FAMU launches Sustainability Institute to build on university’s STREAM strengths

big rattler
1 minute read
Last week, FAMU President Elmira Mangum announced the launch of a new Sustainability Institute (FAMU-SI).

According to Mangum, the goal of advancing the research, teaching, and application of innovative solutions to global socio-economic, ecological and energy sustainability issues is one of the cornerstones of her administration. The FAMU-SI will play a pivotal role towards helping the university to achieve this mission.

“FAMU has received national recognition for its strong commitment to sustainability. As such, the goal of this institute is to enhance our efforts, as well as expose the extensive knowledge and expertise that our faculty and staff possess in this area,” Mangum said. “Our goal is to provide real solutions to some of the world’s greatest and immediate environmental sustainability needs.”

The new president publicly discussed her plans for the new program earlier this summer in a speech before the Economic Club of Florida. While Mangum originally called for an “Environmental Justice and Sustainability Institute,” she has since narrowed the focus for the initiative.

The three core programmatic areas of the Sustainability Institute include: enhancing the university’s academic and research mission; improving the efficiencies and environmental stewardship of campus operations; and performing outreach and engagement initiatives among the university community and broader communities. 

The institute will directly engage students with the goal of training future sustainability practitioners, entrepreneurs, leaders in science, technology, research, engineering, agriculture, and mathematics (STREAM) and other related disciplines.

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