FAMU’s drum majors discuss historic milestones during news conference

big rattler
1 minute read
Florida A&M University’s (FAMU) drum majors leading the renowned Marching “100” discussed several historic milestones during a news conference on August 9.

The marching band’s first female and Hispanic drum majors will make this year’s corps among the most diverse in the band’s 72-year history.

Cori Bostic, a broadcast journalism major and honors student from Atlanta, Georgia is the band’s first female drum major. She is also a campus radio personality and student journalist for the campus newspaper.

This is the second year that Aaron Torres, a recent political science graduate now working on his master’s degree in applied social science will join the corps.

Shelby Chipman, director of bands at FAMU said he is excited about the leadership the new drum majors will undoubtedly contribute to the heralded group.

“I am absolutely thrilled about the selection of these outstanding and hardworking student leaders. Their proven leadership ability has already made a positive and lasting impact upon fellow band members. With their pending contributions, we are poised to have another stellar year in the storied history of FAMU’s Incomparable Marching “100,” Chipman said.

The news comes as the iconic band prepares to perform in the Tournament of Roses Parade in Pasadena, California on January 1, 2019.

The band has seven drum majors including the additional returning members:

  • Michenell Louis Charles, a mechanical engineering major from Orlando, Florida
  • Joseph Jones, a computer science major from West Palm Beach, Florida
  • Stacey James, a business administration major from Naples, Florida
  • Joshua Honore, a music education major from Miami, Florida
  • Marquel Bowen, a public relations major from Miami, Florida

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