End of an Era: Robinson to leave FAMU on top

da rattler
2 minute read

FAMU  President Larry Robinson, yesterday, announced his decision to step down from his position as president after nearly 7 years of exemplary leadership and dedicated service.


“Since 2017, we have had the exceptional good fortune to have President Robinson at the helm of our university,” says Kristin Harper, chair of the FAMU Board of Trustees, in a statement to the university community. “President Robinson has been a passionate and innovative leader, tirelessly devoted to the university’s mission to educate students for global citizenship and responsible leadership.”


Under Robinson’s leadership, FAMU has reached unprecedented heights as a Top 100 public university, the 3rd highest ranked HBCU overall (behind only Spelman and Howard), the No. 1 public HBCU for the fifth consecutive year, and surpassing more than $102 million in research funding.


This fall, FAMU will welcome one its most selective, and academically talented  incoming classes in its history, following a record number of applicants. 


“As you can imagine, this decision comes with many emotions — some sadness, of course, but at the same time, hope and anticipation,” Robinson wrote in a letter to the university community. “That hope is not just about what lies next for me and my family, but also what is next for the No. 1 Historically Black College and University in the nation.”


“President Robinson has provided thoughtful and steady leadership during an era of dramatic change in higher education in Florida and the nation,” says former Congressman Al Lawson. “An HBCU education has never been more relevant, and Robinson has overseen a renewed commitment to the university’s mission, strengthening its academic excellence and rigor.”


Throughout his tenure, Robinson has spearheaded numerous strategic initiatives and capital projects to enrich students’ lives and educational experiences, transforming the FAMU campus in the process. 


Under president Robinson, FAMU modernized its student housing system creating  700 new beds of student housing with the opening of the FAMU Towers residences halls, which were fully paid off in 2020, expanded the campus footprint by purchasing three near-by apartment complexes on FAMU Way with federal pandemic relief funds, opened a new satellite dinning HUB for students, and breaking ground this spring on 700 beds of new student housing set to open next year.

A Distinguished Professor in the FAMU School of the Environment, Robinson's last day as president, will  be determined in consultation with the Board of Trustees. After a one year sabbatical, he plans to return to the faculty.  


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  1. they are setting FAMU up for their first appoint white president...stay tuned

    1. this is part 1 of the DeSantis take over

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