FAMU Day @ Capitol set for March 19

FAMU students, faculty, staff and alumni will join state legislators and other policy makers at the Capitol on Wednesday, March 19, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. to celebrate FAMU Day.

FAMU Day is an annual recognition of the university’s accomplishments and contributions to the state of Florida. It is also a day for students, administrators, and alumni to meet with legislators and personally thank them for their support of FAMU and to advocate on behalf of the university’s 2008-2009 Legislative Agenda.

The day will feature presentations of resolutions by the Florida Senate and the Florida House of Representatives, and luncheon on the Senate Portico, with performances by FAMU’s Jazz Ensemble, cheerleaders, Venom and the Connection. FAMU President James H. Ammons will recognize legislators and friends.

FAMU Day also includes free health screenings and displays from different academic units from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on the second floor rotunda. FAMU Day is free and open to the public.

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  1. Why does this blog still exist? This information was provided two weeks ago. I used to really enjoy coming to this blog and getting a story whether real or true before it broke. Step up your game or go home. Does the FAMU pr office run this site?

  2. I don't thinkthe university has anything to do with this blog. The only connection, I believe, is that the person who produces it (along w/unofficial stringers) are students at the university, who have try and get the scoop wherever (and however) they can. If the university had anything to do with it, surely it would have been removed when it, the blog, was at its absolute worse, content-wise (during the presidency of CVB, which is when it was started). To their credit, however, I do think they are "trying" to provide a service to Rattler fans/alumni who wish to keep up with bits & pieces of what's happening at their school. On many occasions, however, the comments by bloggers--and the information itself--leaves much to be desired (and I'm putting on my best poise here).

  3. It exist because MF's like you, and me, come here everyday!

    But, back to the subject at hand. This is the first I've heard of the date for FAMU Day. Thanks for the info.

  4. If this is the first you've heard of FAMU Day, you are really out of touch. This blog has pretty much dropped off the map as far as "insider information" went after "darattler" graduated.

    But that's okay. A lot of darattler's information was given to him by trusted sources as I understand it. This new dude may not have those connections, but I'm sure if sh*t started stirring at FAMU again, NuRattler's email inbox would be flooded with tips of new scandals.

    Besides, the more good internet publicity FAMU has, the better. RN is just another great source for blog surfers. Let's hope that things stay just like this, NICE and easy-going for a while, as Ammons rebuilds FAMU to what it once was.

  5. Good Read NuRattler....like always i will be at the capitol...hope to see you all there too....

  6. We need to cancel this event. Everybody knows that the bulk of the legislators are UF and FSU good ole boys. If they saw that those two schools need to drop their day we need to as well. We could accomplish more behind close doors that all in the public.

    I hope Dr. A is listening…. Do not have FAMU day at the capitol.

  7. We need to cancel this event. Everybody knows that the bulk of the legislators are UF and FSU good ole boys. If they saw that those two schools need to drop their day we need to as well. We could accomplish more behind close doors than all in the public.

    I hope Dr. A is listening…. Do not have FAMU day at the capitol.

  8. 2/28/2008 10:23 AM-

    FAMU does not have to follow FSU and UF's lead.

  9. Okay let me get this straight. The two largest Universities in the state can see that the amount of money on this event would be a bad investment when they are going to face the largest budget cut and reduction ever faced handed down. And Fam is in good enough financial shape to still host this event.... as Dr. Evil would say.......Rigggghtttttttttttttttt.

  10. FSU & Florida didn't just come out from under a crazy witch named Cast-hell !!!!

  11. I live in South Florida and I'll be there! I hope that we all show. It is so much more than what many people know. Take your kids. We also have many alum who work in the capitol complex.

  12. UF & FSU can go to hell. We don't have to follow those clowns.
    Show up at the Capital, FAMU.

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