“I didn't expect to make the cover, but I must say it was pretty neat,” said Evans. “I was honored that both the Lumina Foundation and ENLACE Florida demonstrated such confidence in me.”
In the article, titled “Leadership’s Fresh Face: Young Policy Advocate Sees Education Conference as Springboard,” Evans discuss what he believes is his life’s calling — leadership.
Evans, who serves as the president for the FAMU Chapter of College Democrats, said his leadership on and off FAMU’s campus has always been rooted in the belief that service is leadership.
“I’m convinced that service to others is one of the last noble callings there is,” said Evans. “I’ve had the opportunity to participate and do so much during my time on ‘The Hill.’ I’ve met President Barack Obama, dined with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, lobbied members of Congress countless numbers of times, and traveled the country representing the greatest institution on earth. You never know what history will say of you; however, I’m perhaps most proud of the work we did in 2008 with the registering, educating and mobilizing of nearly 4,000 students on the campus of Florida A&M University to get out and vote. That was a special time.”
The ambitious Evans says working in Congress or at a non-profit organization has always peaked his interest, and at some point, he hopes to return to Jacksonville and run for office.
“Wherever I go, and whatever I do, I know it will be in service to others,” Evans said. “I have an old-fashioned conviction that public service is about helping people solve their problems and live out their dreams. I've had every opportunity and blessing in life, and I want the same for every person. That’s what drives me, and that’s why I became involved.”
Congratulations! Keep on achieving your goals. Others will follow.
ReplyDeleteThats good. This goes to show that smoone with under a 2.0 GPA can still do good things. Id rather him focus on his grades and leave FAMU like teh rest of us have done. When I was in SGA, the girls and I used to watch how they kicked him out after the university put him on academic suspension for having bad grades. Chile boo, you in Political Science. Thats a two year program, should be. Plz get it together
That's right anonymous! Please get him together...anonymously...O_o
ReplyDeleteANYWAY, aside from the foolishness posted by 'rattler girl' congratulations, Vince! You are one of the few students walking around FAMU taking care of business. I wish I could say the same for 99.8 percent of the student body who don't care. Excellenct work!