+ Karl White, a 1988 FAMU pharmacy grad, is now chief investment officer for Fletcher Asset Management, an investment company based in New York. He serves on the University of Massachusetts Board of Trustees and its foundation board.
+ Richard Dent, III, a 1993 SBI graduate who is now vice president and CFO for retailer LimitedBrands. In 1997, Dent helped FAMU secure a $750,000 donation from Ford Motor Company.
+ Robert Brown, founder of a PR firm in North Carolina and former member of the North Carolina university system's governing board.
White and Dent have been appointed to terms that expired in 2011. Brown's term expires in 2010.
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Hubba Karl ! Hubba Richard!
ReplyDeleteWith Mr. Brown, we'll never be able to rid ourselves of Altha and Col. Joe !
We ain't done with Brown!!!
ReplyDeleteGive Mr. Brown a chance. He may turn out to be the best BOT member that FAMU has ever had. Lets keep it above board, folks.
ReplyDeleteWe gave these others a shot, we have no choice now with Brown. FAMUans have been down this path before with bad BOT members. Brown knows what can happen if he starts fucking up.
ReplyDeleteIf Brown doesn't act right, then we'll deal with him the same way we dealt with Jim Corbin and Challis Lowe (and are about to deal with Laura Branker when her term runs out next year).
ReplyDelete3:36PM: ...we have no choice now with Brown
ReplyDeleteThe governor hasn't signed off on this yet. These appointments still need his approval. Dent and White are good picks, but I ain' feelin' Mr. "conflict of interest". Roberts and Rosenberg think they're being cute saddling us with this "con"fidence man.
Maybe the new administration will seriously look at Ronald Joe's past dealings and show him the door. This is not his only bad contract gone wrong. Check his deals when he was in Student Activities. Many was warned about this guy before he transferred to the Foundation. Did he ever replace the money he took out of another account in the foundation?
ReplyDeleteIf Altha Manning is promoted in ANY way with the university then it proves that FAMU IS NOT trying to better itself, but trying to better people. Many were wondering why Altha Manning (who could easily be regarded as the worst Alumni Affairs director in the past 20 years) didn't get the axe. Maybe because she approved contracts with the company Mr. Brown is coming from.
ReplyDeleteOnce again it is the "you scratch my back, i'll scratch yours!" She's manipulated every figure she could to make it look as if she done something, when in actuality, everyone that made less money than her in the previous position – RAISED MORE MONEY!!!!
The reason why FAMU is still hell-bent on failing is keeping people like this around and having relatively "un"successful people on our board. With all that money Altha and Company paid Mr. Browns company......how much have they donated back to FAMU?????
I'll loose respect for Ammons, if he keeps employees making that kind of money (over $150,000 a year – ALTHA!!!!!) who bring DISMAL TO NOTHING NUMBERS to FAMU, the same way many people lost respect for CVB for taking that pay raise and bonus on a false report.
And for the record I actually give more than I can afford to FAMU, but with decisions like this I have to think, why support something (FAMU) that doesn't support itself (in the sense that FAMU keeps lackluster highly paid employees that bring nothing to the table).
Let's look at what FSU's Director of Alumni Affairs makes and brings in shall we????? I wouldn't be suprised if they both make about the same money but the Alumni Director at FSU brings in 20 times the money of Altha.
To Anonymous 7/10/2007 8:02 PM
ReplyDeleteCould that be because FSU alumni earn 20 times more and and are able to give back in greater numbers than ours?...
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteYa think?
7/10/2007 10:04 PM
Obviously s/he isn't thinking. Why folks always have to compare us to them bastards down the hill?
If you don't wanna continue to support FAMU, then send your money and time to FSU.
Many of "us" think that fsu is the arbiter of what is right and correct and good and wonderful. NEWSFLASH: It is Not.
ReplyDeleteAt all! But I see your point. We should have a call center and get rid of that aful automated system. Where is our toll free number?
ReplyDeleteMany of "us" think that fsu is the arbiter of what is right and correct and good and wonderful. NEWSFLASH: It is Not.
ReplyDelete7/11/2007 2:52 AM
Well, the BOG followed TK's initiative lock step in freezing freshman enrollment. Go figure.
Well if we don't use a measuring stick to determine where FAMU is in the grand scheme of things, then what will happen. Oh, that's right, we will be our own measuring stick and live up to our own standards. Now where did that get us.....oh yeah, on SACS probation. Good job!
ReplyDeleteFSU is not a measuring stick by no means of the imagination. I don't ever recall FSU leading the nation in black college graduates, or College of The Year, or the No. 1 College In America For Black Students, or Mock Trial Winners, or Journalism Winners, or Deloitt Touche Competition Winners, or performing at the Super Bowl, or... I think you get my point. If you're that impressed with FSU, take a hike over there. One thing for sure, they sure know how to party.
ReplyDelete7/11/2007 1:43 PM
ReplyDelete"One thing for sure, they sure know how to party."
Naw...I think we got them on that one too...
Y'all can quit now. Castell is gone.
ReplyDeleteAre you sure? She still lives and breathes through her offspring/mutants that were left behind.
ReplyDeleteBelieve me FAMU pays more than FSU.
ReplyDeleteThat's funny, bash the ONE actual person on this blog that gives to FAMU. That's just hilarious!!!!!
ReplyDeleteFAMU obviously needs a better measuring stick and while it may not be FSU it needs to be something! When all of you were reading the "Most BA degrees awarded to African American Student" did you read GRADUATED less than 50%!!!! Come on now. Every college in the nation has at least 5 to 10 percent of their graduates doing something very well in the world. We say we are the best, but we hear about the same 30 graduates over and over. It's becoming almost like we are a diploma mill! How many FAMUans do you know that had a job IN THE FIELD THEY GOT A DEGREE IN when they got out of college compared to those that don't? Personally I know very few. If we can only lean on accolades that only involve the black community, entertainment or awards that were achieved years ago and that becomes "enough" for us, then the future looks sad.
The point of all this is 1)you can't rest on a legacy alone because you become doomed to fail. 2) As graduates from universities, we need to give back time, energy and most importantly money so that the legacy we have lives on. And 3) FAMU obviously needs something to measure itself with, because thing are obviously so bad now we didn't even get a written warning but were advanced PAST that poing and put on immediate SACS probation. Howard just finished a $251 million dollar campaign and Hamptons foundation makes ours look like a middleschoolers piggy bank. Sitting back and just saying everything is okay now may be fine for most of you, but most of you said the same thing four years ago with Gainous and two years ago with Castell.
Bloggers.....PUT YOUR MONEY WHERE YOUR MOUTH IS!!!!! Log on to the website and GIVE SOME MONEY if you're so concerned with your school. I did.....it was very easy!
Is SACS going to weigh in on this Brown dude? How could the BOG saddle us with this dude and where is the 10 million dollars he and GI Joe raised? Damn consultants everywhere.
ReplyDeleteJoe should be fired just for that reason along.
FSU is the leader of African American gradutes amongst tier 1 research level univeristies. They are 5th with regard to all universities with FAMU and Howard leading the way. I think FSU will graduate more than FAMU in a few years.