Where are they now?: Since leaving the SGA Presidency, armed with an MBA, in May, Andrew Collins has landed a internship at the White House.
Photo (1): No one, repeat no one, has ever accused Mr. Collins of not being hungry, or ambitious. Here he's seen hamming it up at the annual White House Picnic with a plate of Bar-B-Q. Photo (2): Mr. Collins and Miami Heat guard Dwayne Wade. Photo (3) Collins and famed skate boarder Tony Hawk.
Many of us students know that Andrew Collins did not complete the academic requirements (internships)for the MBA program. He was allowed to graduate because of his dad, Art Collins' influence! Ask anyone, or check it out for yourself. One of the priviledged few! What's up with that? He is truly overrated!
ReplyDeleteSooo, Go Mr. Collins! Us smk.
ReplyDeleteWell then he make a good politician then seems he already know how to get to the top :)
Congratulations Andrew. I had the priviledge to meet Andrew during this past football season. In fact, I met all of the Royal Court members and the student ambassadors. I can tell you that I was very impressed with Andrew's mannerism, respect and his representation of FAMU. I don't know of his father, but the branch doesn't fall far from the tree. If we had more students like Andrew Collins at FAMU, then our poor convocation attendance wouldn't be so embarrasing and more students would have that FAMU spirit as oppose to complaining about a net check and laying up on their behinds all day making excuses and waiting for the next party to begin.
ReplyDeleteWe're proud of you Andrew. Wish FAMU had more students like you.
11:46 am,
ReplyDeleteQuit being a hater. Perhaps, this internship is fulfilling the program requirement that you speak of.
Wif yo bitch ass !
Props to Collins. 11:46, don't hate. Congratulate. WF been doing this hook-up things like, forever. When one of us gets a chance to ease into the stratosphere, there's always someone somewhere tryin' to hate on a brotha or sister. I ain' mad at him. And listen, I teach at the university, so I say, hey, whatever few little breaks we can help to ease our students into that transitional sphere, I say, go 'head on. 11:46, if you had such a hook-up, we all know that you would have taken the ball and run into the end zone. So chill, my friend.
ReplyDeleteGet real if Convocation wasnt a greek meet and greet and was truly about the student body, then more students would come. Collins is exactly whats wrong with FAMU and I am not speaking of him personally, but in a symbolic manner in which he is appaluded for his "mannerisms". Give me a break! FAMU needs more MALCOM X type students and less Jesse Jacksons!!!!
When it came to the past persidents of SGA let's be real Phillip Agnew did nothing...Ramon Alexander did nothing...Monique G. did nothing..Virgil Miller did nothing, but hey they have great mannerisms so i guess that made them great leaders huh? There's a true reason why some of them never went up for re-election and it wasn't because of no last year at FAMU....no hate for what they doing after FAMU..just what they didn't do while at FAMU, and this includes the SGA presidents during the Humphries era to im going way back on this one.
ReplyDelete2:00 am.
ReplyDeleteTake yo' ass 2 bed!!!
2:00 AM, what did you do?
ReplyDelete12:48 AM, Malcom X was a former big mouth drug dealer. What did he ever accomplish for Black America? What FAMU needs is more proactive, well behaved, humble, intelligent students who appreciate & love FAMU, want to make a positive difference in their lives & the lives of others, and want to change the world for the better. If you don't fit that profile, then you have some serious work to do.
ReplyDelete12:48 Sorry to tell you that MOST students don't attend CAMPUS EVENTS because they're not really IN COLLEGE. They live in Tallahasee and take classes until graduation or the city and its shortcomings for college students drive them away or into a stuper. You must live on campus to be IN COLLEGE. At least for one year, but the apathy is multiplied when you have no stake in something. You represent your 'hood because you live there, you represent your country because you LIVE there. Well you're supposed to anyway-I see the other flags more than "OURS" but ignorance is global. Which is to say that they have to be folded into the RNation and immersed. If they get a free pass, you get what we have here. A population of apathetic nihilists who later expect to get respect for something that they never had to CARE (do) for. Go Andrew! Go Rattlers! Get these students HOUSED! My housing goal is my graduation goal.
ReplyDeleteSpoken like a TRUE White Person! Or even WORST like a TRUE SELL OUT Black person! SO SAD! "well behaved", "humble" LMAO! Where did you get that from How to make a good 21st Century Slave 101!
Get real and Get Lost! LOL