James Ammons will announce an accreditation plan for the university at the board of trustees meeting Wednesday.
But until then, students and alumni can only speculate as to the future of their university's accreditation status. Many are conflicted by the university's financial and accreditation problems.
"I feel that FAMU will persevere," said David Adams, 21, who is going into his third year as a print management student.
Continue reading: Strike again
Ammons is part of the problem! When is the brotha gonna come clean?
ReplyDeleteVince June shouldn't you be on Monster.com instead of RattlerNation?
ReplyDeleteCan someone tell Larry Robinson to smile sometimes!! He looks too serious!!
ReplyDeleteAmmons is cleaning up Castell's mess. Having a qualified, proven leader makes all the difference.
ReplyDeleteAmmons and Humphries created the mess for Castell. Mismanaged funds have been going on long before Castell.
ReplyDeleteCan you say Cunningham and the Law School.
Humphries should be criminally charged.
4:08 PM
ReplyDeleteHaving Consulting firms doing work for FAMU with no contracts. That all that needs to be said for Castell administration
Okay!!! I totally agree with the above comment. Stop hating on Dr. Ammons and the new leadership. How about the bad contracts and how about the many people she laid off. Those people lost most of everything he/she owned. Did things at FAMU change? Hell no, look at the on-campus housing for students!! Who would want to leave their kids in those situations. All the money paid to consulting firms and the on-campus living facilities are a mess!! Kids have to use off-campus facilities to wash clothes, because of the risk of clothes being ruined. All Castell did was bring her incompetent friends to this University with plans to completely destroy it. Never in FAMU history was accredidation a problem. So, leave Dr. Ammons and Humphries out of this problem!! They both care about this great institution, "Excellence With Caring". It's not about the dollars, fancy cars, clothing, etc. It's about saving this institution. So, you haters let Dr. Ammons do his job and leave this university alone. It's time for a change. Enough of Castell and the mess she brought in. We need real men and women to stand up for FAMU, not some Ms. June, McBride, Ali, and others!! I will say it again, REAL MEN(NOT DOWN LOW)STRONG MEN and WOMEN!!!
ReplyDeleteDon't even tell!! We can figure it out!
ReplyDeleteHumphries and Ammons left FAMU in good shape. When they left, FAMU had surplus, growing enrollment, and unconditional accreditation.
ReplyDeleteCastell is directly responsible for today's deficits, enrollment decline, and probation.
Castell is no one to talk about mismanaged funds. Every audit under Humphries and Ammons was unqualified. Castell is responsible for the first qualified audit EVER!
Her incompetence is legendary. The forensic audit will put the last nail in her coffin. Challis and W. George are no longer around to protect her.
I propose that Castell-Bryant name/likeness be removed from FAMU's history.
ReplyDelete4:25, what is this all about?
ReplyDeleteEndowments pay a 5% return to the investor. 50Million @ 5% is 2.5 Million a year for generations and its tax-deductible- has nothing to do with the school more with the Asset Management company i.e. Smith Barney, Merrill Lynch. We have the opportunity to bring an African American Investment Bank to provice diversity. To have a well-known african american wall street investment bank providing oversight to the foundation & school's budget it can bring credibility back to FAMU. There is no one on the BOT with a Wall Street background that understands finance. FAMU is still the crown jewel of HBCUs-Black Enterprise #1 college for African Americans. Whoever gets the credit for turning FAMU around will position themselves as a national leader with global influence. Just want investment bankers need! The problem with the Board of Trustees is that there was no real incentive for the school to work. Their careers for the most part did not hinge on the school being successful. Karl E. White is the 1st candidate where a successful tenure as a FAMU BOT leading a turnaround of the school's finances will add another dimension to his career. There has to be a motivating factor other than just loving FAMU to get talented & connected alumni to want to invest their careers into the institution.
ReplyDeleteKarl E. White is the most qualified! FAMU Needs a wall street background & someone with board experience at a successful university i.e. his UMASS Experience! We need the RattlerNation community to mass email the BOG and push his nomination! Buddy Fletcher founder of Fletcher Asset Management where Karl is the Chief Investment Officer gave 50 Million to Howard! We can begin to get Wall Street donors at FAMU!!!!! He is also alumni! Rattlers very critical nominee in Karl E. White!!! He needs our support right now!
ReplyDeleteRN: PLEASE comment on this article and how it would be covered at FAMU!! Brogan and his trophy wife took an all expense paid cruise worth $7,200, given by a FAU "donor." BROGAN said he was working on the cruise and didn't charge his vacation time. The donor said the purpose of the cruise was to celebrate getting an honorary doctorate from FAU; Brogan said the purpose was to discuss FAU's future needs with Kaye. But if that was true, why did Kaye pay for Brogan and his wife? If Brogan "took" Kaye on the cruise to promote FAU, why didn't FAU pay for the cruise? Why did Kaye pay over $7,000 to listen to a sales pitch??? If you can't read the link go to the Sun=Sentinel and search on Barry Kaye. Kaye is an FAU donor who used FAU to try to get all of his "donated" money back, including free use of FAU facilities to hawk his product, and referring to himself as a "professor" when all he is is a donor. They say FAMU is filled with cronyism? Apparently when you're Brogan, a super crony of Jeb Bush, you can promote your own crony (and putative donor) Barry Kaye, all you want. If you're at FAMU and help your daughter-in-law get a clerical job in admissions, your "crime" deserves national attention. LIke they say, if you break into an unoccupied house and steal a $200 TV set, prepare to go to prison. If you use a computer to steal millions from folks's pension funds, demand to be paid to tell them how you did it. DON'T let this story of Bush's Lt. Governor die, please RN. Make sure it hits the local if not national papers.
We had to remove some post.
ReplyDeleteFolks, lets stick to facts and not spew hateful rumors.
RN, why is it that you allow some flame-throwing to go on but disallow it at other times? The "bad" comments are almost always scandulous, but oftentime you still print them. Do you only print the ones that you like and don't print the ones that you don't like? Plenty of times there are horrible comments that probably should not be published and others that are not that horrible that may get snatched off the board in short order. Why do you operate in this manner? Scandal and scandal, libel is libel, any way you look at it.
ReplyDeleteWe've just began to monitor a little closely now.
ReplyDelete"Whoever gets the credit for turning FAMU around will position themselves as a national leader with global influence."
ReplyDeleteMay I ask what this person might be smoking? FAMU, out of 11 state universities, is ranked number 11. It is falling behind faster and faster, why? Because it limits it self to one race.
FAMU continues to marginalize itself. The grand delusions that it may have are just that, delusions.
Bottom line is that most of the community colleges in this state have a better reputation, backed up by their academics.
FAMU is a house of cards!
FAMU is a Carnegie Doctoral Research University -- the same category as American University and Southern Methodist University. That is not the mark of an inferior institution.
ReplyDelete"FAMU, out of 11 state universities, is ranked number 11."
ReplyDeleteIt's a little to late to complain about FAMU and its excellence in one race achievements. That was a state of Florida design.
FAMU is number one in the state in producing AA bachelor degrees as well as in the nation. FAMU serves its historical mission well.
As a FAMU alum, I want to thank Liz McBride, Grace Ali, and Dr. June for coming to FAMU and cleaning up some of the mess. They didn't have to come, but did out of commitment and Love for FAMU. Dr. June, your reputation and love for people speak for itself. I'm sure we will read about you..do your thang!
ReplyDeleteLarry Robinson should have shared with the university that Dr. Wanton was caught forging Castell's signature on a document to give her daughter a raise recently.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDeleteAs a FAMU alum, I want to thank Liz McBride, Grace Ali, and Dr. June for coming to FAMU and cleaning up some of the mess. They didn't have to come, but did out of commitment and Love for FAMU. Dr. June, your reputation and love for people speak for itself. I'm sure we will read about you..do your thang! 7/08/2007 11:58 PM
And all of the lil' boys that June made women. REPUTATION - Honey child give me a break! June is a fcuk-up! And he ain't that good.
As a FAMU alum, I want to thank Liz McBride, Grace Ali, and Dr. June for coming to FAMU and cleaning up some of the mess.
ReplyDeleteYou are delusional! Those individuals were all Castell's cronies who were making the mismanagement worst.
Liz McBride: Go back to law school. Better yet, quit embarrasing the Florida Bar and just become a paralegal.
Grace Ali: Enroll in a basic high school math class. You can hardly add or subtract!
Vincent June: Quit trying to defend yourself and your do-nothing hires in the newspaper.
Dr. Wanton was caught forging Castell's signature on a document to give her daughter a raise recently.
ReplyDeleteWhich one of her daughters, she has 3 or 4 working at FAMU.
Wanton hooked all of her kids up. It's like FAMU is their welfare system.
ReplyDeleteWanton's daughter, Dwanna, once sent me a correspondence that was riddled with errors. And the sad thing about it is that I could tell that she had tried mightily to write a simple letter. She tried to use "big words" and sound important. And I hear she's some kind of academic advisor??? give me a break.
ReplyDeleteAt this point in FAMU's existence, we all need to pull together and restore FAMU to its earlier prominence. Who did what back when no longer matters. Turning things around is what its about.
ReplyDeleteOld School
Don't spread rumors about Dr. Wanton and her children. Dr. Wanton was a great asset to this University. She was very instrumental in assisting anyone that she could. We need more administrative staff like that!!!! And her children are just like her. If they got a raise, if was well-deserving. Both of them work in a very stressful environment and those academic advisors are underpaid. However, their mother would not have forged any signature for raises. GET REAL!!! DR. WANTON DID NOT USE THIS UNIVERSITY AS A WELFARE SYSTEM!!! WE REALLY NEED TO STOP SPREADING LIES ON THIS SITE!
ReplyDeletePlease lay off on Dr. Wanton.
ReplyDeleteI'm laughing because if any of the "anonymous" revealed themeselves, I would probably have some respect for comments. I'm sure the folks you all are talking about could give less than a rat's azz. Come on people!...get it together!
ReplyDelete- Keith Pickens
I agree!!!! I'm sure the hater's can kiss Dr. Ali's, McBride's, and June's azz...LOL! They are getting paid to vacation until Sept. 24th according to the Democrat. Then, I understand they ALL have big jobs lined up. This is a good example that you can't keep good people down.
ReplyDeleteDid someone say that Dr. Ammon's baby mam was in the college of education?
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDeleteAmmons and Humphries created the mess for Castell. Mismanaged funds have been going on long before Castell.
Can you say Cunningham and the Law School.
Humphries should be criminally charged. 7/07/2007 4:08 PM
What's criminal is you Castell wearing those big arse shades, baseball cap and jeans riding low! Everyone in Tally knows your mugg when we see it. Stop pretending people care if you are still here.
As far you Liz, didn't the federal prosecutor settle Humphries' involvement in this Cunningham mess? Keep it up. You are no longer protected by the university you're just like the rest of us.
Po Po may be knocking on your door looking for that $43 million dollars; kickbacks from KPMG and the Larry Henderson contracts.
Whatcha gonna say then, "Humphries" did it!
RN, there's another libelous statement that you need to delete. These liars just won't quit their anti-FAMU talk.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDeleteI agree!!!! I'm sure the hater's can kiss Dr. Ali's, McBride's, and June's azz...LOL! They are getting paid to vacation until Sept. 24th according to the Democrat. Then, I understand they ALL have big jobs lined up. This is a good example that you can't keep good people down.
7/09/2007 9:01 PM
In the words of Freddie G these people will probably be employed 24/7 at DC (department of corrections).
I want say the name, but I'm sure they would love to be employed by the dept. of corrections!! LOL
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDeleteAs a FAMU alum, I want to thank Liz McBride, Grace Ali, and Dr. June for coming to FAMU and cleaning up some of the mess. They didn't have to come, but did out of commitment and Love for FAMU. Dr. June, your reputation and love for people speak for itself. I'm sure we will read about you..do your thang!
7/08/2007 11:58 PM
What is Rufus Little for $200
Dr. Wanton was a great asset to this University.
ReplyDeleteI heard a few people can vouch for the assets...
haaaa hahahahahahaha...yuck!
Dr. Wanton is a Saint. Point blank! She has helped thousands of students in desperate situation navigate the messes processes of this institution. She kept the students first and in the CVB administration, she was one of the only souls to consitantly demonstrate deep and sincere compassion. She knew that decisions affected peoples lives and in all of my encounters with her, she did what she could, when should could, to help.
ReplyDeleteNow to the point, she had signature authority for the President in many respects. Her daughters are FAMU employees just like all other FAMU employees. They should not be denied a raise just because Dr. Wanton provides signature authority. If they acquire additional responsibilities, they like everyone else, should be compensated. Furthermore it's nothing wrong with having a family committed to helping the university. We can find something to criticize about everyone, but on balance, I understand that they were doing a good job considering the circumstances.
Dr. Wanton needs a rest. She has served the student body and the employees of this institution for decades, and she has represented Tallahassee and FAMU in national leadership roles. She has earned a noble farewell and she deserves it.
Some of you have no clue. I'm sure she's gotten her hands dirty and I'm sure she may have offended some, but let's face it, this is FAMU and it can get a little rough around here (crabs in a barrel).
"Whoever gets the credit for turning FAMU around will position themselves as a national leader with global influence."
ReplyDelete"May I ask what this person might be smoking? FAMU, out of 11 state universities, is ranked number 11. It is falling behind faster and faster, why? Because it limits it self to one race."
FAMU is the largest producer of African American bachelor degrees in the nation! Voted by Black Enterprise as the #1 College for African Americans. FAMU grant degrees to international students from Africa, the Caribbean, the Middle East, Asia, and Latin America. We have global and national influence at our institution. Florida has the fourth highest electoral votes in the nation after California, Texas, and New York. The political pulse from around the nation of the African American voter comes from FAMU! So whoever posted "what I'm smoking" is obviously high right now-not to mention a hater- thinking a 120 year history institution is a "house of cards" and has the influence of a community college! FAMU is the harvard of HBCUs! What we do at FAMU sets the lead for the other 100+ HBCUs! We had two administrations that dreamed small in gainous and castell- thats where we messed up as alumni to let them in power...
FAMU should not be supported by the state any longer. FAMU need to become a private school or be required to integrate like all others.
ReplyDeleteYou have no idea what integration is. Integration is about reversing the effects of Jim Crow, which was system created by whites to exploit blacks.
ReplyDeleteWhites were the ones who demanded separate universities and have chosen to remain in predominantly white universities currently.
I am so surprised that today, some of you want to say negative things about Dr. Eva C. STOP IT!
ReplyDeleteDr. Wanton has given her ALL to Florida A&M University. I have known her for years, and I have NEVER NEVER seen her turn away students. She was one of those who would bend over backwards to help students - whether it was financially or personally. Dr. Wanton would sit and listen, if that was all she could do - pass a couple of tissues, and even add you to her prayer list, if needed. She gave students "hope" that things would work out for them. She was/is a great encourager. She may not be a "saint," but who on this blog is. I've known her to take money from her own pocket to help others (including students and faculty/staff). She's one of the most generous people I have ever known. She gives to many, many organizations locally, and throughout the country,
Dr. Wanton had authority to sign contracts and other personnel documents. I agree with the previous writer. If she has the authority... she has the authority for all employees. Period. Dr. Wanton would never have signed a personnel document that she was not told to sign. YOU ARE STUPID TO BELIEVE THAT THIS LADY WOULD DO SOMETHING LIKE THAT. (after all, some silly person would have to put that on the internet)
I'm proud to have known Dr. Wanton. She is one of the most intelligent, gracious, classy and professional ladies I have been honored to meet at FAMU.
She has served the University well (and way before Dr. Bryant came on board). She should be honored for all that she has given to the University, and not trashed on this blog.
Dr. Wanton is NOT the only mother who has sons/daughters working at this university. As a matter of fact, it's very difficult to find someone at FAMU who does not have another relative on campus.
ReplyDeleteThe same thing happens in every state agency, including universities. Look at football, for instance... many teams throughout the country has a head coach and a son on the same staffing team.
I find it to be quite commendable that a family would want to work at a place, such as FAMU (good times and bad times). And if those folks are qualified, why shouldn't be allowed to work at the place of their choice.
What's funny about this kind of conversation is the many, many people I have known at church, in the community, etc., who have said, "Look out for a job for my son/daughter/sister/husband."
All of us know people who need jobs. Each of us in Tallahassee has probably helped SOMEONE get a job at FAMU (one of the largest employers of Blacks in the state).
If you don't think Dr. Wanton or anyone else should have relatives at FAMU, please don't ask any of us working there or say to us, "My daughter need a job, even if it's just a "piece" of a job... she's spending all of our money." Go somewhere else to help your peeps find employment.
Let's get it straight, just because Dr. Wanton was great doesn't mean her daughters were. Any raises for the goverment lobbyist that's her daughter would be ridiculous. What have we gained from having her....NOTHING! We get the same as always if not less.
ReplyDeleteThe fact that you have to be related to a Dr. Wanton or someone on the fourth floor to get properly compensated is what is very disheartening and is what is further bringing the morale of the good employees that have stuck it out through all the mess in the last few years.
What about Kirk GAvin getting that big check he is now getting as Dr. Barnes' do boy? What are his qualifications to be an AVP?
ReplyDeleteWhy wasn't the job advertised?
The same reasons the other jobs weren't advertised. We cannot knock this man, it isn't his fault that he got blessed like that.
ReplyDeleteYou are right. It's not your fault, Kirk. It's just that your a#@## kissing paid off.
ReplyDeleteMaybe I need to start kissing a}}.
ReplyDeleteIf I can add my two cents: Dr. Wanton is a very nice person, personable, knowledgeable and warm-hearted. I have known her for decades and I know she has always been graciously kind to students who were in need of help. She has always been pleasant and has represented this uinversity very, very well. As one other poster has offered: she doesn't deserve to be cast (pun intended) in the same category with all the other horrible administrators at FAMU.
ReplyDeleteYeah, but how many strikes until we're out? STRIKE 1, STRIKE 2, FOUL BALL, BALL, BALL, STRIKE 3,.......................................................................... STRIKE 500, STRIKE 501...
ReplyDeleteThe "game" gets a little played out, you know, and imagine what the crowd is doing.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteDavid, what you need to do is check yourself as well as your own grammatical skills and misspellings. There are too many to note here, but one is horrendously glaring. In the last statement, you use the word "advise" (verb), when you should be using "advice" (noun). Pot, do not call the kettle black. Holla.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteSpell this---
ReplyDeleteCrab in a Barrel!!
Or how about- Low-life!!
How about-- Your response was ignorant and misunderstanding, and you are a shook character because I at least can leave my name!!!
I ADVISE you go kill yourself because that is the only satisfaction you will get from here!!!
Scared BITCHES!!!