According to published reports, Horne earned about $80,000 as an associate athletic director at Ole Miss. If his new contract is approved by FAMU Trustees he will receive $200,000 to run the Rattler athletic program.
“I think Derek has a wide-range of experiences at the University of Mississippi and in the SEC, a conference that is a football powerhouse,” Ammons told the Tallahassee Democrat.
Horne’s biggest challenge will be the just over $4M deficit he will inherit. The university has made progress in reducing the red ink in the athletic program by about $1M since last year. He will replace Bill Hayes who earned $175,000 as FAMU A.D.
During Hayes' final year the finances were taken away from him and managed by CFO.
ReplyDeleteAmmons is passing out money to his administration like it was easy to come by--I thought FAMU was about to get another 5% + 15% cut again. No--not Ammons and his boys. Only the pathetic FAMU faculty have to suffer. Ammons obviously does not give a flip about education.
ReplyDeleteYou get what you pay for. You want to take a guy OUT of an SEC school where he likely could have been an AD at a number of other schools, you need to pay up. Hopefully his high salary will not cause the fools to boo the man after he doesn't solve the deficit in 5 months.
ReplyDeleteThe TDO only mention Horne's base pay. It didn't include incentives and bonuses he probably had built in to his contract.
ReplyDeleteAmmons does care about faculty and staff. While other schools were laying off he kept ensured that during these tough times everyone at FAMU were able to keep their jobs!
Thank you Dr. Ammons !
Dr. Ammons can't make decision about nothing but his pay check.It's a shame, this man is still leading this university.
ReplyDeleteI the salary is comensurate with the duties he is expected to perform, thus I support it. In the event that he does not perform said duties then the situation will need to be addressed.
ReplyDeleteAmmons does need to find a way to compensate deserving faculty!
Look, education at FAMU is a side show, a necessary but neglected drudgery left to the peons, peasants, and semi-legal immigrants. FAMU is about the Ammons personality cult, the Marching 1000 and their football team.
ReplyDeleteAmmons had two choices:
ReplyDelete1. He could find a way to keep all the current faculty at basically the same rate of pay or somewhat lower.
2. He could cut faculty and staff and give the remaining people a raise, reduce class size to the level which could be supported by the remaining faculty. This would also lead to a cap in enrollment.
Other SUS schools choose 2, FAMU chose 1. Which one is the correct choice? Time will tell.
New staff and incoming faculty in accredited, high visibility programs get paid basically market wages. For everyone else its no raises for the last 4 years. Thats the way of the world. If you think you can get more money move somewhere else. This is America not Greece.
11:25 AM--You can defend Ammons all you want. You are obviously one of his over-paid lapdogs raking in great gobs of cash while the FAMU faculty starves. So be it. My advice to you and Ammons is that you had better run for the hills before the you know what hits the fan.
ReplyDeleteAt least I have enough sense and skills to be able to run to the hills at market rates than to be a serf chained to FAMU land, hoping that the cult of Ammons or whoever is president will see my worth and give me a raise. I guess the grim rationality of my comment was too much to bear.
ReplyDeleteYou should be happy that Ammons has the level of compassion and concern for staff and faculty that he does. He could easily raise his level of personal compensation by laying off redundant staff and faculty ( are 10 signatures really necessary to purchase a 900 item in CESTA, better yet why do you need CESTA when you have a school of Engineering?), and raising academic standards for both students and faculty to control enrollment. He could focus on adding Professional programs like the dental school whose graduates have middle class salaries and be hailed as a visionary. He cannot build a legacy by getting raises for non competitive staff and faculty.
If you have the skills and qualifications to get paid more elsewhere I would suggest you move there.
Their are plenty of folks without jobs -- 15.5 million Americans at last count.
ReplyDeleteFAMU faculty could have joined them on the unemployment lines but Ammons saved your asses and this is the thanks he gets?
I for one am glad to have a job, and not and unemployment check.
This new guys' salary isn't out of line with his MEAC peers.
12:30 PM, Thank you very much. I'm so tired of these underperforming FAMU employees complaining about a raise.
ReplyDeleteDr. Ammons is doing a great job and he has my total support. I do not work for the university, but I am an alumnus, FAMU parent, and financial supporter.
We love you Dr. Ammons!!
Watch it 11:19 wit your anonymous self!
ReplyDeleteI expect 150% from Mr. Horne and the rest of the department too.
ReplyDelete12:30PM--"Raise his level of compensation"--are you kidding me? This guy is getting over $500K a year. As far as leaving FAMU, this suggestion is completely consistent with the FAMU Administrative position. Only competent faculty complain--the administration does not tolerate complaints. They would prefer a bunch of docile incompetent sheep on the faculty. Hence the suggestion, "if you don't like it, why don't you leave". We have endured one cadre of administrative dodos after the other, most of whom end up as overpaid debris on the faculty, sucking up what little money is left after the president confiscates most of it. Here is some news for you: a university is about the students and faculty--not the administration. You are supposed to provide a service--you are supposed to be servants, not penny ante potentates.
ReplyDeleteIts called the Marching 100. I swera this site should be by membership only. Tied to true past enrollment or graduation at FAMU. Otherwise a full disclosure of identity for non-constituents. We could really get some things done here. I understand that there are differing views and opines but we don't have to go into the gutter with each other and trash each other and FAMU to have progress. If you can't say it in person, keep it to yourself.
ReplyDeleteNow I thought a University was supposed to be about developing new knowledge and that students were supposed to come and have the opportunity to learn this knowledge for the betterment of their existence. I don't know how this idea of public service came about.
ReplyDeleteI would like to know which president of a public university got a raise last year for raising faculty or staff salaries. I wanted to point out the things that Ammons could have done but choose to preserve faculty and staff positions instead. By the way bringing a university on budget by reducing staff and increasing quality is what most presidents get raises for.
(They would prefer a bunch of docile incompetent sheep on the faculty. Hence the suggestion, "if you don't like it, why don't you leave".)
My point was that is the only way you can establish your market "rate". That is what Henry Lewis did, Ammons did, and other success stories at FAMU. Would it not be better to be paid at your perceived worth at another institution than to languish underpaid like a serf tied to the land. After all you have a faculty union why not act like organized labor instead of like farm workers. In the state of New York
the faculty union of CUNY is suing the governor to get their contractually mandated raises. So in many ways the faculty is a "bunch of docile incompetent sheep" because they do not bring their issues up in a forum with teeth like the courts.
ReplyDeleteThat was not Hayes. That was the hard work of CFO Teresa Hardee and her staff after Dr. Ammons relieved Hayes of his budget management duties. Also, keep in mind that the bulk of the money raised during Hayes' 1000 Strikes Campaign came from the Rattler Boosters. Hayes had a good idea with the 1000 Strikes, but after the initial engagement, there was no real push to it. It wasn't constantly marketed to athletic financial supporters in and out of Tallahassee. I couldn't tell you when one campaign year ended and when the next one started. Or did they overlap? He just came up with an idea, and left it out to grow wings on its own.
I hope the new AD comes in and conducts a comprehensive evaluation in all areas of athletics, especially the critical support staffing area, to make sure that qualified personnel are providing optimal service. If not, then they need to be replaced with the right people for the job.
@ 12:27 am,
ReplyDeleteWith this kind of thought process no wonder you are a former.
Mr. Horne, I think this would be a great start to your introduction to RATTLER NATION. It was taken from another RN article yesterday:
The Legacy Bowl issue has only served to rekindle feelings in the Rattler Nation that FAMU should determine its’ own athletic destiny, and that all options for the program’s future should be put on the table for consideration ...
... The time has come for all parties in the Rattler Nation – university administration, Board of Trustees, faculty and staff, coaches, students, alumni, boosters and fans – to come together and determine the best direction for FAMU Athletics – then work towards that end with the proverbial “all deliberate speed.”
Question ...
Would any of you be up for setting up some sort of a Breakfast/Roundtable Discussion with our President ... as well as our New AD - & even possibly the Booster & NAA Presidents ... during the morning of the Florida Classic at the Alumni Host Hotel in order to discuss & strategize on JUST that?
With the thousands of us that are all going to be in Orlando that weekend - and on our OWN dimes at that - it seems as though some sort of gathering or discussion - even if just on an informal level to simply meet or be introduced to our new AD - among those of us with some amount of interest in just what the direction of our Programs are headed would be an effecive vehicle if just to bring people up to speed on where we are all indeed headed with all of this.
"Let's face it!" ...
Dr. Ammons & Coach Tayler may have indeed "said" that they're against the Legacy Bowl ...
But the Bottom Line is that if this vote is taken this coming Fall, without US having at least some sort of a Plan B in place, our butts would be playing for it in 2011.
As much as I know we're about to (hopefully) have a new AD in place shortly, I believe it's also time for U$ as the so called beneficiarires & "$hareholders" of the Program to take some sort of initiative in the future decision making as well. No matter what direction we head, WE're the ones who are going to be expected to help foot the bill for it, so we might as well have a greater say in that charting that direction.
As much as I know some of you "claim to be so busy" that weekend, if (some of) you - and especially those of you staying at the FAMU Host Hotel anyway - may indeed be up for meeting up the morning of the FL Classic ... or if you may have an alternative date/location you would suggest/recommend ... your opinion(s) would be mucho appreciated.
"You Probably Gotta Eat Breakfast ANYWAY!" ...
So why not at least get something constructive out of it ... while potentially raise funds for the Athletic Program at the same time?
8/03/2010 8:51 AM
Mr. Horne, I think this would be a great start toward your introduction into the RATTLER NATION. Taken from an RN article yesterday:
ReplyDeleteThe Legacy Bowl issue has only served to rekindle feelings in the Rattler Nation that FAMU should determine its’ own athletic destiny, and that all options for the program’s future should be put on the table for consideration ...
... The time has come for all parties in the Rattler Nation – university administration, Board of Trustees, faculty and staff, coaches, students, alumni, boosters and fans – to come together and determine the best direction for FAMU Athletics – then work towards that end with the proverbial “all deliberate speed.”
Question ...
Would any of you be up for setting up some sort of a Breakfast/Roundtable Discussion with our President ... as well as our New AD - & even possibly the Booster & NAA Presidents ... during the morning of the Florida Classic at the Alumni Host Hotel in order to discuss & strategize on JUST that?
With the thousands of us that are all going to be in Orlando that weekend - and on our OWN dimes at that - it seems as though some sort of gathering or discussion - even if just on an informal level to simply meet or be introduced to our new AD - among those of us with some amount of interest in just what the direction of our Programs are headed would be an effecive vehicle if just to bring people up to speed on where we are all indeed headed with all of this.
"Let's face it!" ...
Dr. Ammons & Coach Tayler may have indeed "said" that they're against the Legacy Bowl ...
But the Bottom Line is that if this vote is taken this coming Fall, without US having at least some sort of a Plan B in place, our butts would be playing for it in 2011.
As much as I know we're about to (hopefully) have a new AD in place shortly, I believe it's also time for U$ as the so called beneficiarires & "$hareholders" of the Program to take some sort of initiative in the future decision making as well. No matter what direction we head, WE're the ones who are going to be expected to help foot the bill for it, so we might as well have a greater say in that charting that direction.
As much as I know some of you "claim to be so busy" that weekend, if (some of) you - and especially those of you staying at the FAMU Host Hotel anyway - may indeed be up for meeting up the morning of the FL Classic ... or if you may have an alternative date/location you would suggest/recommend ... your opinion(s) would be mucho appreciated.
"You Probably Gotta Eat Breakfast ANYWAY!" ...
So why not at least get something constructive out of it ... while potentially raise funds for the Athletic Program at the same time?
8/03/2010 8:51 AM
8:51AM, Count me down for attendance @ the "FAMU State of Athletics" Breakfast! Where do we sign up? Who do we need to email about the breakfast details? The Rattler Booster president? NAA president? Athletics marketing (Ms. Suggs)? All of the above?
ReplyDeleteWill Rattler Nation, Big Rattler, and/or Da Rattler please create an poll to survey the Rattler Nation's opinion on attending such a fundraising event to hear what our leadership (Dr. Ammons and new AD Horne) and stakeholders (alumni, financial supporters) have to say about the direction of FAMU football and athletics in the near future? Thanks alot.
Great idea, it should be a series of meetings, multiple locations. Prior to every game! Call it Gameday Breakfast. Its time to explore Rattlers! They've used us with no thanks.
I love it! A series of Gameday Breakfasts: pre-ATL Classic, pre-Homecoming, pre-FL Classic! Oh let's do it FAMU Athletics, Dr. Ammons, NAA, and Boosters!
Here's a draft/sketch of some items for discussion at those breakfasts:
-Discuss current state of the program, then determine vision and goals for Athletics.
-Discuss current status of program: financially, competitively, facilities, staffing.
-Agree on desired competition level for program (Division I (I-A, I-AA), etc.).
-Discuss current conference affiliation and options (including independent).
-Discuss reasonable timeline to realize stated vision and achieve short-term and long-term milestones.
This might carry over into lunch or dinner and may be a two-day retreat/conference (LOL), but the future of Rattler Sports hangs in the balance.
FAMU is finally going to reap what it sows--all of the quality faculty are going to leave for better jobs or retire, and all you well-healed administrators can administrate each other to your heart's content, while FAMU, along with all of the other HBCUs, decay in the dust bin of history.
ReplyDeleteSince the headline on this post was so inflammatory - 150% increase - does anyone know what the AD at Ole Miss was making?
ReplyDeleteI would be willing to bet the Ole Miss AD is making more than $200,000.
Point is, I hope Mr. Horne can make a difference for FAMU Athletics, but asd Coach Bill Joe once said, a program takes more than a team and coaches, it takes administration, faculty, staff, students and fans to turn this around.
What we need from Mr. Horne and Dr. Ammons and the administrative regime in power on The Hill is a plan that lays out a vision and a direction for our program.
As the Good Book says in Proverbs: "Without a vision, the people perish."
Those "Prayer Breakfasts With the Prez" can't come fast enough.
I would be reluctant to quote anything that Billy Joe said. He ran a thug football program and we're still suffering as a result.
ReplyDeleteThere are so many "black holes" being created based on the lack of transparency with which major decisions that are dependent on support from the multitude of Rattler constituents.
ReplyDeleteIt is a lack of leadership and disrespect for supports that this continues to happen.
I applaud your willingness to help FAMU atheletics. I hope you will be invited to the table with sincerity - however I don't have much hope - haven't seen the ability to synergize in the current administration.
ReplyDeleteWithout fully understanding the lay of the land, Mr. Horne would be foolish to come in and layout a long-range or short range plan immediately without evaluating what he has.
He'll need to truly understand the fan base and see wether we are doers or talkers. My guess is that he'll find the latter. I hope I'm wrong.
^^^That's why a pre FL Classic Breakfast will give him ample time to get an idea of how we're rolling at FAMU. Decisions dont have to necessarily be made right there on the spot @ the Breakfast, but he'll get to hear the concerns/opinions of the shareholders, and the shareholders will get to hear what he has to say after about 4 months on the job. Folk are just asking for OPEN COMMUNICATION with the leadership as it relates to athletics for once in our lifetime.
ReplyDeleteFurthermore, you might just be a talker, but if you open your eyes you'll see what financial supporters have DONE already. I take pride in knowing that the Rattler Boosters, Inc. broke their own personal best season fundraising record. They raised over half a million dollars last year. The best is yet to come! FAMU FOREVER!
Regardless of Coach Billy Joe's perceived ethics, he was 100% correct with what he said.
ReplyDelete@11:06 pm,
ReplyDeleteif you believe the FAMU Boosters truly gave over a half million dollars to FAMU athletics last year just because Mickey Clayton said it, I have some beach front property in downtown Tallahassee to sale you.
Your points would be better taken if you'd stop being negative, Anonymous! Even if there are a lot of "talkers", there may be some tings to consider. This is not about being divisive and negative. Often times the "successful" programs have fans and patrons who could care less about the school or its mission, its ability to market or turn profit, or its trials. We need to appeal to their subconscious and that will bring in the fans. Making a decision to buy season tickets for most will be an emotional decision and that's what we should focus on. They just want to be a part or claim the aggressive winning teams. All it takes for them is a great game environment, the game day experience, and the traditions. And honestly, the beer. TV will win every time if we think that the day-care environment is appealing to the true collegiate sports fan. You gotta make people feel like they're missing out on something great and never mind the usual lame excuses of bad traffic and rowdy fans, ticket prices or parking. All of which is collectively valid but mean nothing to the motivated or satisfied fan. We have the ingredients to make good on this opportunity. My hope is that we spend our time accentuating the positives and eliminating the negatives. Go FAMU RATTLERS!
ReplyDeleteshut up because you are anonymous like everybody else
ReplyDeleteGO CANES !!!!!