Some say this hire just doesn't past the "smell test".
The family connection "just blasts you in the face," said Michael Wallace, who chairs the school's advisory council and has four children enrolled there. Favoritism is part of the mix in other places, he said, "But the sad thing with FAMU is, it's so blatant."
"I don't think favoritism has anything to do" with the recent hire, said trustees chairman Bill Jennings.
R.B. Holmes said he had nothing to do with his brother's hiring.
When his brother told him he planned to apply, R.B. Holmes said he tried to dissuade him "because of the skepticism, because of what people may say."
Jennings dismissed the criticism by pointing to Ronald Holmes' qualifications.
Holmes holds a bachelor's, a master's and a doctorate from FAMU and another master's from Bowling Green State University. Some say that any black male that's worth his salt that holds a doctorate in a urban school district that hasn't advance beyond an assistant principalship, after 12 years as an assistant should raise an immediate red flag.
Also see: FAMU High gets new director
ReplyDeleteHe should have taken heed to his brother's "supposed" advice and not applied. This could mean the ultimate demise of the Holmes' tenure on the BOT...Is that a "bad" thing?
ReplyDeleteHolmes is already trying to get the school to partner on that bogus Holiday Inn deal. What does FAMU get out of that. Heve these people no shame? Have they no concern for the welfare of the school? Can't somebody check 'em?
ReplyDeleteAccording to an ATL source Ronald Holmes resignation originally submitted with an end date this month was change last week by the Fulton County Board until mid-March.
ReplyDeleteIn the words of the late great Dr. King, "Our Lives begin to end the day we become silent about the things that matter."
Thanks NuRattler for that posting, it is so relevant to this situation and should be a concern for all Rattlers.
Reverend Holmes doesn't really thin anybody believes he had nothing to do with it right? That is bullcrap!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteDr. Ammons, your judgement is becoming very cloudy these days.
I understand its that principal from FAMU Hi that's adding fuel to this fire!
ReplyDeleteR.B. Holmes was just reappointed to the BOT back in 2006 for a five or six year term. Is the BOG or Florida governor's office even taking this issue up?
ReplyDeleteIf not, Holmes is probably sitting back, relaxing, and waiting for everything to blow over in the press.
I understand its that principal from FAMU Hi that's adding fuel to this fire!
ReplyDelete1/24/2008 5:26 PM
and the other candidate too. I don't know why he even spoke to the slime times.
This appears to be PAYBACK - Dr. Ammons is just Thanking the good Rev for his JOB
ReplyDeleteHe could not even remember the title of his dissertation when asked in the interview.
ReplyDeleteWhat a joke!
Welcome to AMERICA! Who cares! If the parents and teachers do their respective jobs and the Good Reverand Doctor Holmes brother does not, well then he will be fired, I assure you of that. But, in order for that to happen all interested parties must play their part and I do not mean backstabbing the man or impeding his ability to get the job done. His JOB is to move the school from an F to an A! If his vision is not made plain upon the table, then the parents must be called to arms. These things must be stated in a manner that suggest that the concern is with FAMU 1st! Not a whitch hunt to show the Good Reverand Doctor that you all are just out to get his brother.
ReplyDeleteHolmes holds a bachelor's, a master's and a doctorate from FAMU and another master's from Bowling Green State University. Some say that any black male that's worth his salt that holds a doctorate in a urban school district that hasn't advance beyond an assistant principalship, after 12 years an assistant, should raise an immediate red flag.
ReplyDeleteThat's cold and unfair to write. School system politics are wack, he may have just pissed somebody off
Hello does it bother anyone that he could not remember the title of his dissertation? Has anyone ever heard of plagiarism?
ReplyDeleteThis guy has no integrity. Why would we want a dishonest man looking after children?
Check out the state of Ga. rating of Banneker High School as it relates to AYP(Adequate Yearly Progress). Is this the result of an expert in "test score enhancement"? Follow the directions below after clicking on the link:
ReplyDeleteOn the Home Page, go under Data Reporting and find Report Card. You
will find Stae, District (Fulton) and school data. This site is Fulton
and you will find how schools are "sorted" or as you said rated.
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Quit attacking Dr. Holmes. Help him help the kids. All this talking is doing absolutely no good to anyone
ReplyDelete7:47--ok, so he may have "pissed somebody off." And ??? In the entire ATL district, he doesn't advance because he may have "pissed someone off"??? I don't understand the logic betw. the pissing someone off and his lack of advancement over the years with all of these degrees? Can you explain this to me (and, perhaps, to others)?
ReplyDeleteI agree. Quit attacking Holmes. Just grab your life jackets, 'cause this ship is goin'down. Best you can do is to save yourself. F*** dem damn kids anyway.
ReplyDeleteDat's right. F*** 'em. We'll have plenty of prison beds waiting for them when their substandard education manifests itself with a criminality born of frustration caused by an inability to function in society. It's good for the economy.
ReplyDeleteIn the grand scheme of things, most RATTLERS don't really care about this hire. It's more of an issue with the locals and even then only an issue with those people intimately concerned with FAMU high. It's not a hire I would have made, but certainly the good reverend can't call in any more chips anytime soon.
ReplyDeleteAl Lawson's boy is over there floundering at Gaither Gym. Holmes' boy will be over there floundering at FAMU high and both Lawson and Holmes should be backed into their respective corners, unable to demand anything else from Dr. Ammons.
Not a great hire. Unfortunate for the students. But it paints such a bad picture of Holmes that Holmes is neutralized in terms of putting additional pressure on Ammons for anything else this year.
The great thing is neither Holmes nor Lawson can now demand any input into the next big hiring decision---the new dean of SBI
ReplyDeleteInteresting point...
I don't believe they'll ever actually hire a new dean SBI.
ReplyDeleteIf they do, I assume it will be somebody terrible.
There are one or two good internal candidates and a boatload in corporate america....but I'm sure some idiot Ammons insider will get the job.
Very profound Black Rattler.
ReplyDeleteVery profound, indeed. If that is the price that we pay to get those two pair of hands out of the cookie jar. The price we ended up paying was minimal if not cheap
Hello does it bother anyone that he could not remember the title of his dissertation? Has anyone ever heard of plagiarism?
ReplyDeleteThis guy has no integrity. Why would we want a dishonest man looking after children?
This has to be the most ridiculous statement of this thread. The person who posted this is clearly reaching and the allegations are hurtful and totally unnecessary. No matter what your position is on this issue, it simply is not fair to make a statement like this