Dantley who had complained to close personal friends that he was unhappy in Tallahassee and at FAMU grew even more frustrated and unhappy in his tense relationship with new Provost Barbara Barnes.
Dantley was largely credited with leading the College of Education through is accreditation process and helping it regain full accreditation.
One of Dantley's focuses was to produce more African American male teachers.
Dantley came to FAMU from Bowie State University in Maryland, where he had served as Acting Dean of the School of Education and an associate professor of chemistry and and science education. He was touted as an accreditation expert and successful fundraiser.
Also see: College of Ed regains full accreditation
COE to focus on attracting more black males to the teaching profession
New CoEd Dean Announced
More on this story as it develops...
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ReplyDeleteIm a student in the COE and Dr Dantley has done some great things in the little time that he has been here; he had a great vision for the future.
He was also very student friendly...this sucks badly
Whoa! If resignations are what's in store for talenty faculty members who have dealings with the provost, perhaps Dr. Ammons needs to rethink his appointment of Barbara Barnes as provost. But this is not surprising at all. I've heard that the woman is as mean as a snake in the grass, has a horrible attidue, is condescending, belligerent, nasty, evil and just plain awful. I'm glad the woman is there for a mere five months. But, of course, there's not telling what havoc she'll wreak during that short period. One good thing we can all be grateful for, and that is that the woman wasn't name permanent provost. If that had happened we, as in faculty, would be forced to get out hats and coat and head west (or in any direction that she doesn't travel.) God help the poor souls who must endure her wrath until December. But like my mother has said often, "Every shut eye ain' closed," which, when applied to BB, the woman might retire in December, but we all know that folks sit out for a hot minute, then resurface. Let us all pray that this is not the case with Barbara.
ReplyDeleteWow! All I can say is that FAMU can't afford to lose people like that. Allowing an angry mad woman Like Barbara Barnes to call the shots is dangerous. I just don't get it! Appointing her as Interim Provost is the biggest mistake ever made.
ReplyDeleteDantley had a few run-ins with faculty in the beginning because of his very direct and firm leadership style (which, in my opinion was needed in the COE). He was able to do something short of miraculous --- get those antagonistic, non-collegial COE faculty to work together for a common good -- NCATE accreditation.
ReplyDeleteThey actually did it. Then they began to respect the man, even though they did not like him or his ways.
One of the first and best decisions he made when he got here was to get BArnes out of the Chair position in Secondary Ed. Then she had issues with him being a dean at such a young age. She can not stand the younger administrators at FAMU, so they better watch out.
She has a serious axe to grind.
ReplyDeleteI love this blog, but could you all try to do a better job of proofing your stories before you post them?
She's only in her post until December...right?
ReplyDeleteBlack folks kill me when they get a lil power, they lose their gatdamn mind. Is there more to the story than the women being just plain ole mean????
Then she had issues with him being a dean at such a young age. She can not stand the younger administrators at FAMU, so they better watch out.
ReplyDeleteShe has a serious axe to grind.
7/19/2007 10:44 PM
I hope Dr. Ammons doensn't stand for this. We're moving FAMU forward and she's moving us backwards. Sad, she's beginning to remind me of Cast-hell.
Dr. Dantley did not get rid of Barnes. He agreed with the secondary education faculty’s' vote asking for a new chairperson because the faculty was dissatisfied with her style of leadership (dictatorial). Two other departments had votes of confidence of their chairperson during that same time. Barnes was the only chairperson who got a vote of no confidence from her faculty and a request for a change in leadership.
ReplyDeleteBarnes was antagonistic of Dr. Dantley's leadership from day one. The main reason for her antagonism was she thought she should have been chosen as dean. To be Dean of COE was and maybe is her ultimate goal. From day one she gave Dantley her a-- to k--- (fill in the blanks.
Dr. Dantley did in a few months what the COE tried to do in a year or so: GET READY FOR AND PASS THE NCATE SITE VISIT. Out of the three colleges with accreditation visits during that period, the COE was the only one to pass without any recommendations. Dantley has been Dean for just one year. He was well connected, resourceful, and fair and a leader that was able to pull the faculty together.
Even as Interim, Barnes is a loose cannon ball on Ammons ship. This is just the beginning. FAMU is mired in petty cat fights and grudges while the ship is sinking. Poor FAM!
Let us simply be grateful that Barnes is only there until December. And when she leaves, maybe she'll take that ol' ass-kissing, dumb Kirk Gavin with her, block head and all.
ReplyDeleteFirst, RN you have it all wrong. Dean Dantley resigned last Friday. Second who are these “friends” you are quoting? It was widely known that he wanted to stay; he simply wanted support from the President and the Provost. Third, in the week since he resigned we have been threatened with dean possibilities ranging from the madwomen, who almost lost us our English certification because no one in Arts and Sciences wanted to work with her to the person who mismanages the second to the smallest department in the College. When will the FAMU administration get a clue and stop making decisions based on the ships-relationship, kinship, bedship, etc, and realize that this is an academic institution. No one should be the Provost of this institution who is not a premier academician. The Dean of the College of Education should be just as accomplished as the Deans across the state.
ReplyDeleteThe College of Education, like many of the Colleges across campuses faces challenges. Whoever, who is now appointed to this position, must be able to make decisions and led the faculty to excellence. Why doesn’t anyone at this University EVER read and resume!!!
Just in case no one knows how much of an A** Dr. Barnes is, this week she had the mans locks changed and his stuff thrown outside of his office. Hello! What happened to the respect of being out in 30 days? Sounds like the Bryant adminstration all over again!
ReplyDeleteI stand by the quote from the friend. One of his best friends told me he was unhappy about a week and a half a go.
ReplyDeleteI welcome additional insights from folks in the Col of Ed. who may know more about this.
All we know for sure is Dantley is out!
Day-yum!!! Folks trying to call out RN on their own blog? Now that's some nerve!! You tell 'em RN and you keep telling 'em.
ReplyDeleteMy comments are correct. By the way, why did it take RN to create "Breaking News" on a story that was widely circulated in the COE for a WEEK? Further, RN is not a journalist. One friend, does not become "friends" in print even on a blog.
10:14-Put a sock in it! RN has brought us through some tough times. Hell, I wasn't aware of the COE dean resigning until RN posted it......so please just take the negativity elsewhere.
ReplyDeleteDr. June was responsible for the hiring of Dr. Dantley, even though those on the committee had some concerns.
ReplyDeleteVincent June is gone. Rufus Little is gone. Others that June help get here are gone.
Now, Dantley RESIGNED! HERE THIS PEOPLE! The man resigned! Dr. Barnes did not force his resignation. If he was uncomfortable with being on campus with the current administration, he should have resigned.
I don't understand how you all can be upset with Dr. Barnes because someone resigned.
And when people in those kinds of positions resign, with huge security access, the proper administrator would tell them to leave immediately. In the real world, you don't allow people to hang around once they resign (when they are in major areas of responsibility).
Dr. Dantley was beginning to be effective in his position, BUT, the faculty and staff in the College of Education made sure that they took care of their responsibilities also.
By the way, one of the chairs in COE has also resigned, but please don't blame that on Dr. Barnes. She left because she was moving to a different city.
ReplyDeleteexcuse the other typos also :-)
19:14, if by chance you do not know this, come get this scoop: everyone who reads this blog does not have access to the "circulating news in the College of Education" and thus must rely on RN to bring it to them. Forget what has been "circulating" wherever. Folks across the nation read this blog. Perhaps RN wanted more than "circulators" of the news. Perhaps RN wanted to be absolutely clear before they got to posting stuff that's merely been "circulated." I've got your "circulating." And while RN has never claimed to be a "journalist" (as you so incorrectly make use of the noun), it does offer enough information (and has offered enough information) that, apparently, make you giddy enough to keep coming back here for the scoop. Hello?
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDeleteDr. June was responsible for the hiring of Dr. Dantley, even though those on the committee had some concerns.
Vincent June is gone. Rufus Little is gone. Others that June help get here are gone.
Now, Dantley RESIGNED! HERE THIS PEOPLE! The man resigned! Dr. Barnes did not force his resignation. If he was uncomfortable with being on campus with the current administration, he should have resigned.
I don't understand how you all can be upset with Dr. Barnes because someone resigned.
And when people in those kinds of positions resign, with huge security access, the proper administrator would tell them to leave immediately. In the real world, you don't allow people to hang around once they resign (when they are in major areas of responsibility).
Dr. Dantley was beginning to be effective in his position, BUT, the faculty and staff in the College of Education made sure that they took care of their responsibilities also.
By the way, one of the chairs in COE has also resigned, but please don't blame that on Dr. Barnes. She left because she was moving to a different city.
7/20/2007 1:19 PM
How much is she paying you to try and keep her nose clean!
She sure has pulled the okie doke over and Dr. A. All will be ok.
Let that man go 'head on. Good Lawd! Most folks here are just looking for something to gripe about until TNBT (the next big thing). Barbara Barnes will, too, be gone in December because of retirement. Just let the people go on. People come and people go all the time in higher ed. This is just one of those times, for whatever reason. Find a new gripe, but give this one a rest. (And, no, before I get cyber-jumped, I don't know the woman or the man from Suzie's housecat so I'm not "taking sides," which is what folks love to accuse a dissenter of the status quo. Never even seen the folks.
ReplyDelete"You are to refrain from reporting to work or visiting the area(s) under your current supervision unless otherwise notified by this office," Barnes wrote in the letter."
ReplyDeleteDoesn't sound like a resignation does it.
that was AFTER he turned in his resignation.
ReplyDeleteHe's gone now but-
ReplyDelete"Changing the locks and putting his stuff out in the hall"
Especially after you you led the successful re-accreditation effort.
Academic Politics can get rough!
***As a note-- Dr. Ammons under Dr. Humphries was a master at changing the locks while you are out to lunch.
I'm sure Dantley did fine during the time he was there, but let's get one thing straight. The COE faculty members with a ton of experience guiding FAMU, as well as approving NCATE accreditation for several other universities are responsible for FAMU's recent re-accreditation.
ReplyDeleteDantley didn't lead the re-accreditation process. It takes years to prepare for re-accreditation. All of the re-accreditation was already approved before he even got there with exception of ONE issue. That issue would have been resolved regardless of who was dean.
Come on, even I knew that he was not gonna be around for long.
ReplyDeletethe woman is not retiring in december 07, but december 08....we have a long road ahead of us....Cast hell #2 is going to sink the ship if JA doesn't control her.......