Curtain falls on Gaither Gym as grand old lady goes dark

The curtain fell on Gaither Gym in grand fashion last night as the FAMU men & women basketball teams came together and did something they haven't been able to do in over a month, they both won (on the same night).

Both Rattler teams will begin play in a new 9,000 seat facility later this year.

The Rattlers, the cardiac kids of the MEAC, were able to down Delaware State 63-61 in overtime. The Rattlers' fifth overtime of the season. The Lady Rattlers coasted to victory over the Lady Hornets, the number two seeded team in the MEAC,58-33.

Beyond the game the night was much more about symbolism. Fusing the old with the new as current and former Rattlers were on brought together in a final ceremony to say goodbye to Gaither. Then, row-by-row, the lights were turned off leaving the gym dark expect for the glow of glow sticks and cell phones.

While the 46 year-old gym may have seen it's last collegiate basketball game, the gym still has a lot of life left in it. FAMU will just have to figure out what that is.

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  1. It's So Hard to Say Goodbye to Yesterday was infectious last night. You couldn't help but join in the singing.

  2. It was a beautiful thing, and the win by both teams was nice too.

  3. I hope the new arena gets a corporate sponsor. I don't care if its called the Cinnamon Toast Crunch Dome. FAMU needs that revenue!

  4. Does anyone know if it is legal to sell the naming rights of a state funded project?

  5. I've heard that the deal has to be struck early on, but I'm sure that money could change the tune.

  6. LMAO @ the Cinnamon Toast Crunch arena. LOL.

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