Seniors named CIO/AVP Information Technology, again

da rattler
1 minute read

Robert Seniors

Robert T. Seniors, has been appointed chief information officer (CIO)/associate vice president Information Technology Services (AVP ITS) effective Friday, June 25, a position he previously held from 2007 to 2011.  He will report directly to FAMU President Larry Robinson.

Prior to this reappointment as AVP, Seniors served as associate director of Instructional Technology.  Ron Henry, whom Seniors is replacing as CIO, will take over as associate director of Instructional Technology in the Division of Academic Affairs, the position Seniors previously held from 2011-21.

“Robert Seniors has been immersed in information technology at FAMU for more than two decades,” Robinson said. “He brings to this role a depth of experience and expertise necessary as we continue to address the challenges and opportunities in information technology from cybersecurity to virtual delivery of educational and other services. Over the last year, his contributions to helping the students, faculty and staff as the University transitioned to remote instruction and cannot be overstated.”  

A computer science graduate of FAMU, Seniors first joined the University in 1997 as a coordinator of technology in the then-School of General Studies. The following year, he moved to the Office of University Planning and Analysis as a specialist of computer systems control. 

“It’s an exciting time to be a Rattler. I am looking forward to providing a world class infrastructure, enhance our mobile computing capabilities and continue to form strategic partnerships with leaders in the tech industry to provide a pathway for our students, specifically those in the STEM disciplines,” Seniors said. “We want them to have access to those unique opportunities. We must develop our partnership with Google and cultivate a relationship. We are now at the table.”

The role swap was announced late Thursday afternoon via FAMUInfo.  The university has been coy about what facilitated this sudden change. 

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