FAMU Athletics announces surprise auditions for new Bragg Stadium public address announcer, fans react with outrage

da rattler
3 minute read

FAMU Athletics has made a sudden announcement that has caught many Rattler fans off guard – the decision to hold auditions for a new public address announcer at Bragg Stadium for the upcoming football season. The move has sparked a wave of backlash on social media, with fans expressing their discontent and support for the current announcer, Sterling Stevenson.

Stevenson, who has been the voice of Bragg Stadium for many years, was reportedly blindsided by the decision to move in a new direction. The long-time announcer, who lives in Orlando, had a disagreement with embattled Athletic Director Tiffani Dawn Sykes earlier this year. He was asked to work the Orange & Green game for reduced pay, which he refused. The decision to seek a "new direction" appears to be retaliation on the part of Sykes.

The announcement of the open auditions has been met with a lot of backlash on social media, with many fans expressing their preference for Stevenson. "This is straight foolishness. They didn’t even have the nerve (courtesy) to tell him. (Sterling) he had to find out on social media. We want Sterling Stevenson back!" wrote one fan on Instagram.

Another fan on Instagram expressed their frustration, saying, "First the fb coach who just won a national championship, now this!?! What is going on with her (Toxic Tiff)?" The sentiment was echoed by many, with comments like, "Sterling is the voice of Bragg Stadium. Who is making these jacked decisions?? Oh wait let me guess…"

The situation has also led to calls for a change in leadership within FAMU Athletics. "We have a public address announcer, we don’t need one. We NEED a new AD," read a comment on Facebook. Another fan wrote, "I have no positive words I can share on FB. It appears our AD is determined to tear FAMU Athletics apart from the inside."

The backlash from fans has sparked FAMU Athletics to take the unusual move to limit public comments on its Facebook page, a move which has been typical of SID Josh Padilla when faced with criticism. 

In 2021 Padilla came under fire, for referring to Bragg Stadium as "Bragg Campbell Stadium" in a FAQ post to FAMUAthletics.com for Game Day Info.  The gaffe earned him the moniker of "cut and paste Josh".  

Despite the outcry from fans, FAMU Athletics has provided specific qualifications and responsibilities for the new public address announcer. The qualifications include:

·       Strong vocal ability, pronunciation, enthusiasm, and comfort in addressing large crowds

·       Ability to multitask in a fast-paced, sometimes stressful environment

·       In-depth knowledge of rules for football and ability to understand in-game action

·       Ability to follow a script, react quickly, and readily accept feedback

·       Experience working as a PA announcer at the high school, collegiate, or professional level is preferred

·       Must be available to work nights, weekends, and some holidays

·       Ability to commute to Bragg Memorial Stadium

As of now, the situation remains a hot topic among Rattler fans, who are hoping for a resolution that keeps the voice of Bragg Stadium intact. FAMU Athletics has not made any public statements regarding the decision to seek a new public address announcer, leaving many questions unanswered.

Sykes has consistently been a liability for president Robinson's administration by staying in the headline for all the wrong reasons. The situation has not been helped by Sykes' recent run-in with a donor at the at the NAA Convention, which has drawn the ire of alumni and further highlighted the need for a more experienced hand at the helm the athletic department. 

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  1. Rattler 19967/10/2024 9:47 AM

    You can set a clock by it. Local Rattlers hate change, no matter what. No different than those rubes at FSU. Online Rattlers have beef with the AD, despite all these rings. That's a FAMU exclusive.

    1. one thing for sure, Sykes had nothing to do with us winning any championships, most coaches were in place prior to her arrival .

  2. Let's keep everything simple !!! Don't break up nothing if it's working !!! Word to the wise working at Famu ...too much spotlight ain't good for you !! Ms. AD if these moves have any kind of problems it will be your neck !!! Get ready !!

  3. As a season ticket holder for over 30 years, I don’t attend games at Bragg to hear any freaking announcer. Keep striking snakes 🐍🐍🐍.

  4. People mad, who don’t even listen to the game or leave at halftime. Another baseless attention grabbing headline from “da Rattler”

  5. HBCU's are about traditions. Some changes are not good. The announcer must know the crowd to keep the vibe.

  6. I won’t attend any sports games until there is a new AD.

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