With two MEAC tournament titles in the past four years, Mike Gillespie has delivered on his promise to fashion a Florida A&M basketball program that everyone can be proud to support.
So when is the university administration going to deliver on its promise to build him a new gymnasium?
The ball has been in Castell's court for 15 months to no avail.
Imagine what a new facility – climate controlled, even – could do to enhance Gillespie’s recruiting pitch.
So why hasn’t it been built? There’s about $28 million – more, if invested wisely – that is sitting in the construction account.
FAMU supporters need to start asking the hard questions.
Four years ago, Gillespie’s team grabbed the nation’s attention when the Rattlers won the NCAA tournament play-in game against LeHigh and then went toe-to-toe with Kentucky well into the second half a few nights later.
Gym's construction timetable a mystery
Since ground apprently hasn't broken on it YET ... We might as well just wait until our NEXT President arrives - And let him look over the specs, and determine what direction to move on it.
ReplyDeleteIts likely that the original plans and diagram for the place are already obsolete for what we need the facility to do FOR us in the future (concessions, restrooms, luxury suites & club seats, etc.) ... And waiting 3 months for our next Prez to come in and examine it all might not be such a bad move one bit!
FTR - Has anyone even seen any pictures or a diagram of what this facility will even look like, or what amenities (if any) it will have in it?
ReplyDeleteWe have for almost 3 years. How long must we wait for progress.
ReplyDeleteAlumni do not control building of buildings. It is great to ask questions. If you really want to show support of the Rattler Basketball team, as an alumnus, purchase a computer. The coach has expressed that the team needs laptop computers so players can do their assignments while traveling for away games.
ReplyDeleteConsider when the team travels, they leave on Friday and return on Tuesday--missing three days of school. Furthermore, for the tournament, the team misses a whole week of classes.
These students need our assistance. Let's do something for once and stop finger-pointing. Purchase a laptop computer for the athletic department.
You pick YOUR battles for YOURSELF. WE on the OTHER hand want to know as alum AND as constituents otherwise, WHERE IS THE GYM? You hold on and get back in line. The money is being wasted and the damn plans should not have been top-secret in the first place. Maybe there could have been much more support than there is now. I hope there is room on the broom for people like you- to ride out with YOUR Queen.
ReplyDeleteBoy that was a very intelligent comment.
ReplyDeleteDeflect all you want. Its obvious all you want to do is talk about others. Another nigga blowing smoke. Real folks do real things. Grow up loser!!!!
Ask all you want. That will not help a building get built. Ask all you want because its obvious to me, you can't do anything else. Can't raise any money for the university, can't give any money to the university.
Talk is cheap....
Great minds talk about ideas. Small minds talk about others. Its obvious you don't have much of a mind because all you can do is talk about others. You represent the worst that is associated with FAMU. A spinless snake with no real venom. Ha Ha...
1:22--I've been a faculty member at the university for over ten years, and I still don't have a computer in my office. I must do my work at home. This is not to say that they young men and women shouldn't have a laptop--I think they absolutely should have one, because I teach a few athletes who often must turn in their work when they return from an out-of-town activity, but faculty members are also suffering, suffering, suffering, computer-wise, that is, like nobody's business, and all we get are promises, promises. It makes no sense. We are all operating in the 19th century at FAMU.
ReplyDeleteIt's funny how the Madame President and Dr. Altha Manning paid a consultant out of the Raleigh-Durham area to tell us what the alumni should do. This was done at the tune of $60,000. That money could have very well been spent on buying athletes loaner computers to use during the season.
ReplyDeleteThese are the types of administrative arse-backwards decisions that I (and others) can't support. Therefore, any money I send to the Foundation is restricted to scholarships and faculty development.
Now I am not sure these folks are using the money the way I intended, but I be damn if I am going to fund any of this administration's hook-ups and silliness.
By the way, I wanna know where the damn teaching gym is too?
Castell & Co. have spent the $$ on Lord knows what. As Cedric the Entertainer would say, "Ain' no mo."