FAMU hires VP for Enrollment Managment

da rattler
FAMU is attracting more Vice Presidents than students. The newest addition to Castell's team is Mrs. Danielle Kennedy-Lamar. Danielle is the former Director of Admissions & Recruitment at Alabama State University, Montgomery, AL. See: ASU Key Personnel

A look at the student profile of Alabama State students turned up the following:

Number of applicants: 5,816
Number accepted: 3,968
Number enrolled: 1,129
Median SAT score: 407 verbal, 397 math
Median ACT score: 16
Average high school GPA: 2.62
Transfer applicants: 656
Transfers accepted: 306
Transfers enrolled: 172

Ala. State
SAT/ACT Test Scores

First-Year Students Percent Who
Submitted Scores
SAT Reasoning Verbal: 330 - 430 16%
SAT Reasoning Math: 330 - 430 16%
ACT Composite: 13 - 17 72%

At first glance we notice that, ASU's conversion rate of turning admited students into actual students lags far behind FAMU's dismal conversion rate of 38%. Further, the highest score on the ACT is 34; you only need a 16 to be accepted to Alabama State. Also, the highest score on the SAT is a 1600 and you only need a 800 to be accepted to ASU. Once upon a time this was not FAMU's stock student.

By contrast, here's a profile of the typical FAMU student:

average SAT 1040
average GPA 3.21
average ACT 22

Are these the types of students that Ms. Kennedy-Lamar and Castell will be attempting to attract to FAMU? Are these the types of student's that they feel comfortable talking too?

Until FAMU finds itself a qualified permanent leader, we will continously attract administrators like Mrs. Kennedy-Lamar, Rufus Little, and Debra (I had to leave that last job in a hurry) Austin.

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  1. I just scanned your post, but i got to say GREAT POST.




  2. This was ignorant!

  3. And you say you love FAMU. Bullshit!

  4. Insightful, brilliant, eye opening. Especially, loved the comparison between ASU students and FAMU students. How did this woman get this job?

  5. What's ignorant? The post or the mere fact that we are still hiring people from Alabama (system) after our near fatal experience with Fred Gainous.

    Come on. Please......

    Has ASU ever enrolled or recruited top scholars, not including National Achievement/Merit Scholars?

  6. Come again. Are you sure this lady came from Alabama State University?

  7. What's wrong with Rufus?

  8. Yeah.....this is in reference to the "anonymous" who asked, "What's wrong with Rufus?"

    If you have to ask what da fukk is wrong wit Rufus, then there's a mf problem. Your boy Ruf-Ruf used to work at Riggs mf bank in the compliance office....is THAT red flag enuff for you??!! If you remember correctly, and i'm sure u obviously don't, Riggs bank STAYED in the news with compliance issues. So THAT'S what da fukk is wrong with Rufus.

  9. Like Rufus Little single handedly was the cause of the compliance issues at Riggs Bank.

    I guess if we use that logic, everybody at FAMU is sorry and incompetent and are the direct cause of our woes today.

  10. Yeah, but why go out and invite problems? Just like assistant coaches from losing teams rarely are hire to be head coach anywhere, why would FAMU go hire a Compliance VP from a non-compliant bank? Go fukking figure!

  11. (In reference to the anonymous comment at 4:40PM)

    Lil Rufus obviously has his nephew up on here posting rebuttals. But check it:

    If you're the breadwinner of your mf family....and enuff $$$ aren't being brought in to pay the bills....then ultimately...YOU are the mf problem.

    In this case...breadwinner = MF Rufus.

  12. Just a few questions:

    How recent are these numbers for FAMU and ASU? From what I have heard from faculty on FAMU's campus, those SAT numbers were inflated thanks to the Life Gets Better program scholars and to other scholarship programs (which were mostly disbanded under President Gainous).

    What are the average SAT and ACT scores of both schools? Also, what are the average financial aid burdens of those students (that is telling statistic)?

    With the redesign and addition of new sections to the SAT, isn't it now 2400, not 1600?

  13. Alabama State is not an acceptable recruitment model for FAMU. It has never come close to FAMU's past successes in recruiting National Achievement Scholars or high-caliber high schoolers.

    This is yet another example of Castell Bryant and her yes-people lowering FAMU's standards. She has shown no concern for attracting the top black high school students in the nation. Instead, she's content for FAMU's freshmen classes to look like the freshmen classes at Miami-Dade Community College.

    This JUCO mentality is destroying us.

  14. To the poster who asked: "Just a few questions."

    The presence of National Achievement Scholars and other top high school students at FAMU raised the university's overall SAT/ACT average. That was not inflation; it was simply the result of hard recruiting work.

  15. If you have any doubt about how much Bryant's hiring decisions have hurt FAMU, just ask about Kenneth Tague. Financial aid had been steadily improving under Bryan Terry, but Bryant fired him and replaced him with Tague, her former Miami CC buddy.

    Tague reversed almost every improvement that Terry made. Bryant marched down there several times and cursed, screamed, and berated Tague in front of the entire financial staff. Even the students in the lines in the LOBBY could hear her.

    Financial aid still has not recovered from the damage Tague inflicted. And the state officials already know...

  16. Wow! *SMH* And, stepping back out... yall carry on. Keep it it clean though.

  17. -Bonus to reward a "financial cleanup" that has the state auditor general shaking his head: $35,000.

    -Salary raise awarded to the interim president who shut down our recruitment program and tore apart the research division: $50,000.

    -Glossy, full-color "300 Days into the Light" publication: $50,000+

    -Penalty the interim president paid for not honoring the previous administration's NSF settlement: $500,000 (estimated).

    -Money for faculty raises (beyond the state's mandated cost of living increase): $0

    -Money for recruiting new students: $0

    -Having a competent Board of Trustees and university president: PRICELESS.

  18. Anonymous said...
    Yeah, but why go out and invite problems? Just like assistant coaches from losing teams rarely are hire to be head coach anywhere, why would FAMU go hire a Compliance VP from a non-compliant bank? Go fukking figure!

    5:14 PM

    Well I guess we should not have hired Rubin Carter cause the teams he has been assistant coach on have a cumulative losing record since 1999.

  19. DatMF said...
    (In reference to the anonymous comment at 4:40PM)

    Lil Rufus obviously has his nephew up on here posting rebuttals. But check it:

    If you're the breadwinner of your mf family....and enuff $$$ aren't being brought in to pay the bills....then ultimately...YOU are the mf problem.

    In this case...breadwinner = MF Rufus.

    5:35 PM
    Naw, Rufus doesn't have his nephew on here defending him. Neither do the other people that were vilified in this blog. They don't need me to defend them. They are gainfully employed by our university and there's nothing you can do about it.

    Quit hating!

  20. "Well I guess we should not have hired Rubin Carter cause the teams he has been assistant coach on have a cumulative losing record since 1999."

    You can't be serious! You're comparing our senior administrative positions to a coaching job?

    Lost football competitions do not present any threat to the university's existence.

    Administrative work, however, is not a game. When administrators don't do their jobs, FAMU faces serious life-and-death consequences. The university risks bad audits, state/federal investigations, court penalties, decreased legislative appropriations.

  21. What? We should "stop hating" on incompetent employees who hurt FAMU's students, jeopardize our financial stability, and stain our national reputation?

    That's right: Don't hate the player; hate the game. These people have just made FAMU their cash money "hustle." Who cares that they aren't qualified and perform poorly?

    Wake up. This is not some BET music video. This is real life. There are consequences for the irresponsible decisions that these administrators are making.

  22. To Anonymous @ 7:53 p.m.

    This sounds like the mantra of the Faculty Senate Pressy. When will she become a voice for the faculty and not a puppet for TCW? Hey, we want our money/raises too. Just like you have gotten yours.

    Just a quick summary, from the TDO board.

    2000-2001 is a representative of the admitted vs. enrolled

    SAT range
    800-899 - 166 enrolled
    900-999 - 295 enrolled
    1000-1099 - 273 enrolled
    1100-1199 - 187 enrolled
    1200-1299 - 130 enrolled (DSA Sch)
    1300-1399 - 54 enrolled (LGBS Sch)

    The majority of the students fall outside of the scholarship criteria range for DSA and LGBS.

  23. Just surfed in... FAMU hired Kennedy-Lamar from Ala. State? lol

  24. Good sleuthing, da rattler. The State Auditor General's website makes it clear that something out-of-the-ordinary is happening with FAMU's audit.

    Our university's audit is the ONLY ONE that has not been released!

    Check the dates the other public university audits were released:

    -Florida Atlantic: 3/28/06

    -Florida Gulf Coast: 1/24/06

    -Florida International: 2/21/06

    -Florida State: 4/5/06

    -New College: 2/10/06

    -Central Florida: 2/24/06

    -Florida: 3/17/06

    -North Florida: 3/21/06

    -South Florida: 3/3/06

    -South Florida (St. Pete): 1/27/06

    -West Florida: 4/7/06


  25. "Well I guess we should not have hired Rubin Carter cause the teams he has been assistant coach on have a cumulative losing record since 1999."

    As much as we all like Coach Carter, he's still an unproven work in progress. An has was only one win away from a losing season.

  26. Every other public university received its audit before FAMU????

    How is the Lee Hall spin machine going handle this one?

    Maybe they'll tell us it's good that are audit is being held up because we want to have the highest standards in Florida.

    Or, maybe they'll start blaming every white person in sight, like Bryant's buddy Corbin loved to do.

  27. you know it takes time to count all that surplus money.

    i betcha, they still counting. 1 million, 2 million, 3 million.

    probably got the compliance officer making sure they in compliance with all that counting.

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