Ammons recently accepted the resignation of Ronald Holmes, R.B.’s brother, from his position as superintendent of the FAMU Developmental Research School. Even though the president gave Ronald a comfy faculty appointment in the College of Education, word has spread on campus that R.B. is upset about the way the administration handled his brother’s exit.
R.B. has shown a lack of objectivity when it comes to matters involving his brother. He refused to ask any tough questions about the crisis Ronald created at DRS.
R.B. kept his mouth shut while Ronald let the school grade slide backwards from a “C” to a “D” and failed to boost the enrollment numbers enough to satisfy the demands of the 2009-2010 year’s budget.
The brother an employee who just stepped down from his job should not be in a position to determine what happens to the boss who accepted the resignation.
There are already fears on campus that R.B. might try and use his position as a trustee to pressure Ammons to endorse him for another term on the Board of Trustees. Ammons recently nominated Marjorie Turnbull for an appointment to the board. Gov. Charlie Crist accepted the recommendation and the Florida Senate confirmed it.
Holmes’ term ends on January 6, 2011 shortly after the new governor takes office. On that date he will be eligible for another appointment of up to six years.
Campus sources say that R.B. plans to bash Ammons' handling of FAMU's budgetary cutbacks in the evaluation process and media as a way of twisting the president's arm to eventually cut a deal.
The Ammons administration is feeling especially sensitive to negative media coverage due to pending budget cutbacks. The Board of Governors has instructed all public universities to plan for a five percent cut in 2010-2011 and prepare for an additional 15 percent cut in 2011-2012.
FAMU has already indicated that faculty and staff positions in the School of General Studies and Mulrennan lab in Panama City might have to be eliminated.
The presidential evaluation should be free of the type of under-the-table politics that led to Ronald Holmes’ “reassignment” to the COE. FAMU cannot afford to let its image be marred by more dirty dealing.
Ammons is a big boy and can handle his own . . . Besides, that would be the biggest mistake of Holmes career, I promise.
ReplyDeleteOld Time Rattler
Ammons can't think for himself.Or make good decision.
ReplyDeleteThis is the bush of crap. If Ammons is not "sensitive" about the size of his administration, while faculty members are losing their jobs; he is not "sensitive" about NOTHING.
ReplyDeleteHolmes is only one board member, and as a board member entitled to evaluate Dr. Ammons. His relationship with his brother has lessened whatever weight his opinion has. If the state cuts the schools budget by 5% or 19% whatever it is to balance the budget he has to lay off somebody so I don't see how the board can hold him responsible. Besides are they going to fire him, no. Are they going to reduce his compensation, no. I don't see why you are so negative on Holmes. This is getting obsessive.
ReplyDelete-Holmes needs to go home back to his church where he can tell his members to vote for republicans.
ReplyDelete-It's time for Ammons to be his own man (President) and run the school like it's suppose to be ran.
-Doses anybody care about this school.
-It appears no one does.
-They just want the monies
-And want there stadium to look good at others expense.
-Also just fire people as long as they keep there jobs.
Does anyone know the political affiliations of the other trustee's? Is the criticism of Holemes and his brother simply based on their political affiliations?
ReplyDeleteI would ask R.B. "what would Jesus do"if his under-performing brother fail to meet expectations! Probably nothing! So R.B., let's do the what is ethically sound, let you brother fight his own battle. You were appointed to look after the well being of the university, not your family!
ReplyDeleteGoodness! Just get both Holmes brothers out so we can move on! And does anyone know when they are giving Rivers/Turner over at DRS her walking papers! Now if you really want to talk about someone not deserving their job...
ReplyDeleteRight on...its not one trustee, Holmes, who only has one vote. Its the entire BOT that allows Ammons to put his cronies in these important positions and ultimately fail, rather than placing highly competent and experienced professionals. Ammons is the problem. But the board turns it head the other way whenever this sh@#^ comes down the pipe.
ReplyDeleteWhat foolishness is this about an interim vp heading up a search committee for the permanent position that he now holds. What stupid ass allowed this. Ammons?
ReplyDeleteWhat the f&^% has happened to FAMU, college of love and charity. Say it aint so. Come on ammons, you can't be that arrogant and the board can't be that blind.
Can't we just get competent, intelligent, ethical people in these positions? Why is it so hard to find people who care more about the school than their personal interests? I agree that Holmes needs to be replaced. I also agree that there are additional persons who need to be replaced as well. Holmes is a good start though. Doesn't he have a church he should be running instead of causing all of this controversy anyway?
ReplyDeleteTo 2:07AM Peters is gone. Rivers is next. Without Holmes DRS will do better.
ReplyDeleteNow as far as RB evaluating Ammons, he is only one person he can't hurt him. If he says anything negative,RN and everyone else will Jump on him so hard and fast he will shut up and go away....
ammons made his bed so let him lie in it. there was no gun pointed to his head when he appointed ron holmes. ammons was doing was he alkways do. sucking up. so do not blame trustee holmes for having a "sucker up" president. there is no telling what ammons plans on sucking up to next. guess he likes giving a heads up, so to speak. doesn't that BLOW your mind.
ReplyDeleteammons made a decision despite what the earlier writer stated. he should have the balls to not fall into cronyism. i doubt he does, since these other friends that he is setting up for high positions that have no qualifications. trustee holmes has nothing to do with ammons other appointments. so which trustee you want to blame now. ammons is the one making these good old boys decisions.
ReplyDeleteWhat is the school grade for DRS?
ReplyDeleteThere seems to be a real bias against Rev. Holmes. This is unwarranted and unfortunate. He is a great asset on the trustee board. This sounds very immature and vicious. Get a life!