Taylor makes his pitch for turf

da rattler

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  1. First thought, I'm ok with this. Second thought, I'm not behind getting turf .I support get the best drainage and sod job in the sport. This is an Agriculture school and it wouldn't make much sense to discount our knowledge and potential to achieve with well placed in-house resources and talents.

  2. Yeah, pretty dumb that an Ag school in Florida can't grow effin grass! Pretty dumb.

  3. I think it's pretty arrogant in these hard times to ask for astroturf dollars. Note that he started off by saying that the field hasn't been kept up. There are seats behind my season ticket seats that are loose and come apart. It has almost injured people. I've reported it for the last three years and the biggest response I get is a laugh. They let things fall apart and then ask for money to build something else they won't take care of? I am a staunch supporter, but I can't believe the arrogance and lack of responsibility. This one can be fixed at a lower cost and without the astroturf that schools in the north need to counter the snow and cold. We have sunshine and plenty of rain. Rattlernation, I can't support this!

  4. I agree with 6:39AM...

    I love the Rattlers, but we should be realistic about the Rattlers and their (really our, because I'm included) record of contribution to the University.

    Most people will contribute to the University once this year (assuming that they donate annually). Is this really how we want them to spend their money? During a recession?

  5. Some of you people don't have a clue. We need artificial turf, period!! FAMU is NOT an AGRICULTURE school no more than Chipola College. Bragg Stadium's field is terrible. It will cost much more to plant & upkeep real grass than it would to maintain artificial turf. Some of you clowns complain about our facilities and complain that we have no "Athletics Vision". As soon as the Coach Taylor lays out his plan to upgrade our facilities, you MFs complain. WTF do you really want? Well I've donated and hope others will to.

  6. 8:27 AM,
    I can appreciate your passionate support, but why resort to name calling and questioning the motives of people, some of whom are current financial supporters, who are raising some valid questions/concerns?

  7. The question is what's the current cost of maintaining the field? And can we do a better job of maintaining what we have? Also coach failed to mention that there's a cost associated with maintaining artificial turf as well. It might not be as substantial as grass, but neither is the up front cost. I would just wonder instead of trying to raise a substantial amount of money for artificial turf, could we raise say 10% of that yearly to get the field up to snuff?

  8. I think that we can all agree that over the past ten years or so our field has been in bad a condition. Its like coach Taylor said, we have a lot of traffic on that field---traffic that is not seen at FSU or UF.

    If we do not get this turf and BCU gets it, imagine how many you will be back on this board next year raising all types of sand with the A.D. and President because "BCU's field is in better shape then our."

    Although we are a Agricultural institution, I did not know that our that our Agricultural department had a program focused on maintenance of sports facilities---maybe we should. Rather the students was maintaining the fields or not, still does not off set the cost of having to continuously re-sod the field due to the traffic that we receive on the current turf.

    In terms of cost, we can not afford to maintain a natural grass field to the level it needs to be. We would need a staff of about ten to twenty people working that field everyday in the fall and multiple times a week during the off season---the most that I have ever seen working it was three at one time and that was to paint it. Now, when you play a high school game on Friday night, which might have rain, a college game which includes the pre-game and half time dance routines from the 100, with only mediocre funds being put into the nature turf then you are going to get a field like the one at Bragg.

    So I am one for seeing the artificial turf put in. The only thing that I am against, is that they are only targeting 1500 people to give $560. I for one can not afford that at this time, but if they asked for $10 or $20 I would be more than happy to give and I think more people would as well.

  9. @ 8:27 a.m,

    Is being less than honest and has resorted to vilifying the messengers her without providing one iota of fact.

    For example, if turf cost less than grass? Where is the information to support that?

    What we know is that a new turf right now will cost $750k- $1m. Would tearing out the grass we have and replacing it with new grass (like they have at FSU, UF, Dolphin Stadium, Jacksonville Jaguars, and Raymond James Stadium) be far less expensive?

    Some will say, you have to water grass and cut it. Don't we already have a automatic sprinkler system in place at Bragg to water the grass? yes. Don't we already own lawnmowers to cur grass at Bragg? yes.

    Well you have to paint grass. Don't we already own the equipment to paint the grass now? Yes.

    Coach Taylor has laid out no "athletic vision" whatsoever, except that he wants turf and he expects us suckers to pay for it. Next year, he'll want something else.

    FAMU is an Ag school? Well, we have an Ag program and a farm. If that ain't ag what is it? To top it off, we have two landscape degree programs -- one in CESTA and one in Architecture.

    With all do respect, 8:27, you are the one who is clueless!

  10. 6:39 & 11:18 - I agree with you totally.

    It's pretty easy to be arrogant when you (Carla Willis) and your hubby (Ed Willis) are earsily pulling down $300,000 a year in salary from the university and probably another 20 or so for son, Chris, to ask ALUMNI to give $516 dollars as if that where chump change. It's chump change to them I'm sure.

    As an agriculture school with lots of unused land, there is NO reason we shouldn't be growing grass. Not only for Bragg but that we could SELL for profit too!

    As suhc, it will take a lot of changes for me and a lot of other Rattlers I know to make the sacrifice to contribute to a REAL vision for FAMU including athletics. When you hire an experienced AD who can insure that my experience at the stadium is A-plus, not the substandard management/leadership that Mike Smith as provided, which include DIRTY concessions, DIRTY bathrooms, inadequate supply and variety of FOOD and drinks, ragged seats that rip my clothes, then I will know you're serious about RATTLERs and not just building a fortress for yourself, I will then contribute all that I can!

    Stop rewarding incompetence and get serious about what BEST for FAMU, our LEGACY deserves and demands it!

    BTW, Rattlers, don't be "snookered" when the leadership announces this new turf and pretend they raised the money to do so - ask for proof - by law they will have to comply, they will simply borrow the money and act as if Willis and others lead a sucessful fundraising initiative!

  11. The question is this then. How is getting an artificial turf going to hurt the athletic program? How is artificial turf going to hurt recruitment? How is artificial turf going to hurt the appearance of Bragg Stadium?

    Both FSU and UF have at least one artificial practice surface while FAMU has none---how do you explain that to the NFL when they come see our facilities and say that the athlets are excelling in adverse conditions---especially when a number of schools in the MEAC including SCSU are either going to or already have field turf.

  12. what about asking the NFL (rich athletes ) that seem to be complaining about the field at Bragg
    to contribute $$$ to artificial turf

    ...also what is unreal is the asking for money for a football field when the dorms continue to need renovation so that the students will have a place to live ( remember the students )

  13. @12:08,

    Again, you've only raise question but provide no answers.

    And, for the record, FSU football doesn't have any artificial turf anywhere. Since you are wrong on that, what else are you wrong on?

  14. F##k FSU. FAMU needs artificial turf and I've already donated. If you don't want to donate, then don't complain. The stadium & the restrooms are clean prior to the games. It's you nasty MFs that p!ss on the floor and throw hand towels on the floor that cause the problems. FAMU does not have enough land to grow grass commercially. Support Athletics and stop making lame excuses for being deadbeat alumni.

  15. What does Carla Willis & her husband's salary have to do with anything. This lady is working her a$$ off trying to get some of you lazy, welfare minded, support nothing MFs to contribute to your university. The govt nor private donors won't give FAMU a dime if you shiftless MFs don't donate. Damn!!!

  16. With all do respect 12:44 pm, FSU's Harkins Field is an artificial rubber grass surface that is utilized by the football team when they are preparing to play games on the same type of turf. During the football season this field is used by their band to practice on and for their lacrosse team as well. So, again, FSU as well as UF have artificial turf that they use for practice purposes.

    Second, from my understanding, this was never a conversation about the University not having money to build dorms. From my understanding, we were discussing the feasibility of installing an artificial surface at Bragg Stadium. Simply viewing this from the standpoint of the athletic department---my major argument is that it is more feasible to install this surfaces especially since we haven't had a history of maintaining a natural surface. What makes us think that if we pay $300,000 or more to resod a natural grass surface that we will maintain it any better than we have in previous years. Also keep in mind that the players themselves want this new turf as they have said in the Tallahassee Democrat that the current surface is bad on their legs.

    Finally, the current NFL players are not complaining about the playing surface at Bragg, the NFL scouts, GMs and coaches are. These are the individuals who come to our institution to look at our athletics and possibly make them NFL players so that one day they will give back to the program. My only point is this. The installation of artificial turf will not hurt our football program in anyway---it will only help it!

  17. @ 3:11

    what's with all the expletives ?

  18. @3:25pm

    FSU's Harkin Field is the band practice field made possible by a $1m gift by a band alum who got tired of it looking like a dust bowl or dry days and a swamp after rains. Harkin isn't part of the athletic department.

  19. @3:11 pm,

    No doubt that Bragg needs a new surface. This could be a high quality grass surface which like everything must be properly maintained.

    Just like all of our facilities proper, regularly scheduled maintenance is key or we'll find ourselves in this same situation again.

  20. @3:11 pm,

    No doubt that Bragg needs a new surface. This could be a high quality grass surface which like everything must be properly maintained.

    Just like all of our facilities proper, regularly scheduled maintenance is key or we'll find ourselves in this same situation again.

  21. 3:41, while it is the band field, it is utilized by the football program.

  22. @3:47,

    Using that logic, you'd call Coleman Library an athletic facility too. It's used by the football as well. : )

  23. @3:51, really??? my point was to show that these institutions have those facilities which they utilize in preparations for games that will be played on field turf. Nevertheless, I think this is a good idea to have the artificial turf put in play by the fall.

  24. I can't say that I support this effort right now...maybe in the future (at some point). Besides, I can't help but to wonder about how safe and sanitary artificial turf would be seeing that it rains more often than not in Tallahassee. In the meantime, we need to focus our efforts on getting a better/updated stadium FIRST...STARTING WITH THE PRESS BOX!! We need to maintain the grass we have right now...FAMU just need to put to use the resources we have right here on the campus as it relates to Agriculture...I mean that IS why CESTA exists...in fact, I think caring for and maintaining the lawn would be an excellent project for CESTA and the students!

    Now in response to 8:27 AM...
    FAMU is NOT an AGRICULTURE school no more than Chipola College. Bragg Stadium's field is terrible.

    This comment just wreaks of pure ignorance! The vineyards are agriculture; our crops are agriculture. I don't know what school you've been around. Just because FAMU doesn't focus on that aspect of our existence as much does not negate the fact that WE ARE without a doubt an AGRICULTURAL SCHOOL! You're way offtrack...and learn to respond a little more maturely please...thank you!

  25. How about we renovate the Fieldhouse and the actual stadium first, then we can rightfully discuss what everyone else has...we are even two- three steps behind SCSU when it comes to their stadium/press box and turf...only our concessions and restroom area is better and that's all!!!

  26. yeah can we house our students first!

  27. Going to FieldTurf will generate additional revenue and serve as a great recruiting tool for athletics. With a new FieldTurf in Bragg, Coach Taylor and staff are planning to start an annual summer football camp ($$$) for prospective recruits and future FAMU talent. One reason we havent had a summer football camp at FAMU is because the field conditions @ Bragg are not suitable and may cause injury as the current players have stated in the Tallahassee Democrat. We dont need a liability lawsuit against us.

    Furthermore, what's the sense in throwing away $300,000 per year in maintaining a natural grass field when FAMU doesnt employ the necessary personnel, equipment, and procedures to properly do so? The artifical FieldTurf is a cost cutting investment that eventually pay itself off in the future.

    As far as Coach Taylor challenging 1500 Rattlers to give $516, I'm ecstatic to finally see Athletics present some kind of vision and plan to buy into! Coach Taylor also asked that the 60 national alumni chapters raise $5000 each to finance the new field turf. If you cant afford to donate $516, then by all means ANY amount will be greatly appreciated whether it's $5, $10, or $20!

    Coach Taylor in the past on his summer alumni tour has asked Rattlers to donate to upgrade the football weight room, and to help fund the summer housing and financial aid for athletes. Well guess what? We raised the funds for an upgraded weight room, and our athletes are in summer school not worrying about paying for classes or a place to sleep.

    What we've been seeing with athletics the last few years is the EXACT opposite of what folk have been complaining about for YEARS in regards to FAMU. You asked for the university to SHOW you something - a plan, a design rendering, a purpose - because the old days of "giving just because" are over. And now when the university finally does SHOW you a plan with its solicitation effort, you find another EXCUSE not to give (ie Carla Willis, Mike Smith, 1500 x $516, et al)!

    Dr. Ammons recently stated in a TD article on facilities that Bragg is the next athletic facility in line for upgrades. Maybe Bragg hasnt been at the top of the list of priorities because Tucker Hall needed renovation. GEC needed renovation. Young, Sampson, and Polkinghorne needed renovations to solve the housing crisis. Pharmacy needs to complete Phase II for accreditation purposes. But all those priorities have been accounted for, and are past the development/planning phases now. Everything in due time one step at a time, Rattlers.

  28. Why on earth would be even consider putting artificial turf in a that stadium...what??? Isn't that backwards? Stadium first please!

  29. BTW, south carolina state's facility is not head over heels better than Bragg. Not only are Bragg concessions and restrooms far superior, but our home and ESPECIALLY away locker rooms are like the Waldoff Astoria compared to the team in Orangeburg, SC.

    There's also nothing wrong with seeing what works for our peers, and fine tuning it to suit FAMU's needs. For example, the tailgating and parking gamezone that south carolina state implemented 2 years ago is paying off EXTREMELY well. They increased their football revenue by over $1 million with that measure. And here at FAMU, folk wanted to run Bill Hayes out of town for even dreaming about executing such a concept. south carolina saw the direction that Hayes was going with the idea, scaled it to their system, and made it pay dividends for them! FAMU has the potential to exceed greatness, but so many things that are intrinsicly deleterious to our progress will keep holding us back until we change the operational culture and attitudes on the Highest of Tallahassee's 7 Hills.

  30. @5:58,

    But we are ahead of Howard and Del State in terms of football facilities and the both have turf! : )

  31. Consider that Howard and Del State are in cold weather states and it is probably quite hard to maintain grass there. That would probably be their artificial turf :). I love FAMU and I give quite a bit. It's just that my love is not blind.

    Here is the real question. Given the athletic deficit and low attendance record of recent years, how is astroturf going to address either of these?

    Old Time Rattler

  32. The artificial turf addresses the declining deficit by saving the university more money in eliminating natural grass maintenance costs. The artificial turf will also generate additional revenue in the form of hosting local sports events and camps to address the deficit.

    In terms of low attendance, if athletics resolved to first of all do something about the thousands of people loitering and tailgating around and outside of Bragg and in the parking garages on gameday at the school's expense, then there wouldnt be much of a low attendance problem for FAMU sports marketing and promotions to address.

  33. For those interested in renovating Bragg TODAY, read this and run it by Dr. Ammons because he's already on record stating that Bragg is next sports facility in line. If it worked for them, then FAMU should inquire to see how it can work for us too.

    FAU trustees approve stadium financing plan
    South Florida Business Journal - by Brian Bandell


    "To finance the project, FAU expects to secure a $44.6 million loan with Regions Bank. The loan would apply for acceptance as a Build America Bond, which has the federal government pay 35 percent of the interest costs. That program is part of last year’s stimulus bill.

    Kian said the Build America Bond program was crucial for the project because it lowered the interest rate. The project could not seek bond financing because it was too new.

    The debt is being issued by FAU Finance Corp., a direct-support organization formed by the university. It would repay the loan through stadium revenue, student athletic fees, the sale of naming rights, fundraising and at least $1 million in funds annually from playing away games.

    The lender would not have the right to seize the property or go after the university to collect on the loan, Kian said. Its only recourse for collections is taking the operating revenue of FAU Finance."

    This is something very similar to what the Rattler Boosters, Inc. have already accomplished with the new digital video scoreboards in Bragg.

  34. It seems perfectly clear, as former President Nixon once said, that FAMU Athletics is in dire need of vision and a no-nonsense strategic plan to move forward.

    This turf issue is like Sarah Palin's "putting lipstick on a pig" missive fired at Barack Obama during the past presidential campaign - turf should be just part of the vision/plan for remodeling Bragg Stadium.

    Many of the posters on this blog have brought out great points about the whole gameday experience at FAMU from broken stadium seats to the condition of restrooms and concession stands, along with the throngs of tailgaters and wanderers who seem content to just be in the area (go to most Classics, especially Atlanta and there will be probably more folks outside than in).

    A Bragg Stadium brought up to code with turf and a remodeled and expanded fieldhouse would put FAMU at the top of the list for facilities in Division I-AA, which would be a sparkling showcases for camps and recruiting.

    But it seems that there is no clear plan to improve athletics, from the bumbling comedy act that is the continuing "search" for an AD, baseball and men's track coach; the continuing decline of our men's basketball program under the ill-prepared and often ill-mannered Gene Harris and the travesy of an athletic website that is little more than a pretty display of photos with barely enough useful information - compared the sites of sister schools like Bethune-Cookman, Southern and just about all of the MEAC schools - why gives, huh???

    Doesn't anyone administratively get it that the website in this era of information and technology is the "first chance to make a good impression" on recruits, parents, sponsors, not to mention alumni fans and media folks????

    I never thought I would see the day that FAMU, with all its' high-priced leadership team members would sink so low in perhaps the most visible area of the institution - athletics.

    Dr. Ammons - stop your micromanaging and hire a first-rate AD who can pick up the pieces and move this program into the fast lane.

    Only then with the right kind of leadership can we address the burning issues in athletics - fund-raising, marketing and sponsorships and budgeting, facilities, scholarships and recruiting, strong direction and guidance for coaches and staff, as well as efforts to unify our fan base, many of whom are skeptical, disenchanted and turned off by the bumbling manner in which the department is being run.

    Otherwise, your presidential legacy at FAMU will be tarnished by a damaged athletic program, whose great potential was squandered due to the maddening ineptitude of your team.

  35. Maybe its just me but FAMU is so backwards why would they put nice artfical turf down on the field before they build a new football stadium. Now I can see if they said we would like alumni to give money because were trying to build a new football stadium that will have artical turf now that makes more sense to me. But now were just going to have a nice football field with a raggedy stadium that's just crazy!

  36. @8:36,

    How is turf gonna generate revenue? We'd have a nice field but sh!tty stadium with horrible restrooms and the amenities that sports fans want, who is going to rent that?

    Besides if we already are taking care of our grass, how is no maintenance turf gonna save us money we aren't spending on maintenance?

    It's my understanding that a new natural grass surface cost about $100-125k.

  37. Someone needs to tell coach taylor, this is not virginia or Washington D.C.This is florida, we grow good grass here. Maybe he should donate half of his salary to the turf fund.

  38. Maybe the reason we will start with the new field turf first instead of Bragg renovations is because our PLAYERS play football on the GROUND. Not in the stands. Our players will see the IMMEDIATE athletic impact and performance benefits associated with artificial turf.

    Why do people act like FAMU will be the only football program in the South (or FL for that matter) with artificial turf?

  39. @11:22pm,

    People already rent Bragg with a bad field and a sh!tty stadium with horrible bathrooms and amenities. So any upgrade to the facility would be a positive for generating ADDITIONAL revenue.

    And we are incurring maintenance costs to upkeep the natural grass. But the problem is, FAMU is not spending enough money to properly get the job done. Therefore, we ARENT already taking care of the grass. The more the condition of the grass gets worse, the more money FAMU has to throw at it to fix it. That is how no maintenance artificial turf will save the university money in the long term.

    $125K is just the minimum. You still have to water it, fill it, seed it, fertilize it, cut it, and replace/re-sod it among other things YEAR ROUND. The costs can get expensive. Maybe someone should consult the professional teams to determine how much it costs them annually to properly maintain their natural grass fields.

  40. @12:58 pm,

    But your asking people who will never set foot on the field to foot the dam bill !!!!

    If we address the needs of the paying customers by improving their experience then you'd see an uptick in attendance which would allow you to address the creature comforts of the athletes.

    That's common sense right there.

    Field first is a@s backwards.

    QUESTION: If artificial turf was such a great need, why didn't we buy this before the scoreboard? I mean the old one worked and kept time and provided the score?

  41. I think a lot of you are so out of touch. Buying new articial turf actually costs much less to maintain than grass.

    ALso, schools like FSU and all these other programs with crap loads of money can REPLACE the grass EVERY season...FAMU can't do that. (BTW, FSU has and artificial turf field on their campus)

    I also saw someone complain about why people should give money whe they won't won't be able to use it...that is a DUMB reason to NOT give.

    Honestly, I think a lot of you guys are living in the past.

  42. 6:02 PM, thank you, thank you, thank you! I can't afford $516.00, but I've already donated $100.00 for the turf.

  43. It's a shame that you guys think that's it's important to fund a field that you will never play on. And a field will not upgrade your team or the stadium.You suppose to upgrade the facilities first.Make the stadium family friendly. Thats whats important.

  44. @6:56 a.m.,

    If a faux grass save money exactly how is that so? Like all things there are certainly some maintenance cost for turf. What are they?

  45. So our players and team are supposed to take a back seat just to make some fan more comfortable in the stands? Buy a licensed FAMU seat cushion and be quiet!

    I cant believe some people's thought process! Accommodating our players and team will create immediate benefits for them SOONER (a few months) than building a new Bragg stadium to appease fans (over a year).

    If you want to see an instant uptick in attendance, then do something about all the freeloading tailgaters outside of Bragg and in the parking garages. Trust and believe that FAMU will see a higher home attendance average and greater ticket revenue before the first new brick is even laid!

  46. As tax paying citizens, we fund ALOT of things that we never use. So let's try a better excuse next time, okay?

  47. If you don't think that we needed new scoreboards in Bragg (old, insufficient sponsor space, malfunctioning down and yard markers), then you didn't spend time inside the stadium. Parking garage freeloader maybe?

  48. How many of you devil advocates believe that you should wear dirty drawers under your clean pants? How many of you wear raggedy shoes with a new suit? So are you telling me that we need to improve Bragg Stadium seating and leave the field (dirty drawers & raggedy shoes) as is?

    If you don't want to donate to the artificial turf, then fine. But please donate to some other Athletic Project/Program.

  49. 8:04AM,

    No, Thank you for your contribution! FAMU athletics and our football players appreciate your kindness! See you in Bragg!

  50. All of those freeloaders that sit on the hill, sit in the parking deck, loiter in the parking lot, and come within 100 yards of the stadium should be made to pay a fee. No more free rides. I know people who drive all the way from Atlanta for Homecoming just to sit outside of the stadium. They never intended to attend the game. Only in Black America.

  51. 12:09PM,

    Thank you!

    Please folk, dont talk about renovating or building a brand new Bragg stadium in order to address home attendance issues when there are FAR LESS EXPENSIVE measures RIGHT NOW that can be executed to increase those numbers by simply zoning the area around Bragg and charging a fee to the freeloaders (parking garage, old P'horne hill, near Perry Stree). The fee amount can be valued at the price of one general admission ticket. Whether they decide to enter the stadium or not after that is inconsequential. They've already paid for their admission, and it will count towards attendance.

  52. famu famu I love thee! But i can't continue to support dumb decisions such as a big expensive scoreboard, and now expensive turf, in a tore-up stadium.

    It dose not surprise me because Ammons is about what you see. But there is no substance behind anything he dose.

    I will be watching the game from outside the stadium and proud of it.
    Every time I give it goes in somebody big pocket.

  53. 12:08 PM, this is 8:04 AM. You are quite welcome. If I can get my hands on some extra cash, I will donate some more to the turf campaign. I really appreciate all that Coach Taylor and the football players are doing. I've already purchased 2 Season tickets, including 2 for ATL & ORL. Can't wait for the season to start. I feel a National Championship and National Champions deserve National Championship turf.


  54. 1:08 PM, you're probably one of those fans that never come inside of the stadium anyway. You sit on the hill, talk loud, drink rot gut, and p!ss in your clothes. Don't bother to come near FAMU.

  55. @1:28

    what a nasty comment..I hope you feel better now

  56. No major college,FSU...UF...USF or Miami, play on turf and no FL NFL team, Jax, Tampa Bay or Miami, play on turf. Neither did Bob Hayes, Henry Lawrence, Ken Riley, Tyrone McGriff, Quinn Gray...you get my drift.

    On to more important things!

  57. 1:57 PM, this is 1:28 PM. I feel much better, thank you.

  58. all righty then.....god bless

  59. Let's face it we need a stadium ask the Big Wigs start with Ammons and 10% of his salary and his leadership team we will have the monies before the fist game Oh that September 1, 2010.

    Very Funny, I forgot there holding all the monies.
    Stop asking little people for there money.

    Dig in you own pockets.

  60. Coach Taylor what is the rush. Shouldn't your planning committee have started after last football season.

    What type of coach are you going back in time to artificial turf. Are you trying to injure the entire team on this surface.

    We need Field turf or natural grass.

  61. You know 6:27, I'm sure Coach Taylor would prefer Prescription Turf or Natural Grass, but there has been no adequate budgeting or staffing for keeping up the fields for years.

    In fact, in addition to the budget cuts, the university grounds crew has seen its' numbers cut, I guess to pay the high-end salaries elsewhere.

    That field probably needs to be totally redone from the drainage system to the grass.

    Also remember that the stadium is used by FAMU High for home games and we know that the band puts a beating on the field too during games and with their occasional pratices in the stadium.

    There is simply no maintainance plan for the stadium grass or the stadium. Athletics has two (2) men to maintain all fields and facilities - two (2).

    Why do you think those broken seats and those areas of rusted metal continue to greet you every season - because it is not a priority.

    Until the administration stops micromanaging and nickling and diming athletics, puts a real AD with experience in place and gives him/or her the means (and the authority) to begin addressing the full range of problems in athletics with a well-thought out plan that everyone can sign off on, there will continue to be a disconnect between the program and its' supporters.

    And if you think the football fields (game field and practice fields) are bad, the grass in softball and especially baseball last year was just as bad, plus the baseball team had to cancel games because the outfield doesn't drain well (4-5 years) and the field was unplayable.

    The fact that the football coach is headed into his season after the spring game and has seen that nothing has been done to address the field, perhaps putting the administration on blast through the media wasn't diplomatic or professional, but the only way to get things moving, since it appears that public pressure is the only thing the administration responds to.

    The fact is sadly that the coaches, the athletics and the fans are at the mercy of administrators who don't know the business of modern day athletics - yeah, the president wants championships, but expects greatness with crappy budgets and unqualified leadership over athletics.

    How many folks have we interviewed for the ADs position this year???

    Final point: South Carolina State along with Howard, Delaware State and Morgan State have turf.

    I think South Carolina is far enough south to grow grass too, but they've had turf for almost four years and won the last two MEAC titles.

    P.S. - Can FAMU Athletics get a real, state-of-the-art website, not the one with pretty pictures and little else??? Sad for your archrival, B-CU to have a better means of presenting information to the public than "FAMU - The Cadillac of Black Schools."

  62. @7:57.

    You should also probably add that Athletics currently has a $5 million dollar DEFICIT in then there somewhere due largely to a failed move to D1 (BCS) and the boned headed collaboration between Mr. Corbin and Bobby Lee.

    Years later, we are still paying for their sins. That's our reality. Corbin and Lee burned through a multi-million surplus and left FAMU athletics in the red.

    Just like Bush ran through the Clinton surplus and left Obama a mess.

  63. "Final point: South Carolina State along with Howard, Delaware State and Morgan State have turf.

    I think South Carolina is far enough south to grow grass too, but they've had turf for almost four years and won the last two MEAC titles."

    Ok, but having turf didn't seem to give Delaware State, Howard or Morgan any advantages, so your point is moot!

  64. 6:27PM,

    You must be thinking about the outdated "astro turf" that caused alot of athletic injuries. The artificial field turf that Coach Taylor talked about is NOT the same. Technologies have greatly advanced since the old "carpet and slab" from back in the day.

    Why does it matter when Coach Taylor started asking for it??? He makes his annual alumni chapter tour in the summers, so that's probably why we're first hearing about it now. We have a little over 3 months before the first home game vs sc state, so he's presenting the challenge for RATTLERS to get'er done! The Rattler Boosters, Inc. promised a video score board in Bragg last year before homecoming, and they delivered on time! He has seen FAMU achieve goals in similar short time frames, and is pushing for similar results! We WILL have new field turf on Oct. 2, 2010!


  65. Will the RN, big rattler, and/or da rattler kindly present an expose to the FAMU Family expounding on this recent article as it relates to FAMU athletics?

    Ammons wants FAMU athletic facilities upgraded


    Ammons said his vision for the stadium is much bigger than just adding turf. He would like to make Bragg a first-class stadium with luxury boxes and more fan-friendly.

    "People go to sporting events for different reasons," he said. "There are some diehard fans who would come if the stadium stayed that way forever. There are some who come see the (Marching) 100 and they're going to be in their seats for halftime and that's pretty much it. Then, you have the family.

    "Young people ought to have an experience when they come as well so I want this to be something that people can't wait for the weekend; I've got to go to that stadium."

    But while Bragg Stadium is the immediate focus, it's only the first step, Ammons said while pointing out that football is the big money-maker.

    Also, the means of financing such Bragg renovations arent solely predicated on FAMU private contributions. As someone has posted above, some peer institutions in FL (e.g. FAU) are already utilizing and capitalizing off of the federal government programs sponsored by the stimulus bill to finance constructing brand new athletic facilities. Why cant FAMU tap into the same resources for similar purposes? The funds are out there for FAMU to use to its advantage. We just need to go out there and collect them! Work SMARTER not harder! Since Dr. Ammons is giving Bragg his immediate focus on upgrading, it would be prudent to run this program by him and his administration.

    Thanks, RN.

  66. We wrote about the administration's vision for Bragg last summer.


  67. So all you turf and new stadium proponents still want to ignore this hefty $5 million deficit the athletic department faces?

  68. Joe Taylor never had turf at Hampton! No, he sure didn't!

    This is crazy! Who's coming up with this stuff? We look crazy even proposing it...an agricultural land grant school talking about putting artificial turf in its stadium.

    Is there any real leadership going on at FAMU?

  69. "Getting things done around here is like mating elephants. It's done at a high level. It's accomplished with a lot of roaring and screaming. It takes two years to get any results."

    Quote from Coach Rudy Hubbard 1978


    Nothing's changed. Looking at Rattlernation's post from last year these were the priorities:

    Football’s immediate renovation needs add up to just under half a million dollars. The list is as follows:

    1. Grade and sod fields ($175,000)
    2. Demolish and rebuild field tower ($40,000)
    3. Paint lockers and locker room ($35,000)
    4. Repair flooring ($22,000)
    5. Repair roof ($107,000)
    6. Repair hydrotherapy baths ($40,000)
    7. Structural evaluation of stadium ($20,000)

    I am not criticizing anybody, but it is very disturbing that cost of repair for what was described in the 80's as a state of the art field has risen in one year from $175,000 to over a half million while FAMU faces a potential 5% cut in January and possibly another 10% cut next July. Given the state of the economy,the fact that this field, if repaired and maintained, is structured to sustain the weather and usage, and last year's plan for multiple repairs is well below the projected cost of astroturf, this whole situation is just not adding up for me.

    Old Time Rattler

  70. FAMU Athletics is in the state that its in because of lack of leadership - period!!!

    We can endlessly debate grass v. turf all we want; turf vs. stadium; I-AA vs. I-A, etc., etc.,
    but the total program will continue to limp on until it falls and can't get up.

    I don't blame many of the posters here for being mystified and flat out angry with the direction (or lack thereof) of FAMU Athletics because THERE IS NO DIRECTION!!!

    Yes, Dr. Ammons says all the right things about the stadium (last summer) and the Legacy Bowl (last month), but where is the follow up?

    We have no permanent Athletic Director; no men's track coach; no head baseball coach and all this is now on Ammons and the Board of Trustees (ever hear from them on these issues???).

    In fairness to Ammons, he inherited an athletic program in bad shape financially, competitively and on probation, due to bad decisions made by his predecessors and the seven (7) ADs we've had since 2002.

    That's why it is critical for FAMU to hire a QUALIFIED athletic administrative staff NOW - not just one person - and empower them to begin addressing the program's many issues.

    Alumni, fans and boosters have a part to play in it too, but it is up the leadership (including the BOT) to LEAD... to make sound and timely decisions, so we don't end up with a stadium, renovated in 1981-82 back on life support 20-plus years later.

    Remember the Yankees in the early years under Steinbrenner - they were a mess because he meddled, fired managers every year, then brought them back - crazy.

    He finally got smart and hired a solid general manager (AD anyone) to get the operation in order, turning a last place team into a franchise that would win seven World Series titles, turning a $10 million initial investment into a $1.5 billion property.

    We supporters of FAMU need to come together and demand the administration LEAD - put the right people and plans in place so that we can return to a championship athletic program - feared and envied by all and a program that athletes want to be a part of and alumni and fans gladly support.


  71. 11:51 am - Again another great anecdotal message.

    You describe precisely what all of us really want. Thanks.

  72. 9:19AM,

    One of the purposes for going with an artificial turf field is addressing the $5 million deficit. So how is it being ignored?

  73. Thank you, big rattler. Even though the Tallahassee Democrat article is much more recent, I did not know that RN had already discussed the Bragg Stadium topic before. I still think it would be beneficial for Rattlers to learn about the "Build America Bond" federal govt program as a means for financially planning the renovations to Bragg.

    Signed, 1:28AM.

  74. Old Time Rattler,

    That is why Coach Taylor is requesting for RATTLER NATION to fund the costs of the new artificial (not astro) turf field. This private fundraising method makes it so that the university wont have to spend monies designated for academics with pending budget cuts in the future.

  75. 7/24/10 at 11:51 a.m. Has it right!

    The real issue is LEADERSHIP!

    Time for the Rattler Nation, National Alumni Association, National F Club and most importantly the Board of Trustees to DEMAND some real LEADERSHIP!

  76. I agree with you on the leadership but the BOT can't demand anything until they get Jennings and Holmes off the board there a part of the problem, they have been on the BOT to long.

    Instead of leading there asking dumb Ammons how can we help you and your pockets instead of help the university as a whole.

    So leadership at the top must change first before you can reverse the curse on this school. (sorry) I love the school too. But it is what it is.i

  77. 8:55 AM, there's no curse on FAMU. The curse is on shiftless negroes like you who have a sh!t load of excuses for doing absolutely nothing for the university. Dr. Ammons is not perfect, but I'm glad he's our president and thank you Jesus for him. I hate to think of "what almost was" before he arrived.

    I've given to the Turf Campaign and will glady give some more if I can spare it. Coach Taylor is to be commended for the job he's doing, for asking for financial support, and for exposing loud talking "do nothings" like you and some others.

  78. what a shame...expletives and racism...how do you know the previous blogger is a negro ?

    remember this is the world wide web

  79. Front page story in Sunday's Tallahassee Democrat about FSU, FAMU Preparing for Cuts. FSU's new president, Barron, is quoted throughout the article on what more cuts would mean to FSU.

    Teresa Hardee, FAMU CFO, is quoted about the cuts to FAMU. On an issue this big the President should have been quoted.


    As Martin King said, we've got some difficult days ahead!

  80. What's wrong with CFO Teresa Hardee talking about FAMU's financial cuts? That's her job. Good leadership knows how to delegate and that's just what Dr. Ammons did. That's also what President Obama does. FAMU does not have to copy cat FSU. And besides, the Tallahassee Democrat may have elected to not print Dr. Ammons comments. After all, the Democrat is Pro FSU & Anti FAMU if you haven't noticed.

    Stop making a big deal out of nothing. Ms. Hardee is very good at what she does and I have no problem with her commenting on FAMU's finances. Who the hell you think got us out of the financial mess that Castell Bryant left us in? Teresa Hardee!!

    Please send your donation in for the artificial turf. I've sent mine.

  81. 1:39 PM, I know a Negro by his writings. What's racism about calling someone a Negro? Hell, I'd rather you call me a Negro than an African American or Afro American (whatever the hell that is).

    Please Support The Artificial Turf Campaign.

  82. $516/12 months = $43/month automatic debit from checking account.

    OH LET'S DO IT FAMU!!!!!!!!!!!!

  83. HELL NO


  84. As Martin King said, we've got some difficult days ahead!

  85. Coach Taylor knows what kind people he's working with at FAMU. And he knows Ammons is dumb when it comes to athletics. First of all, you don't pay a coach a salary of 225,000 without division I coaching experience.If and when he leaves FAMU. And apply to another coaching job on a division I-AA level he will not receive $225.00.Coach taylor is laughing all the way to the bank.
    Please tell Ammons to call President Harvey At Hampton University, to get some advice on how to become an efficient Leader.

  86. Did some of you think that just maybe the comments on the proposed cuts at FAMU are JUST the reason that the Coach is looking for YOU and I to collectively help take at least some of the burden of Athletics OFF of the School's shoulders?

    "Have some of you even visited Tallahassee lately?"

    Our Stadium - and Athleteic infrastructure in general - is a literal embarrassment for all this "talk" you all have ... while our neighbor down the Hill can d@mn near host - & house - the Olympics.

    "You Get What YOU Pay For!"

    ... And regardless of what Dr. Ammons may have publicly stated in the papers, unless WE ALL are content with playing for this so called Legacy Bowl in our future, WE had better get off our OWN duffs, and come up with some solutions to rescuing our Alma Mater.

  87. Back in 2003 and 2004 when the aborted Division I-A attempt was made,FAMUans began considering a future in a non-traditional HBCU setting conference-wise – one more in tune with the institution’s long-range aspirations for high-end academic status and one which might provide greater national exposure and financial rewards for athletics.

    So what FAMUans must now consider is whether the impending loss of NCAA playoff participation due to the Legacy Bowl will have a detrimental effect not only on football, but other sports as well, in the area of recruiting – the lifeblood of any sports program.

    It is clear from recent NFL Drafts, that HBCUs are no longer a prime option for many leading Black high school athletes, as just two HBCU players were taken in April’s three-day talent pull, while the top prospects, such as scintillating return ace LeRoy Vann, were signed as free agents.

    And a perceived “retreat” from participating in the college sports mainstream with the Legacy Bowl versus NCAA playoffs, may result in a negative perception that could affect recruiting for FAMU’s other sports, some of which are struggling competitively as it is - not to mention in a larger respect, academic recruiting as well.

    The time has come for all parties in the Rattler Nation – university administration, Board of Trustees, faculty and staff, students, boosters and fans – to come together and determine the best path and vision for athletics, to broaden the horizons of FAMU Athletics – then work towards that end with the proverbial “all deliberate speed.”

    That would be the surest way to preserve Florida A&M’s sports “legacy.”

  88. The NFL Draft leaves a lot to be desired and I wouldn't be so quick to judge HBCU football on the lousy draft. Many players from HWCU were drafted that can't pull a tick off of a moose's balls, much less out play our players. The NFL will still draft a lead footed, slow, uncoordinated white QB before they draft a talented black QB like Curtis Pulley. I hope our players are not coming to FAMU just to train for the NFL. Leroy Vann was not drafted, but he's going to make the team. What does that say about the credibility of the NFL Draft?

  89. Excellent points 7/26/2010 10:46am and 1:25pm!!!

    With Dr. Ammons being the sole "nay" vote among all MEAC schools represented in the conference council of Presidents, this proposed Legacy Bowl will soon be a reality.

    That's why the next major public fundraising campaign where FAMU athletics, coaches, marketing, NAA, or Rattler Boosters, Inc. and other non university operated athletic organizations solicit the support of RATTLER NATION should be a "FAMU = National Champions" initiative so that Dr. Ammons' stand for FAMU against the proposed Legacy Bowl will be more than just empty words.

    If we say that FAMU is not for foregoing the playoffs, then we will have to put our money where our mouths are to make sure that happens. If we're going to defect to another conference home to keep our playoff opportunities, then FAMU will need the funds already in place to make such a move.

    I suggest that our exit strategy and public campaign start as soon as possible because the NCAA lifts its moratorium on division reclassification and lateral active conference membership next year Aug 2011.

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