FAMU/MEAC expand broadcast deal with ESPN

da rattler
1 minute read

FAMU, the Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference (MEAC) and ESPN have announced a multi-year agreement to stream the conference's football contests on ESPN3 and ESPN+.

The agreement went into effective immediately and will start with the Florida A&M v Ft. Valley State University football game streaming on ESPN3. A total of 35 MEAC football contests will be available on ESPN3 and ESPN+ this season in addition to 10 televised contests on either ABC, ESPN, ESPN2 or ESPNU.

All FAMU home football games will be broadcast on one of the ESPN platforms, awith the likelihood of most away games being broadcast as well. According to FAMU athletics, via its Facebook post, all Rattler sporting events including basketball, softball, baseball, and the FAMU relays will be broadcast in some form.

“I am elated to utilize ESPN3 and ESPN+ in continuing to grow the MEAC’s relationship with ESPN,” said MEAC Commissioner Dennis E. Thomas. “This is an exciting time for college sports, with the expansion of digital content, and I am pleased that the MEAC is on the forefront with ESPN3 and ESPN+.”

ESPN3 is accessible on computers, smartphones, tablets and connected devices through the ESPN app. The network is currently available nationwide at no additional cost to fans who receive their high-speed Internet connection or video subscription from an affiliated service provider.

Fans can subscribe to ESPN+ on ESPN.com or through the ESPN App for just $4.99 a month (or $49.99 per year).

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