FAMU picks up slack for declining black enrollment at three Florida research universities

big rattler
FAMU President James Ammons’ aggressive campaign to open the university’s doors to more students didn’t come a moment too soon for hundreds of African American high school seniors who found “No Vacancy” signs posted at FSU, USF, and UF.

Coinciding with multi-million dollar budget cuts that forced many state universities to cap admissions, Florida’s three leading public research institutions experienced sharp declines in their Fall 2008 black freshman enrollment numbers. FSU’s slid 15 percent and USF’s fell 23 percent. UF witnessed the biggest drop at 27 percent.

FAMU, on the other hand, enrolled 23 percent more freshman than it did last fall. The bounce followed a year of vigorous statewide recruiting and fundraising for scholarships, as Ammons worked to restore the signature Frederick S. Humphries recruitment program that FAMU’s previous interim administration disbanded.

The freshman bump ensures that FAMU will receive a much-needed increase in its 2009-2010 legislative appropriations since the State University System (SUS)’s student funding formula prioritizes growth.

Read more here.

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  1. This is very interesting or at least it should be to all those who think that times have "changed" so much. When the going gets tough you see what people do. They look out for their own! It is not racist but it is about race. And as someone who likes to look at the numbers I will bet a dollar to a dime that the number of African American athletes did not decline at these "research" universities. Race still matters!

    The last hired and first fired.

  2. thats a very intersting viewpoint

  3. The facts don't like, but people do.

    The dirty little secret about Florida's higher education system has just been exposed. FSU, UF, UCF, & USF don't want your BLACK ASS !!!

  4. 11:43AM, true that, but you couldn't tell that to the "white man's ice is colder" crowd.

    Back in the day, I was offered a full ride scholly to UF, but chose FAMU and paid my way through.

  5. Seems pretty clear to me. Maybe the spinmeisters will take this up if it becomes an issue, but it makes things pretty clear to me. If you gotta cut someone somewhere, go for the nigra.

  6. Stay posted to RN for more about how this issue is affecting money matters in the SUS.

    The Florida Board of Governors wants the legislature to change the funding formula to place less emphasis on student growth.

    That would definitely help UF, FSU, and USF stay on top of the higher ed appropriation food chain. But what impact would it have on the overall number of blacks enrolled in the SUS?

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