We've been sitting on this story since September 5th, today, however, the
FAMUAN has reported that the Marching 100 is alleged to have stolen, sheets, pillow cases, irons, and comforters from the Detroit Marriot at Renaissance Center. This is the hotel the band stayed at on their trip to the Detroit Football Classic. See:
Band faces suspension for alleged hotel theft
It seems that after band members checked out of their hotel rooms at 6 a.m. on Sunday that hotel staff noticed items missing from the rooms. The bands buses were detained, for the 3 hours, while hotel security staff and Detroit Police searched the band buses. Many of the items were recovered and, as we understand it, no charges have been filed.
Also see:
Theft a poor reflection upon university
If this is indeed true, it is most embarrassing for the entire school, and the culprits must be held accountable. On another FAMU's administration, including, but not limited to CVB, DA,VH and LMcB, et al, are horrible, horrible people. What kind of mothers raised these kind of people, that neither of them cares about the emotional damage and turmoil they've inflicted upon their fellow sisters and brothers? True that there were a mountain of deadbeats that needed to go, but how in the God Almighty do you justify mistreating so many people? I'm convinced that Castell, Debra, and Liz McBride have no goddamn conscience whatsoever. They're all probably going to hell.
ReplyDeleteAnd none too soon, I might add.
ReplyDeleteThere's really no way this incident can be laid at Castell's feet. The unfortunate fact is that this behavior goes right along with the hazing that has been going on for years. These sorts of behaviors arise out of a culture of un-accountability. Why else would these kids steal on the heels of the gpa fiasco?
ReplyDeleteCall it what is is. Those that stole are thieves. Plan and simple.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry, RN, but your facts on this one are WRONG, WRONG, WRONG! There were no police there and and the band staff alerted the hotel, not the other way around. If the hotel was the one who discovered the theft, then why would they say the band was welcome back? Additionally, MEMBERS of the band, not the entire band were culprits.
ReplyDeleteYou know...given some of the misinformation and FLAT OUT LIES I've been reading on this site, I am worried that the good that you have done is being undermined. Be careful that you are not printing stories based on fabrications. I have to wonder if stories are being planted in an attempt to discredit you. Watch your back and check your facts.
that damn band.
ReplyDelete>>>There were no police there and and the band staff alerted the hotel, not the other way around. If the hotel was the one who discovered the theft, then why would they say the band was welcome back?<<<
ReplyDeleteThe information presented on RN is the same as what was printed in The FAMUan. If you think the facts are wrong, then you need to write a letter to the editor and/or present some evidence to prove that claim.
Anonymous said...9/08/2006 7:15 PM, I'm sorry, RN, but your facts on this one are WRONG, WRONG, WRONG!
ReplyDeleteAfter the Saturday night performance at the Detroit Classic, the band returned to the Marriott Hotel to rest before the long bus ride back to Tallahassee, band members said. Sunday morning as the band was departing, hotel officials stopped them, alleging items were missing from their hotel rooms, White said.
An anonymous source said the maids that were assigned to clean their rooms discovered the rooms had property missing.
Body towels, face towels, pillows, irons and comforters were among the items that were recovered, which delayed their return by three hours, white said.
White said the drum majors did a check along with the hotel staff, however the hotel staff was short.
The hotel called the police to monitor the situation as the items were returned from the busses, the anonymous source said.
"As of right now we are not pressing charges; furthermore, the school has been very cooperative in negotiations. We have not restricted the band from returning," said Raynard Lawler, the hotel's residential manager.
In the words of JEB BUSH --- Just Read!
You're gonna quote the FAMUAN as your source??? This is the same FAMUAN who quotes a message board (The Snake Pit) as their anonymous source??? Check out the Democrat article (http://www.tallahassee.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20060908/BREAKINGNEWS/609080360) where THEY actually talked to Dr. White, which the FAMUAN did not. They will have to deal with their misquotes (or nonquotes) of him later.
ReplyDeleteAs for proof...call Doc yourself and ask him if he talked to the FAMUAN. OR better yet, check with any of the band staff and ask them what went down. That's what I did.
In that article in the Famuan, first they say the hotel stopped the band. Then they say Dr. White informed the hotel. Which is it? And surely they aren't equating a recognition in Black Enterprise to Facebook! Those articles are suspect to say the least.
ReplyDeleteThe individual students/crooks that stole are an embarrassment to the 100 and FAMU.
To Blogger #3...
ReplyDeleteNo one is trying to lay this thing at Castell's feet. Where'd you get that idea? No one's blaming anyone for anything except the alleged culprits who may have engaged in such atrocious behavior. People may want to blame CVB for a whole of things--and rightly so--but this is not one of them. Goodness.
You can raise standards of behavior and academics as high as you want, but until you gert that thug element out of the marching band, this shit is going to continue. It's not as if any of this shit is news. Them nyggaz been stealing shit from hotel for, how many years now, about 150.
ReplyDeletethe thug isn't just in the band, it's in the entire student body.
ReplyDeleteHow can FAMU continue to admit 40-50% underprepared, undermotivated, underachieving students as "exceptions" and not have them bring to campus all the ways they have learned not to succeed in school -- and all the things they want to turn the campus into, including a place where they can be thugs on the street?
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...the thug isn't just in the band, it's in the entire student body. 9/09/2006 11:15 AM
ReplyDeleteYou have some female professors that are afraid of some students enrolled in their courses. Can you image being cursed out by someone with a mouth full of gold? What are you going to do, call FAMU PD. Faculty members are concerned about this new type of student, their mentality and aggressive behavior.
Shit, don't be surprised if a faculty member is shot or beat down this year. It's really that bad.
After having read all the comments about this unfortunate, sad stor,I might also add, I read the Tallahassee Democrat's story in this morning's paper (Saturday) Regardless of who first reported the theft--Dr. White (as the Democrat's article states) or the hotel ( as some of the commentators here have said--the band members who thought it was Okay to steal items from the Detroit Marriot Hotel are a shame to their parents, FAMU and the glorious tradition of the FAMU Marching 100. Haveing been a member the 100 in the the 1960s--the period during which the reputation of this band was firmly established. It pains me--much-- to see a younger generation of Black men and women, living off the reputation that I and literally hundreds of other black men sacrificed our time, our energies, and our muscianship to create a reputation for excellence not only in performance, but in terms of personal character and personal behaviour-- that the current crop of FAMU 100 Members take so very, very lightly! Shame is not a strong enough term to describe my and many other men who created the reputation for this band that these young people have take for granted. From the very beginninng of the hundred until about 1970--it was an all male band. The only all black, all male, college band in the nation. Yes, in 1945 and 1946, when then legendary Dr. William Patrick Foster became Director of the FAMU band, there were five female majorettes. But after 1946, the 100 was an all male band, because if you know the history of the FAMU band, it started out as a military band. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries militay bands did not include women. Please do not misunderstand me. I am not, even remotely, trying to blame this latest slap in the face to those of us, who built the reputation for the FAMU 100 on the fact that since 1970 women, because of Federal law, had to be members. No, this latest incident and others in recent years are all indicative of the lack of respect for the tradition that this band once represented. No, the President, nor any of the top FAMU officials, can be blamed for this latest disgraceful incident. It is more a reflection of how we, as a people, have fallen from the moral high ground--Whether it is justified or not--We have fallen, as a people, to actually live the sterotypes that those of us who attended and graduated from FAMU in the 1920s, 1930s, 1940s, 1950s, and the 1960s who were trained and taught by Dr. Foster, Prof. Leonard Bowie, Prof. Bing, and Prof. Daniels to avoid, and through our behaviour we were taught to deny their truth and/validity. Whether we realize it our not, this "theft Incident" is a watershed event both for FAMU and the FAMU Marching 100. It is a sad, sad day for FAMU and the 100. Finally, I think a part of the problem is a result of the fact that at some point in the 1980s FAMU and the marching 100 substituted quantity for quality. A huge band does not make a good, high quality band. I am ashamed for FAMU and the Marching 100!
ReplyDeleteEveryone who marched thinks the period when they marched was the end-all, be-all. I'm sure those that marched before the 60s question your comment that the "reputation of this band was firmly established" not until and during the decade in which YOU marched. That's a slap in the face to those that came before you. While the 100 is special and unique, it is in no way immune to the problems of society as a whole. I'm sure I don't have to explain to any of us that it is a different world now than it was when previous generations were in school. Our parents taught us accountability and respect. That appears to be lacking with this generation and if they don't have it by the time they get to college, there isn't a whole lot anyone can do.
ReplyDeleteThe large majority of those students in the 100 now are good, hard-working, and honorable students who make the same sacrifices that you made (although I will argue that musicianship isn't a sacrifice that any, including you have made). Those quality students and the quality staff that are there now need our support, not to be torn down from those that profess to love the 100. The bad apples in the bunch will be found out and exposed, just as they have been with this incident.
And if your point wasn't to blame this on the fact that women "had" to become members in the 1970s, because the law recognized that they were being discriminated against, why even bring that up?
FYI...I came up during the 70s in the 100 and would never disrespect you, who came before me, the way you did the pre-60s members.
What IS this "Detroit Classic" and "Florida Classic" and "Atlanta Classic" and "Orange Blossom Classic" and similar shiff?
ReplyDeleteFachrissake, these are FOOTBALL GAMES, not cultural events!
Doesn't FAMU have anything deserves to be called "classic" besides a football game?
Newsflash, if you cannnot relate to them, maybe you are not needed. Hmm. For years now, people have been denying order in the band latley, more offensively. Giving out membership like a slice of pizza during a campaigm week dorm storm.If you'd call your cable provider and get RID of BET, maybe we can recover. When I wanted to refrence how it must be, to be a young adult in America I had good examples. Look at what these young ones are entrenched in and remember that they ARE NOT YOU. THET ARE NOT GROWN. Let's be real. I had to come to that realization at some point shortly after I got to college. Students at FAMU need to demand:HAND WASH ONLY. Shame, putting our youth through the free with fill-up automated car-wash. Foster Leadership!
ReplyDeletePeople...I went over in '90...and I remember the busses having to stop outside of SEVERAL hotels while the staff unloaded pillow after pillow, and comforters, glasses, irons...damn, there may have been a TV and a minibar fridge.
ReplyDeleteThese band members are not mature, remember? We weren't either, we were just EXPECTED to be. We only had discipline on the field, and on the patch when Doc was watching. The rest of the time, we were just some kids making bad decisions more often than we should have.