Even though years of FAMU graduation rate records are available in the online State University System fact books and FAMU fact books, Trustee R.B. Holmes, Jr. and several trustees had no idea how to find that information. They had to ask administrators for the current and recent graduation numbers.
If Holmes had taken two minutes to look on FAMU’s website before the meeting, he would have found this table that is clearly labeled “Graduation and Retention Rates.”
The Class of 2008’s six-year graduation (41 percent) was posted on FAMU’s website months ago in the most recent Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System report.
An even more bizarre moment occurred when Holmes and other trustees repeatedly asked why less than 50 percent of FAMU undergraduates finish in six years.
Again, the online SUS fact books are filled with information that those trustees must have failed to read. The data clearly shows that most FAMU students' families make $30,000 or less per year. When college costs rise, most FAMU students enroll in fewer courses.
As one of the two longest serving BOT members, Holmes has repeatedly voted for tuition hikes that resulted in students taking smaller course loads. Instead of asking administrators to give him data that’s already posted on famu.edu, he should be asking himself: “Why have I done so little to help FAMU students afford heavier course loads?”
None of FAMU’s trustees live in a foreign country where internet access is scarce. In 21st century America, all professionals should know how to point and click to find basic facts on the website of an organization they're supposed to be leading.
Holmes is a fraud, but he has amazing "cover" he is a preacher! He is and has always been an opportunist of the worst kind. The kind that looks out for ME ME ME! He is the Jesse Jackson of Tallahassee and for the record that is a horrible thing to say about anyone, unless it is true.
ReplyDeleteHe wanted to obtain over 18 million dollars in funds to turn an old dilapidated hotel into student housing! Which, of course he then would have "made available" to FAMU. He builds a 5million dollar "Life Center" for his church, but could not complete his "goal" of 1million for FAMU athletics. May God help FAMU with "supporters" and trustees like Holmes.
Holmes is a wolf in sheep’s clothing where Corbin was just a wolf! The only difference is one was in your face attacking you and the other is smiling while they attack you from behind.
Cause they don't really care or don't really want to know what the real deal is on campus. My question if they don't know the basic stuff how do they know all the administrators are doing such a good job? How can you vote for something and don't know all the facts?
ReplyDeleteThis is what happens when you appoint a "Board" like the one we have, to FAMU.
ReplyDeleteWhat money do these board members give? Hardly anything.
What oversight do they provide? Hardly any seeing that we were put on probation and people from the board then are still on the board now.
How much fundraising do they help us do? Hardly any, seeing that they don't give hardly any money to begin with. The only exception is Dent and the Victoria Secret Campaign. While he's not personally giving any money out of his bank account, at least he got the company he works for involved with FAMU (Victoria Secret PINK).
Other schools get appointed wealthy top executives that not only give very generously to the schools they are over but the individuals themselves are known outside the area code of the school they are over. How many locals do we have on our board???? This school is over 130 years old and the best we can do is local preachers and physicians????
Only about a third of anyone's Corporate Board is even paying atteention. But Holmes is asking questions that he should know the answer to as he makes himself out to be deeply connected to FAMU.
ReplyDeleteConcerning Fundraising, I would expect most of our major academic and athletic fundraisers to have the board members as the first contributors every time.
I was sure that Daryl Parks haas been a giving Trustee and Alumni.
ReplyDeleteRev. Holmes has been a Godsend for FAMU. If you were paying attention, when Castelle Bryant was conspiring with Governor Bush to destroy the university, Rev. Holmes was the only one on the board who stood up for the school. He was Dr. Ammons biggest cheerleader. And he has shepherded hundreds of FAMU students through Christian watchcare, including me. The board has every right to ask questions, and no board member of any company or organization is going to have time to surf the net to find detailed information. Their skill lies in knowing the right question to ask. That is the difference between a board member and an executive.
ReplyDeleteHolmes primary job is to lead his church. What other board member of any organization have you ever heard independently try to raise money for a school? And "Anonymous" has the nerve to criticize it because he didn't reach the goal? Where is "Anonymous"'s fundraising drive for the school?
You should want the board to question FAMU's graduation rates in the case that there might be something they can do to help. You should really want them to question it before somebody else does. And the naysayers who have commented here appear to be criticizing the board for daring to question the administrators, then criticizing them for saying that they did a good job. I mean, pick a side.
I personally watched the board meetings online during Bryant's administration, and watched how Dr. Holmes took them to task even when he was the only one. There wouldn't be a FAMU to criticize right now if it hadn't been for him. I hope Anonymous will go back and do their research and stop being so dadgum bitter and down on my school, which is on the comback trail, thanks in part to Rev. Holmes.
Get a grip.
Holmes was a Bryant supporter and cheerleader until she started firing people who went to his church. Then he turned on her.
ReplyDeleteAnd there is no excuse for not knowing basic information that's on the university's website. All it takes is a few seconds to look up something easy like FAMU's graduation rate. Stop making excuses!
actually Trustee Holmes is one of three longest serving Trustees on the Board...Who ever is in charge of posting information
ReplyDeleteR.B. Holmes and Bill Jennings are the only two trustees who remain from the original group that was appointed by Gov. Jeb Bush back in 2001. They are the two longest serving members.
ReplyDeleteWhile we should expect board of trustee members to be able to search the website for some information, we should consider the situation that prompted Dr. Holmes's question. I did not watch/listen to this particular meeting; however, it's very possible that he asked these questions after hearing another point being made during the meeting. Also, as a trustee, he should continue to raise these questions, even if they are only rhetorical in nature. And last, while the cost of tuition continues increase, unfortunately in the economic climate we live in, many boards don't have a choice but to raise tuition. I seriously doubt most board of trustee members at most colleges/universities are aware of such data and/or have the time to research such data before a meeting. For far too long, Florida colleges and universities have been among the least expensive schools in the nation, a fact that has hampered the progress and development of many of these schools. I know others have shared this before, but our families have to do a better job of preparing for our kids' future. And kids may have to make some very tough decisions: maybe attend a community college for two years before transferring to FAMU to defray some of the cost, work during the summers of their junior and senior high school years to save money, maybe even consider the military for a short period to take advantage of some of their recruitment initiatives, etc.
ReplyDeleteDon't put the students in this. Those options (two jobs, military, and this "family" option) don't yield the same results they used to. Our family and community structure has arguably been damaged in part by us not being aggressively recruiting and graduating more Rattlers. That's when you can expect family preparedness and support. What some are realizing is that if they had to make it today vs 20 yrs ago, they themselves may not have done as well or not have finished at all. And most likely, if they go to a CC, they will never make it to FAMU. We know that. Who looks for traditional education when they've been a commuter? HOUSE the STUDENTS and they'll GRADUATE! And I'm sure the Board members know that they are not on just any board. We can ALL do MORE and BETTER by FAMU, our young Rattlers and our state. Let us now focus on better game not better blame. Go Rattlers.
ReplyDelete"And last, while the cost of tuition continues increase, unfortunately in the economic climate we live in, many boards don't have a choice but to raise tuition."
ReplyDeleteAt FAMU we've seen for years that students just decrease their course loads whenever college gets more expensive. We shouldn't let trustees off the hook. If they constantly make college more expensive then they shouldn't act surprised when the graduation rate gets worse.
And it doesn't take a long time or much effort to find FAMU's graduation rate on famu.edu. Watch FAMU's board meetings and you'll see that half the time, trustees are wasting hours by asking for info. the university has already given the public.
We need to demand better from FAMU's board.
11:42 AM
ReplyDeleteYour "Cristian Watchcare Shepard" was responsible for SACS placing the university on probation. The Board is supposed to provide OVERSIGHT for the university. Because that was not done THEY appointed Castell as interim president. They did nothing while that other caucasian board member (his name eludes me) was the one trying to hold Castell accountable. It was Holmes who kept supporting Castell. So I don't know what meetings you were watching, but your recounting of FAMU's board meetings is delusional at best.
Holmes is not fit to run an institution, hence he runs a church. Oral Roberts also had a few religious figures on their board.........look what happened to them. FAMU needs forward thinking, innovative leadership and oversight. Holmes provides none.
And for the record.......All of UF's and FSU's board members are leadership donors.......just look at their annual reports. Then look at ours and see where our board members lie.
ReplyDeleteAnd PS......I would hope a board member serving as VICE CHAIR of the Board of Trustees over Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University would know its graduation rates. That's like not knowing our enrollment or degrees offered. In my opinion, that's being asleep at the wheel or being out of your league.....but again, that's my opinion. If you don't expect this from a board member of a university in general, then this is a lost argument and I will concede that your love for Rev. Holmes far outweighs your love for FAMU and call it a day.
Anonymous, seems like you have something personal against Rev. Holmes. Your opinions are certainly not balanced with the facts. The truth is, when Dr. Bryant was appointed, everyone supported her, as they should have. The board was created without any direction from the state, and they did take a while to get it together. But if YOU were watching the meetings, you would know that it was Rev. Holmes who urged the board to get the training necessary to function appropriately. And yes he was my Christian (spelled correctly) Watchcare Shepherd, which you seem to have contempt for, which probably says it all. Can't post on this anymore, so take care and hopefully some of your vehement for my school will be mitigated as Rev. Holmes, Mr. Parks, and Dr. Ammons bring us back. I'm sure they could use your support. I hope you are as aggressive about fundraising and recruiting as you are about selective criticism. Don't be the crab at the bottom of the barrel.
ReplyDeleteThis is why I support the seperation of church and state. Let Holmes run his church, where his BOT is God and his students are people who ask no questions because he is their "spirtiual" leader. I must admit he does a good job as a "preacher" and that is not to hard in the Black commmunity, as it seems that there is a chruch on every coner in Tallahassee. Yet, seemingly everyday one can read about how the Black communty is dealing with another senseless murder. Thank God that "rev." Holmes is gonna buy a run down hotel and save the whole Black community!
Give me a break! Holmes=OPPORTUNIST=bad for FAMU
Actually BIG RATTLER....Bill Jennings, R.B Holmes and Laura Branker....Are the longest serving members on the Board...and who ever that is writing about Castell needs to stop...let the past be the past....she didnt put us in the situation we got ourselves in...like someone once said...this didnt happen over night and we will not fix the prolbem over night
ReplyDeleteBranker was not appointed as part of the first group of FAMU trustees back in 2001. Holmes and Jennings were.
ReplyDelete8:17 p.m., we will have to agree to disagree on the role that families must play in assuring their kids’ education / future. Yes, many of our families are struggling—just the other day I got a call from a family member needing assistance with his mortgage—but so are these colleges and universities. However, families must still find a way to plan for their kids as they navigate the challenges of today. And when I speak of families, I’m not referring solely to one household. I’m talking about aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins, close friends, etc. all chipping in, before Susie even enrolls in college. In fact, I’ll even go as far as to argue that our families should be putting the monies (at least some of it) we spend for Christmas and other presents toward college or saving funds for our relatives. We must be willing to make the necessary sacrifices now for their future.
ReplyDeleteCommunity college transfers will come and graduate from the university if they are actively recruited. I know for a fact that the PWCUs gladly direct their marginal students to cc and look forward to admitting them once they complete their A.A. degrees. FAMU must be willing to direct some of our marginally prepared students (and maybe even some who can’t afford the cost) to these institutions, while maintaining that communication with them while they complete the AA.
On-campus housing is a critical issue that should be addressed. I even recall a time when most, if not all freshman, were required to stay on campus and weren’t allowed to have cars (or at least receive an on-campus parking decal). Such requirements may not be realistic now, but on-campus housing definitely needs to be addressed.
2:49 PM, you hit the nail on the head with regard to on campus housing. I stayed in Sampson Hall during my first year at FAMU (1970-1971). Although we had 3 to a room, my room was on the top floor, and I slept in the top bunk bed, that was truly the college experience in my mind. We use to look forward to that catering truck parking between Gibbs, Young, and Sampson so that we could buy those hamburgers and belly washers. Sometimes, we would walk up to the SUB (Student Union Building) and buy one of those fish sandwiches soaked in hot sauce. I can't leave out the Green Room (cafeteria). The lines were long at times, but we appreciated that food. There was a party in Grand Ballroom practically every night. It was one big campus family back then and hanging out on The Set was heaven. Bo Bryant and Jiggs use to act the fool on the The Set and have everybody cracking up. "Sidney" was the Queen of the Queens, if you know what I mean. lol.Man, it gives me chills just thinking about those days. Every college student should experience campus housing.