Saunders retires after more than 20 years of service to FAMU

big rattler
1 minute read
Sharon Saunders, FAMU executive assistant to the president for communications and the University’s chief communications officer, is retiring after more than two decades of service to the institution.

“Sharon Saunders has been a dedicated member of my executive staff and we will miss her,” said FAMU Interim President Larry Robinson. “During her tenure, the Office of Communications received several awards from the Council for the Advancement and Support of Education. She also played a very significant role in helping the University to manage the recent hazing incident.”

Saunders has worked for FAMU for more than 20 years helping to promote university achievements and plan special events to highlight the significance of FAMU, including the 125th Anniversary celebration.   

An award winning journalist, Saunders started her career as a reporter for a New York Times-owned newspaper in Lake City, Fla.  She has received numerous awards during her career, including the 2005 Media Communications Association-International “Golden Reel Award for Excellence in Media,” the 2008 Council for the Advancement and Support of Education Award of Excellence for Media Relations and the Tallahassee Chapter of the National Hook-up of Black Women 2013 Gold Star Award.

Saunders is a life member of the FAMU National Alumni Association.  In 2001, she received FAMU’s Meritorious Achievement Award and was honored in 2013 as one of FAMU‘s 125 Most Outstanding Alumni.  Locally, she served as a member of the Board of Directors for the Tallahassee Urban League, Tallahassee Film Festival and Leadership Tallahassee. Her last day in the office is Friday, October 18, 2013.  She will be on family leave until her retirement date of December 31, 2013.

Alonda Thomas will serve as the interim executive assistant for communications. She most recently served as FAMU’s director of media relations.

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