Planning money goes unspent
Gov. Crist vetoed the money because FAMU has not spent any of the $2 million in planning money for the Pharmacy Bldg. phase II since it was authorized four years ago. That $2 million will revert back to the state on June 8th if FAMU does not obligate it then. So, it looks like FAMU will be losing an additional $2 million, unless someone is working overtime this holiday.
Interim Pharmacy Dean Robert Thomas and former Dean Henry Lewis had warned interim president Castell Bryant and trustees about this in March 2006. Now, the College finds itself in a real "pickel".
See: Bryant wouldn't allow Pharmacy to spend planning money
Showdown in O-town
I am interested to find out the reason for the veto. If, in fact, it is because the project was stymied by the IP, heads ought to be put on the chopping block. This could be extremely deleterious to the COPPS. An investigation into the Administrations lack of action in the building program and the College of Pharmacy accreditation should commence IMMEDIATELY. Someone may need to be fitted for "stainless steel bracelets with matching chains".
ReplyDeleteDid you read?
ReplyDeleteThe money was vetoed because FAMU hasn't spent the $2million allocated to design and plan this construction project . The planning money was allocated FOUR years ago!
ReplyDeletethis is the same thing that jeb did to gainous and the buiiding off i believe at the time it was the new gym or fitness center.
FAMUANS will soon learn not to take politicians at their word or pen, especially those who have a history of not supporting FAMU or it's purpose under the STATE'S OWN CONSTITUTION to education black Americans to remedy the years of slavery and legal segregation.
ReplyDeleteWe do they wait on spending the money for building and renovations? Are they trying to draw interest?
ReplyDeleteI hope this doesn't jeopardize our accrediation....
"...jeopardize our accreditation"? Accreditation has already been "jeopardized." Have you simply not been reading the news lately and keeping up, generally, with what has been happening at the school. There is no "hoping that..." It's already a done deal, this jeopardizing of the school.
ReplyDeleteMaybe yall should quit acting like Crist is "Christ the Savior" now...
ReplyDeleteCrist wisely vetoed the bill that would throw more money towards incompetence.
ReplyDeleteFOUR YEARS you had to come up with a plan. FOUR YEARS!
If there was a plan then the money would follow.
Due to apathy, negligence, or gross incompetence, there is no plan. WHERE did the $2M go that was to fund the planning?
Charlie did the right thing.
7:40 - there is nothing racist or underhanded expecting state institutions to be fiscally responsible.
Racism: When one group of people treats another group of people as if they are too stupid to take care of themselves.
ReplyDeletePerhaps the slave mentality still exists today.
If you are on welfare, food stamps, or any other government assistance program, the government is your new masta and you are still a slave.
You masta does not expect you to pick cotton, he just wants your vote.
Isn't it time for people to throw off the yoke of slavery, break the chains of bondage, and begin to live as free men and women?
Maybe you like being a slave. I don't. I am going to take responsibility for my life and for my family and stop asking the government and the white man to take care of me.
I am an American.
Had FAMU's administration operated the the university in a fiscally responsible manner with respect to the monies that had already been allocated for the pharmacy school, then perhaps the governor would have been more receptive to giving the university money. Why should we continue to get taxpayers' hard-earned dollars when we are not operating in a fiscally sound way. Now, you may call it an act of racism if you wish, but I for one, don't believe that good money should be continuously thrown after bad. Look at the history of mismanagement at FAMU. Perhaps when we have shown that we are financially sound and accountable, then we might be able to offer an argument in terms of what we "believe" we have some claim to. Until then, no. The first thing we want to holler and yell about is that everything is operated under racist rules. Christ had the right to do what he did. The money doesn't belong to single individuals; it belongs to all of the taxpayers, and taxpayers have a right to expect that money for services is appropriately delivered to the cause in which it is intended.
ReplyDeletecorrection on my above post: "Crist," not "Christ." I know better. (Plus the other typos and double words.)
ReplyDeleteanon 4:07 "WHERE did the $2M go that was to fund the planning?"
It is in the state's interest to make sure its agencies are fully operational. There really is NO GOOD reason to veto the request. He could have asked the BOT or Pres. Ammons first about a plan of action. This is just to further cripple our University. The money is still there gaining dividends and the gov. should have been aware that the past administration did things to the contrary of the COPPS plans anyway. I'm not surprised, as if we get fair share dollars anyway! As if our mdollars have been matched within a reasonable amout of time. Taxpayers like me are mad that ANY agency which we support is being neglected and not running on full steam. Kiss my as* Crist. And for you idoits, you are in the AMERICAS, racism is much a part of the cultures. Beneficiaries can understandibly defend their own views and try to re-define racism in America. No deal, you are willfully ignorant of what is really happening-to save your own as*! Wake up. You usually have to step outside of yourself to help others. You're NOT helpng us, and you know it. ...And how is it the Black American is not culture? Irish American is... Get over yourself or get lost. We already know what we're up against-you don't have to remind us, despite your needs.