In a stunning rebuke to Sen. Hillary Clinton, the longtime national frontrunner, Sen. Barack Obama, wins a resounding victory in the Iowa Democratic caucuses and could be "poised to become the first African-American President in American history."
The data is remarkable: Obama beatsHillary Clinton among women and men. Many of the late deciders threw their support to Obama and John Edwards. Obama's "first-timers" strategy paid off handsomely: Forty-one percent of the Illinois senator's caucus-goers were new. Last night's turnout was the largest Democratic caucus in history and has been called a "tidal wave." MSNBC's First Read: "The Iowa Democratic party says, 'With 93.5 percent of the precincts reporting we are seeing record turnout with 218,000 caucus attendees.' "
Obama was the first African American to win the Iowa caucuses.
Good win! Is it sustainable?
ReplyDeleteIt sure is, if we support him.
ReplyDeleteTell that to these black folks around here supporting conservative Hilary. Newsflash, she ain't no Bill! Let's support our own! Obama in 08! FAMU 4ever!
ReplyDeleteThe Brother in the Whitehouse.
ReplyDeleteI thought Bill Clinton was the first black president. Hillary is Bill's puppet. If she wins, Bill is back in control.
ReplyDeleteHe would also be our 1st president with an Islamic background. That is frightening to me - from a national security standpoint.
ReplyDeleteHOW UTTERLY IGNORANT IS THAT STATEMENT?????? Wow, I guess you believe everything you hear out Bush's mouth about anything non-anglo saxon huh? But then again, you probably worship the same blonde haired blue-eyed version of Jesus that the same people that enslaved blacks did. I am not Islamic, but I know it is a religion based on love and respect for oneself, others and your environment. Obama's religious convictions should not matter at all. We should support him to show that as a community we can come together to get things accomplished. Something we haven't done, since the 60's.
11:22 AM......please educate yourself. If anything, its the Christians that have historically "terrorized" just about every place on earth (especially when it comes to Black People). Besides, the fundamentalists that the Bush administration has deemed terrorists, have no beef with black people, only the white aristocracy and leadership.
SUPPORT OBAMA IN '08!!!!!!!!
TO: 1/05/2008 11:22 AM
Monitor staff
January 04. 2008 12:45AM
A faith acquired
Obama was not raised in a religious household, he wrote in his 2006 book The Audacity of Hope. His maternal grandparents were raised by practicing Baptists and Methodists, but the faith never took root with Obama's mother. Obama's father was raised Muslim but became an atheist. His stepfather was also a skeptic.
Obama says he found his faith while working in Chicago in the 1980s. Jerry Kellman, who recruited and trained Obama as a community organizer, said the job involved being "in and out of many churches."
"Part of what you do is show respect to people you're organizing," Kellman said. "Pastors like you to come to church."
In his 1995 memoir Dreams from My Father, Obama recalls a pastor asking where he found his faith. Obama started thinking about the pastor's question, and several people connected him with the Rev. Jeremiah Wright of Trinity United Church of Christ, a black church in Chicago.
In the memoir, Obama recalls hearing Wright preach about the need to face pain and despair with "the audacity of hope."
Obama describes his experience: "Inside the thousands of churches across the city, I imagined the stories of ordinary black people merging with the stories of David and Goliath, Moses and Pharaoh, the Christians in the lions' den, Ezekiel's field of dry bones. Those stories - of survival, and freedom, and hope - became our story, my story; the blood that had spilled was our blood, the tears our tears . . ." As he listened, Obama found tears running down his cheeks.
Obama wrote in The Audacity of Hope that he was drawn to the power of African-American religious traditions to spur social change. The black church taught him "that faith doesn't mean that you don't have doubts, or that you relinquish your hold on this world." He wrote about the day he was baptized at the Trinity church, when "I felt God's spirit beckoning me. I submitted myself to His will, and dedicated myself to discovering His truth."
During his childhood in Indonesia, Obama attended a Catholic school and a predominantly Muslim school. An e-mail that has been circulated on the internet for almost a year falsely accuses Obama of being a "radical Muslim" who attended an extremist Muslim school.
After an online magazine published the claim, reporters from CNN and the Associated Press investigated and found a general school with students of different religions.
Obama's campaign website now includes a letter from Jewish, Muslim and Christian clerics, who condemn the charges as "false and malicious attacks" that are "anathema to all our faith traditions." Recently, two of Hillary Clinton's Iowa staff members resigned after forwarding the e-mail.
12:41. I am laughing at you (not with you). You have obvoiusly been hurt very badly. I hope you can get some therapy. I hope my laughing at you does not cause you more distress (and thus more expensive therapy).
ReplyDeleteTo the rattlernation at large, a more insteresting question....
This may be the first election in our country's history where each party nominates a non-Christian (I know this is hypothetical).
If you had to choose between a mormon and a muslim, which would you choose? Assume it is the primaries and your favorite party is selecting between two equally qualified candidates of the skin hue of your preference.