Ammons gets seven votes and will be FAMU's next president. When the motion was made to make it a unamimous vote, Laura Branker moved against it.
Voting for Ammons were: Holmes, Agnew, Diallo, McWilliams, Cardenas, Duncan and Jennings.
Thompson got votes from: Lowe, Branker, Tyson, Jenkins, Allen, and Benjamin
What's the breakdown? Who vote for who?
ReplyDeletewho voted for who?
ReplyDeleteVote breakdown PLEASE?
ReplyDeleteI can't believe the vote was 7-6. I didn't think Thelma was that good. I thought Johnson was better. I'm happy we have Ammons. I'm sure he will do a good job. Holmes, Cardenas, Diallo, Agnew I recall voted for Ammons. Cant' rememer the rest.
ReplyDeleteGood choice FAMU...good choice....
Are those the seven? In any event, congratulations Rattlers for bringing a Florida Boy home to The Hill.
Does it REALLY even MATTER who voted for whom at this point?
ReplyDeleteWhat's done is done ... "Thank Goodness This Charade Is Finally Over!"
(I-10 by 10) jfhg...
Honestly it does matter because a vote for Thompson shows poor judgment. Ammons will need the BOT's support and there are clearly six people of the 13 that are going to be problems, starting with the corrput, conniving Challis Lowe.
ReplyDeleteit could matter who voted for who because i can assure you that the "against" votes will be the first to start raising "h&*l" with Ammons. As long as this board...as long as hell.
ReplyDeleteGREAT JOB RN!!!!!
So when's castell's packing party? Or is it already in progress???
ReplyDeleteYou/we don't know whether they are going to be problems or not ... The very ones that voted for him may be just as - or even MORE - contrary as the ones who voted for someone else. (Remember - THEY are the ones who will have to hear it from you all IF for some reason things don't go as smooth as planned.)
ReplyDeleteLet's just be glad it's all finally over ... And that we can now all start moving FORWARD for a change!!
great job rattlernation!! way to stand up for the need of famu Holmes,Agnew,Diallo,McWilliams, Cardenas,Duncan, and Jennings. I hope governor Crist and his administration was watching very closely, so he will know how to replace on our board, i believe that he has 6 seats to fill!!
ReplyDeletegood job rattler nation you brough our man home! thank you thank you...now we can get to work and get our beloved FAMU on point and on top! glory! glory! glory!
ReplyDeleteRN, you ROCK!!! we wouldn't have made it through these years and there probably would have been a different result without you. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
ReplyDeleteI pledge to continue my undying support and dedication to uplifting FAMU, just as you have given. This doesn't mean our journey is over, it is just (THANKFULLY!) a new chapter. We must still continue to monitor the happenings at our dear University because the forces that wish to do us harm are still out there.
The porch light can indeed be turned off because the sun is a-rising!
FAMU FOREVER (for real, now!)!!!!
Congratulations FAMU on a wise decision! I wish you well w/ the selection of Ammons.
ReplyDeleteThere is no gurantee he will leave NCCU with only a 7-6 vote. He has at worst a 11-2 vote at NCCU and a best vote of 13-0. He enjoys wide community support in North Carolina.
ReplyDeletewe are going to work hard to keep him at NCCU and in North Carolina.
ReplyDeleteThe FAMU search process was flawed if it could only get 7-6 vote for it favorite son candidate. It sounds like bad politics at FAMU. The Chair of the Committee did not do his/her job. Neither of the finalist should take the job with this vote. The Board should call a special meeting and make a unamimous decision. I hope Ammons demand that before he accepts.
ReplyDeleteNCCU is already working to keep him here, but if he chooses to leave we wish he and his wife well. He leaves NCCU in better shape than he found it, but still a lot of work needs to be done. It a shame he got only 7 votes. The Chair of the Board needs to resign for lack of leadership. In situations like this you seek total consenus of the candidate.
ReplyDeleteThe way the FAMU Board voted today gives NCCU a great chance to keep him. If he stays at NCCU he will need to make some staffing changes.
ReplyDeleteDo you all think he really will turn down the Presidency of FAMU because of the vote??? I mean it was clear that the Board was divided and he wouldn't get a 10-3 vote or something similar. We knew going in Lowe and her buddies weren't voting for Ammons. They wanted someone they could control.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations, but I won't think this opera is over until the fat lady sings, and we're still in act two.
ReplyDeleteLaura Branker should resign tomorrow, especially if she wouldn't change her vote to make it a ceremonial unanimous decision.
ReplyDeleteAll you Corbin, Cast-Hell Cronies...Get To Packin!
Okay. I'm starting the list of who needs to start packing, in case our new President looks at this blogger... (ROTFL)
ReplyDelete1. Castell
2. Vivian H. (YES!)
3. Vincent J./aka Cher (YES! YES!)
4. Liz M. (Ms. Mis-Interpreter of the law)
5. Janie G. (Ms. "Let them stand in the rain for their paychecks"
6. Danielle K.L. (back to Ala gurl)
7. Michelle L. (out of F.A. OUT!)
8. Nathaniel H.
9. Andre C.
10. Rufus L.
11. Ted W. (back to ABAC/FSU/UF..anywhere... just back)
12. Scott J.D. (Mr. "Men of Nurture")
13. Cher
14. Cher
15. Cher and his "Sunnys"
No commonality here, ya'll...just starting the list of name (yeah right)
You guys are ruthless!
ReplyDeleteWhat's up between Branker and Ammons? She STILL didn't vote for Johnson, even though she pretended that he and Thompson were her top choices. She's a Junior Leaguer TRIP at times!
And I'm so happy Dr. Diallo has returned to the faculty... It was a little hard to understand her initially with the Interim Prez. GLAD TO HAVE YOU ON THE RIGHT SIDE, MARY!!!
LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! It is so wonderful to have a STRONG BLACK MALE IN A LEADERSHIP position at FAMU again. Betcha he won't be "switching" and breaking his wrists. Bet he won't say in a President Leadership Meeting, "Ooo, I am so tired I have to run home and take a bubble bath." YEP! I said it, Vinnie! zx
Rattlernation, FAMUNAA, GrassRoots Investment Group (GRIG.com) with the e-mail marketing campaign that got Dr. Bryant exposure on the election, SGA, and the Faculty Senate showed that democracy and freedom of the press works! Finally this shows that African Americans do have control over our institutions and ultimately our destiny! This is a solid example for all the HBCUs and all africans around the world!
ReplyDeletePASTOR Holmes! I am so very proud of your leadership as a strong Black man in this process. When Lowe tried to dishonor you by attempting to demote your role in the presidential search, you "stood still" until it was your time to shine. I AM SO HAPPY THAT YOU "DID THE RIGHT THING" in helping to bring back respect and honor to the President's seat!
ReplyDeleteNow, let's hope that Dr. Ammons do the right thing with all of these young males that Castell brought on the hill. I know...THEY ARE SWEET... but we don't need sweet. We need strength, maturity and honor.
(Laughing at other writer...guess we don't need bubble bath taking men... LAUGHING)
By the way, did Castell tell the vice presidents and other leadership staff that they couldn't come to the meeting? Vivian H. and Janie G. were the only ones there. Right?
I AM SO PROUD TODAY TO BE A RATTLER! Out comes the checkbook again.
"Home is where the house is." My appologies to NC, but it time for the King to claim his throne; thanks for taking great care of him, but it is now time for him to come home. "Welcome home Mr. President!"
ReplyDeleteBy the way when and where is the packing party? :)
It is so obvious how the Castell croonies was trying to get Thelma, they voted against Johnson who clearly has a more experienced track record, but your strategy failed, because our son is home. Thelma the next time you are asked to be interviewed while the staff have lunch, you better think twice,cause the was plain ugly, yeah we heard it.
ReplyDeleteThe DUMBEST TRUSTEE AWARD goes to Trustee Jesse Tyson. He asked Dr. Ammons how would he get the university's accreditation. When Dr. Ammons informed him that the university has SCAC accreditation, Jesse asked did he what a higher level of accreditation. Jesse did not know that SCAC was the highest level of accreditation for a university. Dah! Jesse does not have a clue as to where he is or what he is charged to do. Let Gov.Crist know he has to go! DUMB! DUMB!
ReplyDeleteI have been visiting this site at least three times a day (every day) for the past several months.
ReplyDeleteI usually check the counter to see how many people are on the blog-site concurrently. That number is usually less than five (5).
I was astonished to see that there were 51 people on this blog site (at the same time)today at 4:45 p.m. It was truly amazing!!
Subsequently, I reached two conclusions:
1. Many FAMUans who couldn't listen to their radios or could not attend the interviews (or were to afraid) heard that Ammons won and they wanted to tap into the only source of accurate news about FAMU: Rattler Nation!
2. Many FAMUans who behaved like cowards (especially faculty & staff) are now courageous enough to log on to this blog-site (even from your computers in your office at FAMU).
Every since this TYRANT (Bryant) assumed the post of Interim President, only a few were brave enough to take a stand and fight this oppressive regime (with very little help from within).
Now,it appears that help is on the way.
Perhaps the time has come for rest of you to grow some ##@#**@@ BALLS and a BACKBONE!!!!!!
Power to the People!!!
Angela Davis ( but you know that)
Lest us not forget ALTHA MANNING on the TO GO LIST!!!
ReplyDeleteDebra austin must go also.
ReplyDeleteThere are a lot of HBCUS searching for a permanent chancellor or president. It will be interesting to see if any of them are interested in Thelma Thompson.
ReplyDeleteI think one of those colleges would pick a winner with H. Johnson. But that Thompson lady.....I dunno cuz.
1. Castell
ReplyDelete2. Vivian H. (YES!)
3. Vincent J./aka Cher (YES! YES!)
4. Liz M. (Ms. Mis-Interpreter of the law)
5. Janie G. (Ms. "Let them stand in the rain for their paychecks"
6. Danielle K.L. (back to Ala gurl)
7. Michelle L. (out of F.A. OUT!)
8. Nathaniel H.
9. Andre C.
10. Rufus L.
11. Ted W. (back to ABAC/FSU/UF..anywhere... just back) (correction Tim W.)
12. Scott J.D. (Mr. "Men of Nurture")
13. Cher
14. Cher
15. Cher and his "Sunnys"
16. Debra A.
17. Altha M.
Dr. Austin is incompetent and a detriment to FAMU. She needs to pack her bags along side castell.
ReplyDeleteLet the church say amen. Let's now get our foot out and began to kick, kick and kick again. oh I'm sorry, strike, strike and strike again! :)