EIT chief fired

da rattler
Larry Henderson, the embattled chief of the enterprise information technology office, was relieved of his duties this morning.

Mr. Henderson has been at the center of a brewing controversy concerning rampant spending and contracting in his division. Just last week, trustees learned that the division had racked up unpaid bills totaling $4.3 million.

Robert Seniors will takeover as interim VP.
Also see:

Contracting gone buck wild

EIT opens blank checkbook to contractors

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  1. When will the rest of the trustees that watched the "Castell Wrecking Show" be relieved of their duties?

  2. I guess henderson will not get s**** head from his Assistant carribean girl....

  3. Well, at least Robinson is starting off doing the right thing. But, my goodness, what a long time coming and what an absolute mess Henderson made and has left for someone else to repair.

  4. Is this really true?

    I thought there was a moritorium on hiring and firing?

    Please confirm - I would hate to start to celebrate prematurely.

  5. Dr. Ammons "IS" on campus today!

  6. No wonder other in his department have been jumping ship. The law school ended up with one of his former employees, Angela Moss, and she is NOT A VERY FRIENDLY person!

  7. . . . but she is fine though!!

  8. That must count for something.

  9. RN do you know if Thursday at 5:01 is going to be the final day for the other VPs. Castell still have them in her hip pocket. I think waiting until July 2nd will cost us more money.

  10. 8:46, I'm glad this is an anonymous site, because when folks get to naming names in the manner in which you have done, well, that's some pretty serious business. Even if I knew such a thing, and knew that others knew such a thing, I think I'd still refrain from calling names and pointing out folk. Yikes.

  11. RN ...

    I would hate to see YOU become the Fall Guy for someone else spewing some unsubstantiated, slanderous drivel about someone on your Board ... So I think you may want to consider yanking some of the comments up in here!

  12. O.K., so instead of removing the incompetents from the Law Scool they are adding more? This is going to be one HOT summer!

  13. 9:28 & 9:34, is this the same person speaking? People have been called out by name since this blog and its accompanying comment board began. You can't sue RN because of what an anonymous person states.

    A lot worse has been said about others. Where there's smoke, there's usually some fire. I really think this must be the offended party speaking. Is that you, Angela?

  14. I concur with anonymous 9:28, I think it is a bit extreme to start calling out the secretary's name, or whatever her title is, to start rumors. Plus, it is WAY off the topic. Seems like anonymous has either a thing for Ms. Moss or is hate'n because he makes to little cash doing whatever in the IT dept, or both. Back to the topic, I think that firing Henderson was a wise decision and I hope that this is a stepping stone to get the IT department in better shape. Ammons has his work cut out for him.

  15. I hope Dr. Ammons stop by the Athletic department. While he's here.

  16. Hobbs is one common woman.

    You ought to see her in the meetings cussing like a sailor and getting all defensive when she is asked anything. Of course these meetings that she attends are all before 1 p.m. because she is on record saying that she does not work past this time. Of course this changed when Casty left and Larry came in.

    Did she ever submit leave when she was seen on T.V. sitting in on her son's (Chuck Hobbs) trial that messed up those Kappas lives?

  17. 10:53--I'm to 9:28 blogger, and no, I'm not "Angela," I'm just a regular reader/blogger, but I really think pointing out who slept with whom--by name--is rather serious business. Sure, there has been plenty name-calling and eye-gouging here on this board form Day One, but for the most part, everything could be found in/on a public document. But when you start calling out people by names when you're talking sexual politics, well, now, that's entirely a different story. The person who's being called out can, if they really, pursued the matter, could make a legal case if they really wanted to. Now, there's no telling how or what manner the case would end, or how far it might even wind up going, but the legality of anonymous blogging is already setting precedent for freedom of speech cases and freedom of information cases. To be safe, I'd just as rather the names not even be printed. Better to be saf than sorry. It costs less even if the news is rather juicy when it's being read.

  18. Please note when is Azim Zulquair, Angela Moss and Lawrence Bechtel leaving these people serve no purpose---Azim was hired in Angela Moss's place and exactly what did Angela Moss do? She is now some kind of computer person in Orlando---the woman did nothing here what the hell is she doing down there---Azim came from where and from where to do what? They don't actually do any work -- the service center does the work and they both were supervisors over the service center and not a one of them could even change a password for anyone either email or irattler--but they make anywhere from $65k - on. This is ridiculous----these people need to stop bleeding the university. If they were smart they would leave before criminal charges are filed and oh yeah Henderson gonna start singing in a minute--cause he mad cause Castell down used his a__ up and in order to cut his time in jail or cut the amount of money he got to pay back he is going to start talking and pointing out where the bodies are buried!!!!!



  20. 9:26 A.M.

    Takes a SUCKER and SWALLOWER to know one, huh?

    Get a life and stop name calling because "what's been done in the dark is finally coming to light".

    We should ALL be rejoicing!!!

  21. 11:12 & 12:27, point taken.

  22. The Nation doesn't suck, it is doing exactly what it is supposed to do; inform the rattlers of what is going on in "the nation" so all of you that don't like the name calling and finger pointing stop reading what we write. (oh but you are reading this aren’t you?)

    Nobody is going to get in trouble about name calling in a blog. Who they gonna sue; Mr. Anonymous?

    And on another note, I too believe that Henderson is not going to take the fall by his self, that joker is getting ready to start calling names soon like a teacher taking roll in class, or like a rapper doing shout outs at the source awards. Either way he fixing to start singing like a canary, and we all know that it aint over til the fat lady sings, so get in tune V. Hobbs.

  23. Message for a Poster from the Tallahassee Democrat:

    Well--it is long past time this obnoxious character was fired. However, the person they replaced him with is even more incompetent. They would have been better off if the nearest janitor was quized as to the value of 1+1. An answer accurate to an order of magnitude would result in a much more competent computer manager. The FAMU administration will employ any convenient dufuss as long as they are a FAMU graduate.

    Posted by: redeagle on Wed May 30, 2007 9:14 pm

    UNFORTUNATELY - this poster is right on the money!!!!

  24. If you give Larry's replacement a chance you may be pleasantly surprised. The legacy that Larry leaves behind is going to take a lot of work to overcome along with communication up the line and to the community served. You have a responsible part in restoring that trust.

  25. 10:53--I think you may have misunderstood the comments about "name-calling." What is being said is that calling people "out by name" when it comes to the sexual behavior and/or activities of a person is a rather egregious act and that bit of commentary is better left unsaid. It solves nothing but what it does do is stir up more than it settles, and for the most part is better left unspoken. No one is saying (or has said, in fact) that other documented "facts" cannot be spoken about publicly. I just feel that calling names and pointing fingers in terms of who did what with whom, when and where, is not something that is documentable unless, of course, conversations have been had with those persons involved. And then, what does it prove and/or solve, even then? I think perhaps RN may see the merit of the comments regarding this subject, because a very serious comment was removed by the administrator, and I, for one, applaud him for doing so.

  26. Okay Robert, here's your chance. I hope you've at least learned what smooth talk with no substance will get you at this level. If not, replace Seniors with Henderson on this blog. That should give you a pretty good idea of what awaits.

  27. ...that should be replace Henderson with Seniors...

  28. who's Robert?

  29. Back up and read this story where you posted this comment...and the Democrat's piece on "FAMU VP Larry Henderson fired".

  30. Robert is the FAMU employee named as interim VP when Larry got the ax.

  31. My sincere prayers are with the entire university. In all of this my sincere hope is that we learn from all that has happened and even moreso that we learn not to be such crabs because look around you when its all said and done we are all in this basket together!!

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