Chesire named USTFCCCA National Athlete Of The Week

big rattler
1 minute read
The United States Track and Field and Cross Country Coaches Association (USTFCCCA) selected FAMU junior runner Elias Chesire as the National Athlete of the Week.

Chesire’s first place finish in the Florida State Invitational helped lead the Rattlers to a victory in the meet, while he set the meet record by nine-tenths of a second.  He led the Rattlers to a team score of 32 points at the Apalachee Regional Complex, which was the sight of last year’s National Collegiate Athletic Association Southeast Regional Cross Country Championship.

The junior received 2012 Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference (MEAC) Outstanding Cross Country Athlete honor and led the Rattlers to the conference championship. 

Head Coach Wayne Angel was pleasantly surprised with the honor.

“I am very proud and honored for him representing FAMU in such a fashion.  It is an award that we know he deserves for the hard work that he puts in.  It bodes well for our university and our conference,” Angel said.

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