Whitney: Gurl, I BEEN left Bobby but Ben "aka AnMRattler" Davis STILL won't call me!"
Jennifer: "I know Whitney! But I'm gonna get him if I have to sing 'And I'm Tellin You' outside his window at home AND at work!!!"
Whitney: Ben is probably running around with that damn Pam Bryant or the ubber sexy Kim Borland... I'll never get him back now!
Jennifer: No Whitney, he still loves you. He'll call soon.
Boy RN is straight up crazy!
ReplyDeleteYou're not joking about Kimberly Borland. Here she is right here: http://www.musecube.com/versatilebeauty/
ReplyDeleteSee, RN, you straight-up wrong for that, just straight-up wrong.
ReplyDeleteWho is this Borland person?
Borland is FAMU's assistant corporate secretary. She's in charge of distributing meeting information to the BOT members.
ReplyDeleteYou might recall her from the last BOT meeting. She read the presidential ballots and publicly announced how each trustee had voted.
Borland might look good, but her attitude is the PITS! She needs the right brother to let her know what time it is.
ReplyDeleteToo many nigs have told her she looks good. She ain't no Halle Berry.
ReplyDeleteShe fine to me!
Good looking but bad attitude? Like Gabrielle Union in Daddy's Little Girls? Is it that bad?
ReplyDeleteShe's on top of her sh*t. Ammons will be her 3rd president. She has no ties to anyone (Presidents or Board members) - she just does her damn job! Yes, she can be a bit stern but hell who can blame her with dealing with crazy people everyday.
ReplyDeleteKimberly Borland was a huge Thelma Thompson supporter. She was lobbying for Thompson on the low at Castell's direction.
ReplyDeleteBorland is nothing but a puppet for the interim president. Let her go take some bikini pictures for men's magazine and leave the board work to people with a sense of professional ethics.
Kimberly Borland is nothing more than Castell's eye candy!
ReplyDeleteBorland is not a person of integrity. She's one of the main operatives in spinning critical information to the out-of-town trustees in order to give them the illusion that everything is okay.
ReplyDeleteThat girl is POISON!
Maybe she can be reassigned to student recruitment. And bring that modeling portfolio!
Borland is quite definitely the only woman of the Bryant administration who will be able to have a post-FAMU based on her looks.
ReplyDeleteCastell, Eva, Challis, and Little Debbie...? HELL to da NAWH!!
You all will talk about anybody!! Next thing you know, you will be on the secretaries and stuff. Leave that girl alone. She is just trying to do her freaking job.
ReplyDeleteIt was not Borland's job to try and serve as Castell's tool coax trustees into voting for Thompson.
ReplyDeleteIt's said that Borland as had a big hand in compiling the prep materials that Castell used to try and coach Thelma. Borland is devious!
Looks like Borland has been reading this blog because she's removed all the skimpy pictures of her in bikinis, lingerie, and wearing no top (except her hands).
We should forward those pictures to her next employer, with a note: "She'll dress like this at this office party!"
These are obvious comments from 1.)Guys who a jealous because they won't ever have a chance with her, and 2.) Women who are mad that they not only don't look as good as her now, but never looked as good as her....LMAO! No one has any facts. See how all the comments start off nice and then here comes the haters. Who cares who she wanted to be President (and last time I checked everyone had a right to their own opinion)? Some of you all really need to get a life and GET OUT MORE.....LMAO!!!!
ReplyDeleteWho cares who she wanted to be President (and last time I checked everyone had a right to their own opinion)?
ReplyDeleteEveryone in Castell's administration has the right to an opinion. However, they do not have a right to use their taxypayer financed positions and budgets to try and rig the presidential search process through the backdoor.
There was enough money to fly Thompson in early three days early, give her lodging and meals, and have Borland develop prep materials specifically for her. Yet, Castell now wants us to believe that she doesn't have adequate administrative resources to distribute paychecks on time.
This is all about priorities. In the Bryant administration, there's always enough money and time to spend on activities with the aim of cheating and lying. However, there's never enough to carry out basic, legal administrative functions.
This is published in the Miss Florida Pageant news about Ms. Borland. What does RN think about this. She is getting what she deserves, she is just as the people on this blog says, she has a very nasty attitude. Yes, she is pretty and has a nice shape, but that is no excuse to be nasty to people just because she is working in the President's office. Her days should be numbered too!!!
ReplyDeleteRead on:
On Feb. 14, 2007, just 10 days after SDJ Enterprises LLC announced that Kimberlee Borland had been dethroned as Miss Black Universe, a newly incorporated rival organization challenged the dismissal, declared that it was running the pageant and said Ms. Borland was still the rightful holder of the title. The new organization, Miss Black Universe Pageant LLC, disputed the claim that Ms. Borland had failed to uphold contractual obligations. On the contrary, it accused SDJ of failing to uphold contractual obligations and said that justified a change in administration. SDJ, in turn, called the new group's claim of running the pageant null and void, and it said Ms. Borland would not be reinstated. Both organizations tell PNB they are moving forward with plans for the next pageant and are prepared to defend their interests through legal means. It's an extraordinary dispute for the pageant world.
I guess "versatilebeauty" felt the need to cover-up.
ReplyDeleteThe question is, why would you post those types of scantily-clad pictures of yourself on the internet if you didn't want people to see them?
QUOTE: "2.) Women who are mad that they not only don't look as good as her now, but never looked as good as her....LMAO! No one has any facts."
ReplyDeleteHow funny! TRUE, but funny none the less. You don't even have to be a woman to be able to tell it's all women posting this stuff (at least the negative stuff)!!!! Maybe one day us women will help and support one another instead of hoping and praying on others downfall. So sad. I don't even know her, but until this I had only heard great things about her, so sister if you're reading this: you keep on doing you and keep your head up! It's obviously alot of you own co-workers no-doubt trying to divert attention to you so it stays off them. Stay positive, and remember with your job, you're not paid to make friends – you're paid to do your job. I've only heard praise for how you do your job so don't be worried about the old hags on here who are obviously so jealous of your beauty (because they keep bringing it up).
I've only heard praise for how you do your job...
ReplyDeleteUh, oh. Rufus and Little Cousin Vinnie are back to defend the Castell crew.
Does Borland really know what her job is? She seems to think that part her job is to get a pathetic, lying, fiancial disaster-magnet like Thelma Thompson seated as president.
Kimberlee (Vanna Black) Borland puts on the facade of being objective -- but underneath she's got the same conniving, ruthless spirit of her friends Castell and Challis.
And Rufus and Little Cousin Vinnie should spend less time on this blog and more time dusting off their resumes.
Let's dump these pretenders and schemers!
THIS BLOG IS HILLARIOUS!!!!!!! Old bitter women of the world UNITE! HaHa!!!! You mean to tell me that out of all the women in Lee Hall that are outright RIPE to hate on, ya'll pick Kimberly Borland.....wow....drugs must be rampant on the campus. Kimberly isn't even the wackest in her office. Dr. Wanton, Mrs. Washington.....come on. You just got a personal thing with her. Does your husband like her or something? If anybody needs to get their resume ready we can go floor by floor in Lee Hall. How about Altha "Im-sorry-she's-not-in" Manning, or Barbara "My-Employment-Is-So-Pointless" Jones....hahaha. But then again, we all know who's the biggest hater on here. Im sure you'll get all the opportunity in the world to hate on all your other co-workers at your next job. FAMU says, "Go in Peace!" But please keep it up.....this is too funny!!!!
ReplyDeleteOld bitter women of the world UNITE!
ReplyDeleteThat's already happened. It's called the Castell Bryant administration. They're a group of grudge-filled incompetents who've sought to mar Fred Humphries' legacy but only succeeded into unifying FAMUans behind his protege (James Ammons).
Many of them still claim that anyone who opposes them is a misogynist. Now, we oppose you because you've racked up deficits every fiscal year, got FAMU terrible audits, and have jacked up payroll beyond belief.
Kimberlee (squished-together Maggie Simpson eyes, digital air-brushed photo woman) Borland shouldn't feel left out. They're plenty of other broke-down looking people in current Castell regime to talk about. Castell snarl-lipped Cruella herself; Sleepy-eyed, gremlin mimicking Challis; Incredible Hulk Liz McBride; arched-eyebrow W. George Allen; Rufus oblong hair-line beady eye Little; and Vinnie "I wish I was Fabio" June (damn, man button your shirt up this ain't no margarine commerical!).
We need an emergency FAMU version of Extreme Makeover. Please help!
I'm with you....let's PLEASE get Barbara Jones fired. I mean she already "mysteriously" stopped having a job in the President's Office. I'll vote for these things: Everyone knows she's overpaid, underqualified and super stupid! When is her last day.....oh, I forgot....the day Ammons gets here! I can't wait for the mop up.
ReplyDelete"Pointless-employment" – now how accurate is that. BJ stop hating and find a new job PLEASE, for the sake of the Rattler community and any respect you have for yourself. Don't worry, you can keep hating on all those that are way prettier, way more qualified and way more likeable than you. Because I've been reading this blog and there is only two people who could be hating like this. And Barbara Jones is at the top of the list. She's been bitter ever since she got BOOTED...repeat BOOTED from the 4th floor. How can you be that old and bitter towards someone over half your age. Find a guy, have some fun and stop blaming a girl for her looks and do SOME SORT OF WORK!
Barbara Jones with the sexy leggs; oh so ubber sexy butt; and long flowing hair!
ReplyDeleteYeah right. Why would she hate on Kim Borland?
Too bad Kimberlee had the pictures taken down.
ReplyDeleteToo good that they still exist online, if you know where to look ;)
(Note: It's all one address)
Others soon to come...
3/03/2007 10:40 AM
ReplyDeleteI'm scared of my information/tech saavy Rattlers. You guys are too much!
You're probably one of the same Rattlers who found the 1998 SACS report that Challis Lowe didn't want anyone to see and got it to the full board so she couldn't delay the presidential vote!