Castell cleared; whistle blower fired
The outside auditor, whom we are told was handpicked by Castell & VP of Compliance Rufus Little, looking into the complaint filed by former FAMU Inspector General
Michael Brown has cleared Mrs. Bryant of misrepresenting the university's financial picture.
Read the full Report. Mr. Brown, and the former assistant IG, have been terminated by the University.
Oddly enough, the FAMU BOT allowed the folks who were being investigated to choose the investigator.
Regardless of what this report says, the fact remains that the $8 million surplus Mrs. Bryant has long claimed, and got an $85,000 raise and bonus based on, is nonexistent.
Auditors unable to satisfy reported amountsIG's complaint and Bryant's responseFAM-gate to be investigated
It is also quite strange that this "impartial" outside auditor did not interview state auditors who determine that the $8M surplus was bogus.
ReplyDeleteThis whole thing is a sham. From Castell to Debra to R.B. Holmes to all of the other slicksters and tricksters and boogeymen and boogewomen on the Board of Trustees. What are you to believe? When RB Holmes asked the governor to "intervene," what kind of madness was that? With the exception of two folk on the Board (the student SGA person and the Faculty Senate person), the rest of these people were hand-picked by a Republican governor. So now, are we to believe that RBHolmes' "asking" the overnor to intervene was real??? The governor PICKED Castell, for God's sake. The governor PICKED Holmes, for God's sake. So the governor is going to investigate someone who worships his tactics?? Holmes and Brayant are REPUBLICANS!! Asking the governor to "investigate" is like asking the devil to himself himself. Are we all just void of common sense here? Everything is so political. Nothing matters. Challis Lowe, with her $999,999 Rider Truck salary, is a REPUBLICAN! Hello, people are we listening here??? These folk are going anywhere. Holmes can stop perpetrating on the idea of some sort of clarity here. It's all drama. It's all theater. The world loves a stage, and have not these Negroes and Negresses gave us (and continue to give us) a theater, not of the absurd, but of the shameful? Shame on Castell Bryant, Shame on Debra Austin (another REPUBLICAN), Shame on Holmes. Shame on them all. SHAME, SHAME, SHAME.
ReplyDeleteCastell and the BOT should be ashamed of themselves. They are still up to their old tricks. The truth will prevail. What is needed is an independent outside of state government and universities audit. It appears that this auditor played into Castell's scheming.
ReplyDeleteYou know this soap opera seems to get more hilarious each day. It is almost to the point where I come to this blog for my daily dose of humor.
ReplyDeleteAll I can say is what's next at my beloved alma mater. The more this plays out it, the crazier it gets.
It is almost as if we are trying to destroy a once proud and viable institution.
While I am not a Tallahassee resident, it pains me to see all that is transpiring at FAMU. It is almost as if the blind is leading the blind. This lastest episode is beyond words. I am accused of a crime and yet and still you allow me to hand pick who I want to investigate me.
Sign be off as,
Confused and Bewildered
It's so unbelievable that Castell Bryant can get away with so much. I mean, how in the world does such a thing happen over and over and over?? It's an incredible abuse of power. An incredible abuse of people. And she's an INTERIM. Of course, I know that there were massive changes that had to be made at the university, but how does one continue to haave it her way? The woman has no conscience. And this abuse of power from a person who makes a ton of $$. Shame. Shame. Shame. We don't have to worry about white folk dissing us and hatin on us. Castell has done enough to put white folk to shame, because she hates everybody, obviously, except, of course, the people whom she can control and those people who stooplow and kiss her feet as well as her ass.
ReplyDeleteThis so called "investigation" was done to "quietly". All of us should have known that "something in the milk wasn't clean.
ReplyDeleteIt was a cover up - plain and simple" every one knows that.
But it ain't over until its over!!!
I'm am only amused by the fact that this blog rarely seems to find much good to report on our beloved alma mater, Florida A&M University.
ReplyDeleteWhen I read the results of the investigation on the FAMU BOT website I wondered, hmmmm... to think, I was only searching for the date of the next BOT meeting and stumbled upon information that I would have thought the "Nation" would have had posted upon release.
Well, I guess my theory proved to be correct, hence, I see where the loyalties of the "Nation" rest. That is, simply to be a conduit to provide the media with bad press and to further defame the name of Florida A&M University.
If we all claim to love FAMU and desire to see it move in a positive direction, what good does showing the general public and other spectators that we ourselves have no positive outlook on the state of our University????
I am just looking for someone to stand-up and say although we may have our downfalls, let's look to the Hills for whence cometh our help...
Florida A&M University once was, still is, and can be.....
And since we love to quote our beloved Dr. Frederick Humphries.....
"When the dark clouds gather on the horizon, when thunder and lightning fill the sky, When fate is but a glint in the eye of a fallen Rattler, And hopes are lost friends, When the sinew of the chest grows weary from those hard-charging linebackers, And the muscles in the legs grow tired from those hard-charging running backs ...
You must remember that the Rattlers will strike and strike and strike again."
This blog is not defaming our university. It is simply cutting through the administration's lies and sharing the truth with all who care about this institution.
ReplyDeleteThe only way that FAMUans can protect their university is if they are armed with the facts. The blog provides an invaluable service to that end.
While Bryant's won this battle, the war is far from over. She Lowe, George Allen and others are going to face justice for harm they have inflicted upon this university. The FAMU leadership crisis is becoming an issue in the gubernatorial campaign (see the Capital Outlook's editorial endorsing Rod Smith, who promises sweeping changes on the BOT if elected). Many other FAMUans are pressing the issue of BOT change to other candidates.
We can win this, Rattlers. Let's just keep up the good fight! Truth and justice will prevail.
I am not a Tallahassee resident and I appreciate the info contained herein. not only has this blog been informative, but it presents breaking news that is confirmed by other sources. So keep up the good work Rattler Nation.
ReplyDeleteIt was a cover up - plain and simple" every one knows that.
But it ain't over until its over!!!
Well FOLKS ...
So - WHY do you all keep wasting all this time on the 2005 books - that she only can be blamed for no more than 6 months worth of the s*** in them?
Why don't you wait until these 2006 books come out ... "That she will have to be 100% accountable for?"
You all keep showing more and more each day that you keep rehashing this issue that you all basically have NOTHING else on your plates worth complaining about. Even though there are FAR more important CURRENT Thangs going on on the Hill that could require your energy and expertise, you all continue to try to search for some "Pelican Brief" Conspiracy Theory behind a set of books that never shoud have been that f***ed up to begin with!
Folks ... It'll be Football Season tomorrow! GETTA LIFE ALREADY ... "AND LET THIS ISSUE GO!"
The 2005 Books are Castell's as well. Gainous was fired in September of 2004 and the budget had not been verified from the State. Take it from an insider who knows the real deal. Castell was a liar then and she continues to lie. The Uncovered true will come soon and very soon.
ReplyDeleteSince she didn't come on board until January, if you say MC Freddie Gee left in September, 2004, then your School was being run on "Institutional Knowledge" for three months!
ReplyDeleteWhatever - and whenever - this uncovered truth is, and makes itself known ... "I sure wish it would Hurry UP!"
Anonymous said...Folks ... It'll be Football Season tomorrow! GETTA LIFE ALREADY ... "AND LET THIS ISSUE GO!"
ReplyDelete9/01/2006 11:09 AM
"Well, I guess my theory proved to be correct, hence, I see where the loyalties of the "Nation" rest. That is, simply to be a conduit to provide the media with bad press and to further defame the name of Florida A&M University."
ReplyDeleteummmm....maybe the NATION knows something you don't. All that glitters ain't gold.
The Interim (CVB)is #1 in spreading "Bad Press" to the media with her grand standing in 2005 on the issues surrounding the "fake payroll audit", firing all the assistant football coaches, then Billy Joe, and so forth. She is the one that started the bad media blitz at FAMU. It has backfired on her with the launching of Rattler Nation. Go get her with vigor Rattler Nation.