"I favor Ammons,” Dr. Bryant said. "I think Dr. Ammons will hit the ground running from day one. He'll be able to come back here and stop the bleeding immediately."
During his five years as Chancellor at NCCU, Ammons has presided over a 58% increase in enrollment, raised SAT scores and recruited National Achievement scholars, renovated and expanded the campus, and lead serveral marquee programs at the University to the accreditation process, most recently the School of Business.
See: Alumni favor Ammons
Ammons can lead FAMU into future
Ammons has impressive track record
Let's get that snowball rolling. The winds of change are blowing.
ReplyDeleteAmmons All The Way!
I'm on the A-train! It's movin down the track!
ReplyDeleteE-mail the Governor-elect and let him know your feelings on the subject.
ReplyDeletePlese note that Dr. Bryant was speaking for himself and not for the FAMU NAA, as some would read into it.
ReplyDeleteDr. Alvin Bryant does not speak for me (and I am a FAMU graduate, with two degrees from the institution). Even though Ammons is qualified, skilled, competent and loves the university, he's also a holdover from the Humphries years. I believe, simply, that the university go outside the box this one time and hire someone with Ammons' skills and credentials, but one who is not associated the university. Everyone wants a FAMUan to lead us to wherever that promised land is. I think we eed to look elsewhere, get a new start, a new perspective. What's wrong with that? Apparently a lot is wrong with it, because no one wants to entertain that point of view.
ReplyDeleteI'm not e-mailing the governor and ask him to do dipp.
ReplyDelete...with two degrees from the institution...
ReplyDeleteAnd? FTR, I know many people that have dual advanced degree, and are still not the brightest bulbs on the Christmas tree when it comes down to making sound informed decisions. Ya feelin' me?
Even though Ammons is qualified, skilled, competent and loves the university, he's also a holdover from the Humphries years.
Oh, so he and any other highly successful Rattlers should not be considered for this, or any other position on the hill, because they happened to have attended school, or worked there under Dr. Humphries? Pull-leeze--- Get over yourself.
Anonymous said...Dr. Alvin Bryant does not speak for me (and I am a FAMU graduate, with two degrees from the institution). Even though Ammons is qualified, skilled, competent and loves the university, he's also a holdover from the Humphries years. 12/24/2006 5:45 PM
^^Everyone is entitled to an opinion. Merry Christmas everyone.!
*sniff, sniff* I smell some
ReplyDeleteCast-hell/Lowe supporters here...
From the list of candidates remaining, Dr. Ammons is by far the most qualified to lead FAMU. The other two candidates can't seem to handle their business at their current schools, so in how in de hewl would we want them in Tallahassee.
The person with the two degrees from FAMU, are you mad that FSU would not accept you because you sure sound like a
FAMU-hater to me. And it's always those blowing the most smoke, who don't give back to FAMU financially. So go sit and spin!
We know that Dr. Ammons loves being a Rattler AND will do everything in his power to keep her the #1 HBCU in the country. The other two, well, I don't want to take a chance and find out where their loyalty will lie.
Proud FAMU Alumna
My point, 6:16, is that not all FAMUans are head over heels about Ammons coming back to the university. You completely missed my point. And since you did, let me explain:the point, as I previously stated, is that perhaps the BOT needs to look outside a FAMUan in terms of selection of the next president. Talk about bright bulbs, OBVIOUSLY you are not one (or even understand how one functions), if you didn't get the point of my post. The number of degrees that I have from FAMU wasn't even part of the equation. I simply mentioned it because I wanted to say that not all FAMUans (and I truly am one) are so gung-ho about Ammons. Nothing more. Nothing less. James Ammons is not the ONLY person who can lead FAMU into the future. You, I am afraid, are terribly, terribly small minded. Oops! My bad. First you must HAVE a mind in order for it to be small. My apologies for giving you credit for something you don't possess.
ReplyDeleteI also think that someone other than FAMU grads should be looked at. What's wrong with that? I don't think the poster is a Lowe/Bryant lover. But I do think the poster has a point. James Ammons could get in there and give all y'all his arse to kiss. Most of y'all some stupid ignorant people anyway.
ReplyDeleteSomeone on RN said and I agree, "Let's stop being crabs in a bucket. Ammons IS A RATTLER! Ammons has prepared himself well. Obtained the skill sets FAMU so desperately needs right now and is offering his service. All FAMUans should be proud and rally to welcome him home as President!" He certainly can do no worse that what we've had since Dr. Humphries left FAMU. Which is far worse than when Humphries was at FAMU.
ReplyDeleteMalcolm X once said, "No Sell Out!"
ReplyDeleteYou, I am afraid, are terribly, terribly small minded. Oops! My bad. First you must HAVE a mind in order for it to be small. My apologies for giving you credit for something you don't possess.
ReplyDeleteThis is the problem with pseudo black intellectuals. The "better than" attitude that emits from the ego. It indeed shows just how shallow one can become when they don't remain grounded in reality.
That said, there are 2 other candidates being "looked at". Of the 3 final (because they're not going to go out and get any others to interview) candidates, which do you deem more qualified than Dr. Ammons to lead this university?
10:44--No one is claiming a "better than" attitude. More than you could ever imagine, I am very much "grounded in reality." I am not emitting from the ego. (And where else, pray tell, can one be "grounded"?) Are we saying that Ammons is the absolute best person simply because he is a graduate of the university? Is no one else capable of doing such a job unless they are graduates of the university? I believe that the Denton provost would be quite capable as well. But he is not a FAMUan, therefore that automatically excludes him from the race. Apparently you have a problem with looking beyond that which is closest to your eyes. Sometimes we should not only think outside the box, but move away from it completely. In your vision, however, that would be too much like seeing the trees because there is, indeed, a forest out there. Comprende? Probably not.
ReplyDeleteAddendum, to 10:44--Not only do I have two degrees from the university, I also possess a terminal degree from another university. You COMPLETELY misunderstood the initial post. I'm hardly "psuedo." What's the match-up? Y
ReplyDeleteAddendum, to 10:44--Not only do I have two degrees from the university, I also possess a terminal degree from another university. You COMPLETELY misunderstood the initial post. I'm hardly "psuedo." What's the match-up?
ReplyDeleteIt seems to me that you are missing the point. There are 3 candidates. That's a fact. Which of the three are most qualified both in terms of background and rattler support. Period.
BOT did consider people outside or the rattler community and the 3 options are the results of a year-long filtering process. Lets have some (only some) respect for the professionals that were involved in this process. Ammons is a strong candidate for a "real" reason. And by most measures he wins, that's a fact.
--------------------Regarding Dr. Alvin Bryant's suppoprt
I'm not a fan of Dr. Alvin Bryant either. I agree with his position almost all the time but it's like Harold Ford vs. Al Sharpton it's not the message it's the messager. He needs to do more to lead the "Alumni Association" not fight the administration. Our NAA needs much better leadership (but that's a different thread).
Bottom Line
We have 3 and only 3 candidates. It is what it is. Of the 3 who's most qualified and this time we can not afford to "take a chance". We've been ther and done that.
Do people really believe that what FAMU has had in terms of leadership since Humphries left is better? Let's see: Revolving presidential door (Lewis, Gainous, Cast-Hell); dwindling enrollment; the Division 1 Disaster; significant reduction of industry cluster support; firings and scandals all over the news; lies about the university's finances; a $10 million, or is it $8 million surplus that has yet to be found. Is this good stuff? Under Humphries FAMU led the nation in the recruitment of national achievement scholars (including Harvard); had the largest industry cluster of any HBCU in the nation; had a growing (not dwindling) foundation endowment; had growing (not dwindling) enrollment; became the largest single campus HBCU in the nation, etc.,etc., etc.
ReplyDeleteThe difference is REAL clear! Under the Corbin-hater led board and hand-picked administrations FAMU has sputtered out of control; made nearly disastrous decisions; fired key administrators with institutional knowledge; etc., etc., etc. The winds of change are blowing and a change is gonna come.
Anonymous said at 7:42 AM
ReplyDeleteIt seems to me that you are missing the point. There are 3 candidates. That's a fact. Which of the three are most qualified both in terms of background and rattler support. Period.
BOT did consider people outside or the rattler community and the 3 options are the results of a year-long filtering process. Lets have some (only some) respect for the professionals that were involved in this process. Ammons is a strong candidate for a "real" reason. And by most measures he wins, that's a fact.
Thank you Anonymous at 7:42! There are no do-overs in this process. After watching this exchange, it seems that some here just don't get it.
To the poster @ 12/26/06 7:42 AM
ReplyDeleteThank God for Alvin Bryant's leadership! If not for him, how far along do you think this process would be in selecting a permanent president.
Thank God he did not meet with Corbin and Castell this summer at the Florida Region meeting and cut a deal as was planned, but was man enough to say "NO!" Just think, all you complainers would've had Castell and KPGM for another guaranteed 3 years.
Thank God he stood up to the BOT and called them out for not staying on top of their employee.
Thank God he stood up for the SBI 8!
Yeah, everybody likes to send this leader into to battle and second guess what he should and should not do, too bad he's not GWB who sends the troops in to get the job done while he's all safe from the BS and afraid to get his hands dirty.
And finally, Alvin Byrant always puts him money and time where his mouth is.
How many of you can say as much, how many have been back to FAMU to challenge the BOT face-to-face for their actions; how many have actually written, called, emailed or faxed the BOT about the numerouse injustices to and against FAMU?
Yeah, talk is cheap, just like a $2 suit.
7:42--I was completely unaware that "Rattler Support" was a qualification to be president of the university. Show me "Rattler Support" as a credential, and I'll gladly reconsider my views. When Castell Bryant was given the reins in Jan. 2005, she, too, had "Rattler Support." Everyone, in the beginning of her tenure at the university, was in her corner. We all know the story of her performance and behavior. I believe you have COMPLETELY missed, not only the point, but ALL points. Oh, what the heck. You'll never, ever GET IT, so I'll just leave this alone, unless someone with an OPEN mind wants to dialogue here about the point, which, of course, you've not gotten thus far.
ReplyDeleteMaybe Ammons will get up in there and fire/replace/move to another position all those people that Castell hired, like Debra Austin, who was a community college reject after 100 years at TCC. That would be Ammons' first order of business. I believe the man will restore coalm to the tumultuous university.
ReplyDeleteAsk "that woman" over in the College of Education if she believe Ammons oughts to return.
ReplyDeleteSure -- as soon as you ask a certain UFF member and a certain BOT member the same questions.
ReplyDeleteAsk "that woman" over in the College of Education ...
ReplyDeleteWho you talking about the new COE Dean?