Shalon Pillow, former women's basketball coach, lands high school job in Boca

da rattler

A little over a month ago, Rattler Nation was shocked by the
 abrupt resignation of former FAMU women’s basketball coach Shalon Pillow.  The timing, on the eve of the start of summer workouts for the team, was both curious and odd and caught the FAMU Athletics flat footed and in sort of a bind, as both her assistant coaches had departed earlier leaving the Rattlers without anyone on the women's basketball coaching staff. 
We now know the back story leading to Pillow's departure.  She quietly joined the staff of Saint Andrew’s (Day & Boarding School ) in Boca Raton, FL, as assistant director of athletics and head varsity girls basketball coach
While at FAMU, Pillow was paid $100,000 a year and had been in job for three years -- two full basketball season--- and essentially earned $33,000 per victory as coach where her teams compiled a 9-48 record.  Her departure opened the door for the hiring of former Olympian and University of Tennessee Hall of Famer Bridgette Gordorn as the new Lady Rattlers head coach.

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