Times right choice to rebuild damaged reputation of FAMU Office of Communications

big rattler
3 minute read
The FAMU Office of Communications took a huge hit in its public reputation under former President Elmira Mangum. But Kathy Y. Times is a strong new head administrator for the office who is already making strides in repairing the damage.

Mangum’s Vice-President of Communications and External Relations Jimmy Miller, who she appointed in 2014, provided such poor “leadership” that the Office of Communications itself became a recurring source of embarrassing news for FAMU.

Miller caused negative headlines by bumbling important communications with the FAMU Board of Trustees (BOT) regarding the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering and reassignment of ex-Chief Financial Officer Dale Cassidy.

WFSU then reported in August 2015 that the FAMU Office of Communications had hired an individual named Santoras D. Gamble to a job that pays him $75,000 per year. According to WFSU, “Gamble was convicted of Conspiracy to Defraud the United States, a felony.”

Miller also fumbled through a discussion with reporters after Mangum decided to dodge questions from the press at a press conference she called on October 29, 2015. One reporter called him on the facts about Mangum’s own schedule as another reporter tried to hold back his laughter.

The Office of Communications led by Miller then organized a short, 45-minute media availability with Mangum the next week with restrictions that the news director of WTXL-27 in Tallahassee said were “unacceptable.”

Things didn’t improve after Mangum promoted Miller to chief of staff in December 2015 and Elise Durham began heading the office as assistant vice-president.

Durham quickly ran into conflict with students, faculty, and alumni of the FAMU School of Journalism and Graphic Communication over her email that urged the faculty senate to exclude the media from its meetings. She then made a lame attempt to walk her statement back that got her nowhere.

The office “leadership’s” low standards were also on display with the decision to choose Kyle Washington as the “student engagement coordinator.” Back in 2009, Washington got into a cursing match over ribs when he was member of the BET reality TV show College Hill South Beach.

Justin Bruno, who won the 2016 SGA presidential election after facing off against the Victor Chrispin, said that Washington was Chrispin’s campaign manager. When Bruno was prevented from taking office due to Mangum’s mishandling of the student elections, Bruno stated he believed Mangum wanted Chrispin on the BOT because they had a personal friendship that led her to believe he would help protect her job.

The Office of Communications hit a new low when it posted links on the official FAMU Twitter and Facebook accounts to the op-ed by “Interim” Student Body President Jaylen Smith that made the laughable claim that most students wanted Mangum to receive a contract extension. The office didn’t post similar links to the op-eds by FAMU United Faculty of Florida President Elizabeth Davenport that said the faculty had become “estranged from their president” and questioned whether the administration was behind an anonymous petition that called for Mangum to keep her job.

But at long last, the Office of Communications is getting back on track. Earlier this month, Interim President Larry Robinson appointed Kathy Times to replace Durham.

Times, a graduate of the FAMU J-School, is a proven leader. She previously served as a news anchor and reporter, head of a public relations firm, president of the National Association of Black Journalists, and public relations committee chair of the FAMU National Alumni Association.

The signs that the office is moving in right direction are already apparent on its website. Washington’s name is no longer in the staff directory.

FAMU deserves an Office of Communications with credible leadership and Times is the right choice to make sure it has that.

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