Despite doing essentially the same drill for seven straight weeks, the "Orange Elephants" still can't get it right. RN readers might recall that during week one "Orange Elephant" defenders claimed it was too early in the season to expect "perfection". Last week at South Carolina State one trombone player marched in the wrong direction for five yards (see 2:04).
This from a band who's motto declares it a role model of excellence.
William Foster please send help !!!!!
I dont know what's wrong with the 100, but excluding the ATL Classic, they are on some total mess this year. I dont know if it's the leadership in the band, or the attitude of the members, but they are obviously not upholding one of the band's mottos - PRECISION IN MARCHING. I mean they've been doing the same drill, and practically the same show, for almost 2 months now, yet they still cant get it together. Yesterday's homecoming halftime show was definitely not the 100's best. It lacked in energy, uniformity, and precision.
ReplyDeleteWe cant even depend on the band to support our football team. They only play when we score. God forbid us not to put any points on the board, for we might hear stupid sectional fanfares the whole bloody game! It seems like the SC State game was all about outclassing the opponent's band rather than boosting morale for our team and Rattler fans (who act like they're at a golf tournament instead of a football game anyway, but that's another topic). It's like they're in their own little world.
I love the band like the next orange and green blooded FAMUan, but constructive criticism seems to sink in deeper when it's coming from family. That's why I'm glad that the Rattler Nation has made it a point to put this in open forum. We're only holding the band to their own standard of excellence.
Well the fans wanted "Drumline". The band has been flooded with "Drumline" influenced kids, in a community(band world) somehow entangled in the movie's image. And unfortunately that means more of a SWAC "syle" and mentality about what their role is at the game. Even in how they interpret ond "execute" our marching and playing concepts, just to start. If only they had KEPT IT REAL..?! Oh the coonery is manifest in Drumline disorder aka the[(Nick)Cannon Syndrome].
ReplyDeleteAlso, if you know anything about Bragg and lines and diagonals... Let's just ,say that you'd still be wowed by their ability. Hubba Hundred.
ReplyDelete4:00 am,
ReplyDeleteROFL @ 100rd defenders now blaming it on BRAGG Stadium !!!!
What was the problem at SC State?
The yard lines on a football field are regulation. Your field can a some crown on it, but that's not a problem at Bragg. The old Texas Stadium (Cowboys) had a major crown. You basically just line up to the person in front of you just like you do in practice.
ReplyDeleteWithout being at the practices I can't say what's wrong, but discipline up and down the line is my first guess.
They are a show band and not a true marching band.
ReplyDeleteIs there any reason the drum majors arrived after the band was already on the field? I don't think I've ever seen that happen before.
ReplyDeleteThose divas were busy changing their clothes. LOL
More than a little disappointed in the show this weekend. That one person who was marching the wrong was pretty bad. not to mention the fact that the drum majors showed up AFTER the band was already on the field. You know the 100rd will blame it on anything to keep it from being THEIR mess up. pretty soon it will be because the earth was spinning slower than usual and throwing off their sense of balance.
ReplyDeleteI have a question though. The guy marched in the wrong direction last week at SC state, but it happened AGAIN this past weekend at homecoming in a different section. WTF is going on? I mean... is that one turn or whatever just insanely confusing...
ReplyDeleteI'm a former member of the "100" and its time for the excuses to stop. Homecoming shows are always kinda 'iffy' but something is just terribly wrong with the band this year.
ReplyDeleteThis 2009 edition of the "100" isnt good. They have the potential to be, but its not there. They've had ONE good show the entire season... Atlanta. I wont even talk about the sound... or lack thereof this past weekend. Drummajors? ***smh*** Thats another story.
In previous years we used the excuse that we were tired by time homecoming Saturday came around b/c of all the practices and/or performaces that week, but they cant use that excuse this go around as a few of the homecomng practices were CUT this year.
I know we better wake up REAL FAST or our friends down in Daytona will wake us up first... but at that point, it will be tooooooo late. The band has ONE last football GAME before the classic....
C'mon 100, get it together. PLEASE!!!
LOL! I know one former drum major who's glad that MEACfans.com, and The Snake Pit private forum is down.
ReplyDeleteNot making any excuses for the band, but as an alumnus, the current climate with hazing and state policy has affected the type of rehearsals, sectionals, and performance requirements that it takes to match the precision of former years. Southern and Jackson State bands are in critical condition because of the "Drumline" era of band student who is willing to sue the university if they sweat too much (hyperbolic to make the point) plus the thuggish nature in which band students are hazed and treated. Again this is NOT a mea culpa for the band, but things are just not the same as they used to be at ALL HBCUs concerning bands. Without the "motivation" to "make" the band or the "shaking of the tree", messing up to this generation has no meaning or repercussions.
ReplyDeleteBut other bands can get it right and we can't ?
12:01- And you want us to believe that you have seen all other bands to be able to qualitatively make that assessment? I have friends from other bands who say the exact same things about their bands. You are foolish at best to think only FAMU has this problem. My friends from SCSU didn't mention the mess up. They said that the 100 ate their band up again. I'm not impressed with the current 100 only because I know they can do better and as an alumnus, I will do all in my power to keep our legacy in tact. However, it is going to take a different kind of mentality from all involved. When we stop attempting to simply please the "Top 40 Hip Hop" crowd and emphasize that it is a privilege and not a foregone right to be in the 100, marked differences will be readily seen. But as stated in my other post, for US, we are walking a fine line in thks season with policy.
ReplyDeleteNo other bands sloppy errors are as glarring as the 100rd's are this years. Youtube brings most bands into our living room.
FYI, BCU seems to be able to keep straight lines and its members headed in the right direction.
12:51-So the other band is BCU. Hmmm...I reiterate my previous points. Your objectivity is now laughable.
ReplyDeleteHubba 12:30am
ReplyDeleteThe downfield company fronts were merged into diagonals which were made up of more than five previously said company fronts. If you don't know much about drill, keep it simple and give them a break. Though I have my own personal opinions. If you can't help, Just enjoy the show as the spectator you are. Thanks.
ReplyDelete1:07 am,
ReplyDeleteGive it up, you are grasping !
7:30-No I think you are grasping and again the band you chose to mention is the greatest imitation to our band. As I said in my previous statements, I don't defend lackluster performances, but neither do I take regard for one who knows nothing about marching concepts, marches in another band or a wannabe that didn't make the cut. You couldn't be a true 100 alumnus because WE don't criticize our organization in this type of forum. As a previous poster aptly stated, just be a spectator. I'm off that! Be encouraged.
ReplyDeleteNo you are grasping because one doesnt have to be a Marching 100 alumnus, nor knowledgeable of Marching 100 concepts to OPEN their eyes and OBSERVE that their are peer institutions with marching ensembles that execute clean and precise presentations despite falling victim to the same "Drumline" era as the Marching 100.
ReplyDeleteSouthern University's band for example has suffered under criminal hazing investigations in addition to this "Drumline" phenomenon. So it's safe to say that they are enduring serious internal turmoil over there, yet they still field complex, diamond precise shows every weekend. Therefore what you are posting are excuses. And please dont reply with "Southern does the same shows every year so they should be perfect" because the same logic should then be applied to the Marching 100 since they've been performing the same basic and simpler downfield diagonals for 2 months, and still look bad.
The fact that you think the Marching 100's performance issues are acceptable because other bands have the "same problem" or "say the same things about their bands" is indicative of much deeper problems than I previously thought. I hope the rest of the current band does not reflect the same poor attitude as you.
Also I dont see what was so laughable about comparing BCU's band. If BCU actually does imitate the Marching 100 like you state, then the Marching 100 should be ashamed because BCU is doing a better job with their presentation. It's more precise, it's cleaner, and it's more synchronous.
ReplyDeletePlease just stop making excuses, and IMPROVE!
"When we stop attempting to simply please the "Top 40 Hip Hop" crowd"
ReplyDeleteThat's not the problem. The primary purpose of a marching band is to support the football team, and to please the crowd. Otherwise, who you are performing for? Certainly not just yourselves or your band alumni because you all compose the minority and not the majority. If you stop living up to your purpose, then why even exist?
"You couldn't be a true 100 alumnus because WE don't criticize our organization in this type of forum"
Actually if you're looking for the problem, then THIS just might be it. Questioning someone's devotion because they express criticism in open forum is plain ignorant. The RN is the perfect forum for this discussion because it's an HONEST reality check that is obviously much needed since it seems to be an elusive practice within your organization. Stop being so damn sensitive and keep it "100"!
The RN blog has criticized the FAMU admin, the athletic director, the football coaching, the b-ball coaching, the SGA, local politicians, all with no problem.
ReplyDeleteBut put up 3 posts about the band screwing up and all of a sudden it's "we don't criticize in this type of forum." And the 100 is now above criticism unlike every other institution at the university.
I know there are some gay guys and many women in the 100, but I had no idea we have that many b*tches in the band.
Regarding the posts on the band playing during the game...
ReplyDeleteIsn't there a MEAC regulation on bands playing during the game?
Educate yourselves before criticizing, or just simply ask.
HUBBA 5:42pm!
ReplyDelete7:59pm, The band is allowed to play during the game. They can play during timeouts, quarter changes, dead balls, and up until our offense has broken the huddle and then again when the ball is in motion. Maybe it's you who should educate yourself before posting.
3:47, and the peanut gallery: We've been here before. If you can't reference the previous fruitless banter, maybe this will sober you up. Advice like yours would make the HUNDRED a non-traditional band. If you want top 40 like that-start your own band. The likes of you people are right in line with the Kyle guy and the youngn's who think "dancing" and prancing scantily clad is the FAMU way. FAMU and it's band is NOT FOR EVERYONE! Now I'm the first to criticize the band- I'm a member. Things are not always as they seem- spectator. Go ahead and cheapen the RN experience. As much s I love RN, this is NOT the forum. Fussing about something you have ZERO ability to fix. When we explain the issues facing and associated with the PROGRAM, you have NO solutions. Our PROGRAM needs more attention than this one edition at a performance here or there. We have a number of distressing issues as FAMUans, the HUNDRED aint one. Some of you can be fooled by anything, and have such low standards to boot. Hubba 3:56am- hold it down for they don't know better. I am in the trenches as a director and I saw the shift instantly. That movie ended up hurting the sport of it all. If that was a sports movie, it would've been handled better. NEW TOPIC
ReplyDeleteIt's so hilarious how the "100" constantly thinks their sh!t doesn't stink. If you're F-ing up, take responsibility and get it together instead of complaining about how no one understands you. I know you know what they say about excuses.
ReplyDeleteDearest 4:01....
ReplyDeleteEducation is a sword that cuts both ways. Let me help you, sugar....
The statement was rhetorical in nature. Your assignment: look up the word "rhetorical" in the dictionary, and see if you are capable of understanding it. If you can't just put another note out here, and I'll help you, baby.
If you would have READ and COMPREHEND the earlier messages, well, let's just say, that maybe your statement would make better sense. Ahhh, but again, we are back to my earlier statement that was rhetorical in nature.
I know the rules. So does the Band Staff. My response was to an earlier post. If my statement does not apply to you, mind your own business.
Let's provoke thought, not ignorance.
4:01 I gotta go with 7:59 on this one. 7:59 asked if there were MEAC regs on when bands can play. You incorrectly interpreted the question as "aren't band restricted from playing during football games?"
ReplyDelete7:59 merely asked a yes or no question. are there conference regs on playing. that question is not the same as do conference regs restrict bands from playing.
In your haste to belittle the question, you completely misinterpreted the question.
10:21 AM,
ReplyDeleteAs an alumnus of the 100, there are some things that the band does that separates us from the other bands:
(1) Dancers - WE DON'T NEED THEM! Dancers,IMO, take away from the overall persona of the marchng band itself. I think the 100 does enough choreography to not need dance troupes. Those that try to initiate ALL of these dance groups do not understand.
(2) Musical Repetoire - The 100 has BOOKS...that's right, BOOKS, of music that they learn, perfect, and memorize - which includes a wide variety of music from Top 40 to R&B to Jazz,to Classical, etc. Other cannot come even close to the repetoire the 100 plays CONSISTENTLY and MUSICALLY.
(3) World wide presence - Trust me, if you were travel to any city in the USA and abroad, and you happen to wear FAMU paraphenalia, I guarantee you one of the first things that person will mention is the band.
Don't get me wrong, are we perfect, No, but understand that our band staff, students, and leaders, are taking care of whatever marching, playing, or other band related items that need to be taken care of.The band is in such high demand that we, as fanatics, just automatically expect perfection(I am guilty of this, too).However, exposing pictures of crooked lines on this site is not the answer. The solution is to encourage the students and to be supportive. I am one of many alumni that gives my time, money, and encouragement to this great band, and will continue to.
As a FAMU & Marching 100 alumnus, I think it is important to note that we are used to criticisms from many different sources, when we do well and when our performance is lackluster. We are our worst critics. No doubt. What we take umbrage with is that the article goes what I consider to be beyond the point of criticism into attack. As a previous poster commented, the band staff will make certain that the mistakes will be corrected. But no one addressed the current restraints on the music program that hinder their normal routine. We as alumni will work with or current band to make sure the concept and legacy stays in tact. Just remember, the 100rd has been and yet is the leading ambassador of excellence for our university. The "Orange elephant" as is so sophmorically stated, will work to perfect who we are. While we do so, keep being what you are- a spectator. We are STILL what others wished they were and work hard to be.
ReplyDeleteThe 100 sucks and they have for the past couple of years. There is also zero discipline in the band. If I get in line to got a hot dog again at a game and see half the trumpet section in front of me I will scream.
ReplyDeleteAlso can we stop playing the sectional songs when its not another band across the way. Yes I love do what you wanna and all that but play something else 2.
BCU is better than the 100 this yr hands down.
ReplyDeleteThe short article didn't really attack the 100rd. It just posted a picture and link to a video and asked a simple question, "What's wrong with this picture?"
It left it up to readers/viewer to decide exactly what the problem is.
Basically, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out something is hella wrong.
Is BCU, SU, or any other band better? That's all a matter of opinion. I say no!
4:49 pm--(direct quote)
ReplyDeleteDespite doing essentially the same drill for seven straight weeks, the "Orange Elephants" still can't get it right. RN readers might recall that during week one "Orange Elephant" defenders claimed it was too early in the season to expect "perfection".
This from a band who's motto declares it a role model of excellence.
William Foster please send help !!!!!
Hmmm...sounds like less that objective commentary to me. Nevertheless, especially with the type of drill they were doing, depending on when the photo was taken, it would look "messy". I was there and if you don't understand the drill concept, then I could understand how it would be perceived. I guess that why BCU stands on the sidelines during our Homecoming rehearsals (not this year) because they are BETTER than us.
3:15, the fact that you think that marching a diagonal is simple, shows that you have no clue about marching band. Spectator gone bad... lol It's interesting, the numbers for certain articles here on RN. I see people love negatives for FAMU. No comments when a credit is being touted. Go Rattlers.
ReplyDeleteI'm 3:15. I stated that diagonal drills are "simpler" as in comparison to more visually complex drills that other marching bands (ex. Southern) execute. And for the record, floating diagonals are simple. We were doing that in high school.
ReplyDeleteAs for the RN "attacking" the 100, now that has to be a joke right? Where are said attacks? Please post them. Is it not true that the band has been performing the same diagonal drill since Sept 5th, and are still messing up? Last week it was a trombone player. This week it was a cymbal player. So trivializing a photo snapshot is a feeble attempt to save face.
Is it not true that the last time the RN discussed this same issue, the 100 defenders said that it was too early to expect perfection from the band because the season had just started? Is it not true that the band considers itself a role model of excellence for other bands like high schools and such? I'm trying to see where the attacks are when the RN hasnt stated nothing but the TRUTH. I guess it's the "Orange Elephants" and "Dr. Foster" references you're all whining about.
But no one addressed the current restraints on the music program that hinder their normal routine.
ReplyDeleteWhat are those current restraints? Would removing those restraints finally help the band execute basic straight lines? Or is this all internal organization business that is not appropriate for the RN forum? We cant address issues, let alone remedy them, if we arent abreast to them. Go Rattlers!
But no one addressed the current restraints on the music program that hinder their normal routine.
ReplyDeleteDon't these same (legal) rules apply to ALL bands?
Others can work within the constraints and still put on a "flawless" show.
I know their asses better get it together before they come to Orlando because I don't wanna be fighting because of Wildcats up in my face at work talking shyt about The 100.
ReplyDeleteSo, please Marching 100, please don't come to Orlando with this foolishness..
I see people love negatives for FAMU. No comments when a credit is being touted. Go Rattlers.
ReplyDelete10/28/2009 7:07 PM
You need to stop lying...
ReplyDeleteThat's just him/her doing more crying, and less practicing to get them lines straight.
It is rather simple the band is way to large and out of control. Time for new leadership.
ReplyDeleteAll of the naysayers, please join the band. They would really love to have your energy and expertise. Get over yourselves! You all have spent almost 40 comments berating the band. Criticism is warranted but as a band director, some of the comments are telling of the lack of knowledge of formations/drills and various marching band concepts/styles of bands. I too was present at the game and notice the cymbal player's mistake and yes it was embarassing, but the overall performance (marching, sound, tone quality, etc) was on point. If you are going to lambast the band for that one mistake, then applaud them for the totality of their accomplishments. The previous thread of the Atlanta Show (MJ Tribute) did not garner as much attention or applause. It seems to me that someone has an axe to grind for whatever reason and you're using this forum to do it. That's your perogative. I hope that you then become a help to assist the band, if not with your perfomance skills and drill rudimentary insights, then with your money.
ReplyDeleteIf you are going to lambast the band for that one mistake
ReplyDeleteThere was more than one mistake. Those other mistakes were mentioned several times in these comments. Those other mistakes werent all drill related either. Most importantly, those mistakes arent from an isolated incident. They are repetitive since game 1. If you only saw one mistake, then you're delusional, in denial, or had a poor vantage point.
By the way, criticism is not lambasting, berating, nor attacking. Folk just get SUPER sensitive when the Marching 100 is the topic.
For what it's worth, I think the band's homecoming dance routine had a good selection of throwback tunes. I applaud them for that.
ReplyDeleteSome of you wouldn't know 'constructive criticism' if your own boss stood in your office and gave you some. Whether it's the band football team, whatever... it's so easy to judge sitting behind your Dell's. I bet not many of you could withstand the same personal scrutiny for all things wrong with FAMU that you disperse here under the guise of your 'love' for FAMU.