? Maybe you need to understand what sarcasm is....LMAO!!!!!! And wit is usually humorous in nature, but then again, some peoples humor is stale.

    Anyways, the piece is okay. Does it compete nationally with other ads.... definitely not. Could it have been pulled off a lot better..... definitely yes. Was it a good effort....... definitely YES!!! If we paid a large sum of money for it was it worth it..... definitely not.

  12. Sarcasm, 4:49/11:18 is also a contemptuously taunting remark. No one definition "fits all," which, apparently you believe. Sometimes one has to understand the context and/or tone in which the comment was written. I suggest you re-read the post--again--and make a gargantuan attempt to understand it this time.

  13. (Correction on my post) "...gargantuan attempt..."

  14. This is much better and coherent than those ads done in house.

  15. I just read it, and re-read it and I don't see the sarcasm, so 3:19 please give it a rest. You were just trying to defend your institution, which is a great thing. If we don't accept that some of the things FAMU does is not on par with what they should be doing, or if something needs improvement, we as a famu community need to speak out about it.

    We can say we're great all day long, but if there is no action involved in that statement, then there is no truth to that statement. FAMU can fail and FAMU can be great, we decide.

    As far as this commercial is worth..... I don't know who the market is, but its not me. I've definitely seen better, and looking at this post, obviously others have as well. As we can't please everyone, I don't see anyone mad at Florida's commercial and I guess that's my point, lol. We (FAMU) should look to put out better quality PR, because compared to other state institutions, it looks like this commercial was done by a Mom-&-Pop company. If were going to hire out talent, lets go national like everyone else! At least when I give, I hope it goes to an initiative like that (and I do give ALOT)!!!!!

  16. 6:25, Let me try this one more time...oh, what the heck. Why bother? YOU'LL never get it. And BTW, I'm not defending the school, but I do support it and believe in it. I'm not a graduate of FAMU, but I am a gradute of a sister HBCU. Just don't worry about trying to "get it." If you've read the post as many times as you claim and still don't "get it," I think perhaps there are larger issues that you might want to address (which have absolutely nothing to do with videos and such).

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