Dale Wesson named dean of FAMU's College of Ag and Food Sciences

da rattler
1 minute read

G. Dale Wesson, interim director of the FAMU College of Agriculture and Food Sciences,  has been appointed permanent dean effective July 1.  

Wesson succeeds former Dean Robert Taylor, who lead the College for 12 years.  

As dean, Wesson will oversee all aspects of one of FAMU’s oldest academic units, which traces its roots back to 1891. Today, the College of Agriculture and Food Sciences is a leader in agricultural research and education, with faculty, staff and students who pursue discoveries and solutions that promote the well-being of people in Florida, the nation and the world.  

Prior to his appointment, Wesson served as associate vice president of research, and director of Land Grant Programs at FAMU. He brings more than 25 years of higher education experience to his new role.

Previously, Wesson served as vice president for research and economic development at Virginia State University, managing a research portfolio exceeding $25 million in annual expenditures. His other roles include vice president for research positions at the University of Maryland Eastern Shore and South Carolina State University, and provost and senior vice president for academic affairs at Clark Atlanta University.  

A St. Louis, Illinois native, Wesson holds a bachelor’s degree from the Illinois Institute of Technology, a master’s degree from the Georgia Institute of Technology, and a doctorate from Michigan State University, all in chemical engineering.  

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