FAMU began welcoming incoming freshman to campus today as dorms opened and students and family scurried around getting acclimated to their new environments.
While FAMU isn't expecting record breaking numbers for this year's freshman class, it will be the largest class in the past 5-years.
Also, look for FAMU's overall enrollment to increase by about 500-600 students over last year. The road to rebuilding enrollment is taking a slow walk due to SACS probation.
Incoming freshman have a week of orientation activities to look forward to, including a talent show, a tour of Target and a game night.
Welcome to FAMU new Rattlers!!!!!
ReplyDeleteA few years ago, when Fred Gainous was in charge, there was a photo in the Tallahassee Democrat of him lifting heavy boxes and perspiring as he assisted incoming students with luggage. There was an immediate outroar. Folks called the man crazy, said his behavior was embarrassing, and called for his head on a stick. Folks said, "Now, you know you won't find TK doing that stuff, blah, blah, blah.
ReplyDeleteFAST FORWARD to fall 2008. James Ammons does the same thing -- and more -- w/o the underarm perspiration spots, and no one says a word. In fact, everyone thinks it's great and wonderful and oh, so lovely, that he's out there in the "trenches" helping the kids get settled in. Now, my question is: Why such a different reaction to the same action? Is it because everyone damn near hated Fred Gainous and the man couldn't do any good no matter what, or that Ammons can't do any wrong? I think it might have been those old pesky underarm sweat rings that did ol' Fred in. Now, if James Ammons starts to show a few sweat rings on that green, FAMU shirt he's wearing, I reckon we'll start to call for the man's resignation, too. You know the jingle from the old deodorant commercial? "Never let 'em see you sweat." My aevice to James is that he'd better make sure folks don't see him sweat. You know we can be some fickle folks when it comes to our images.
Folks said, "Now, you know you won't find TK doing that stuff, blah, blah, blah.
ReplyDeleteWhoever said that needs to stop looking to FSU like it's a perfect example. When did TK become the gold standard?
If you look at warchant.com, you'll see that plenty of Seminoles have serious problems with their head administrator and can't wait for him to leave.
The bottom line is that a president should lead by example. By helping freshmen move-in, both Gainous and Ammons provided a strong example of customer-service.
Hell, I usta help freshman girls move into Mcquinn.
ReplyDeleteWho is helping the fellas
5:53, I am 4:59. You're correct about the "TK" comment. My point, which I believe may have been overlooked in that first paragraph, is that when we, FAMUans, do something, it is often -- well, at least on this board -- compared to something FSU does or does not do. TK and his university are not, as you say, the gold standard of conduct in this city, and I find it interesting, to say the least, that people continuously make that "TK" claim. We do not govern ourselves, nor do we attempt to govern ourselves, by what those folk do over there. But folks sure love to make such statements. I don't understand it myself. I, for one, don't care 3 dips about what those people do across the tracks. I don't conduct my life according to their conduct or standards. But watch this board, and see how much the comments come up.
ReplyDeleteI don't know if this has been mentioned yet...
ReplyDeleteFAMU is in the latest issue of Ebony (the Michelle Obama cover). The HBCU News and Notes section talks about the probation status being lifted.
I, for one, don't care 3 dips about what those people do across the tracks. I don't conduct my life according to their conduct or standards. But watch this board, and see how much the comments come up.
ReplyDeleteI agree with your point. FAMUans need to understand that our university has many core competencies, particularly in the health sciences and agricultural research fields, that FSU does not. We are different institutions that specialize in different areas.
Instead of having discussions about "being more" like FSU, we should talk about FAMU's overall, longterm place in the entire SUS. On the Board of Governors blog, Forward By Design, SUS alumni across the state are debating what they think FAMU's mission should be. We need to get more involved in such debates in order to confront proposals such as the Pappas Plan before they can be implemented.
Dr.Ammons and the Dream Team FAMU Administration, Keep doing what you do best! Rattlers! Strike, Strike, and Strike again. See you Homecoming 2008! With Rattlere Pride!
ReplyDeleteAmmons is really big on PR. He even has his "dream team" monitoring this blog to put positive angles on anything they think is negative.
ReplyDeleteHis crew of women are always on this blog scoping out what we have to say so they can diffuse it for their MAN. His female entourage is looking out for their head man.
He is not dumb - I can tell you that. Look around him -- all strong, hard working women. The provost is a woman. The VP for Money is a woman. The PR person is a woman. The secretarial staff are all women. The Chief of Staff at least dresses like a woman. She probably wanted to carry those boxes for him, and she staged each shot, which is why he is not sweating.
The jobs that don't require the same amount of effort are occupied by men with less education than the women, and these men have hired hard working women to do their jobs. Gaines, McKnight and Seniors.
Check it out.
Time will tell about Ammons. I still say he has no loyalty. He's a phony and a big liar. BEWARE!
ReplyDeleteYeah, like the lie he told about no knowing anything about the accreditation situation with the Eddie Long program.
ReplyDeleteThank you 12:05 p.m.. Finally their is someone who is not blinded by the Ammons being a saviour for the University. This man has some serious issues, and the the issues are not his health. It's his character issues.ljcwepf
ReplyDeleteLooks like the UNC System will be investigating Ammons actions quite soon. This could be the beginning of the end.
ReplyDeleteFAMU why hire a board member being investigated by Congress?