Hayes, McBee joining Hollins in early retirement

da rattler
1 minute read
Director of Athletics William “Bill” Hayes submitted his resignation today effective December 31, 2009.

Letters of non renewal were issued to two other top officials in athletics in a shake up which has rocked the campus community. Bob McBee, associate athletic director for marketing, and Alvin Hollins, director of sports information, received notices of non-renewal and employment separation today from the university effective December 28, 2009.

“After much deliberation and thought, I have decided to move in a different direction with the FAMU athletic program,” said FAMU President James H. Ammons. “We appreciate the services rendered by Mr. Hayes, Mr. McBee, and Mr. Hollins and we wish them all the best in their future endeavors. We will immediately begin a search for a new athletic director.”

Vaughn Wilson will assume Hollins’ duties. Wilson is a former FAMU football player and is director of photography for the Capital Outlook, a Tallahassee newspaper.
(click on press release to enlarge)

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  1. If Vaughn Wilson is anything like his father, Rosevelt Wilson, he will be a great SID for FAMU. Rosey was one of the best in the business and his sons, Van & Vaughn are two fine young men.


  2. What experience does Vaughn bring to the table exactly?

  3. An outstanding work ethic

  4. EXPERIENCE I asked?

  5. This really isn't about Vaughn Wilson, ok. He's just a place holder. I can live with him.

    I'm so glad the pathetic reign of Bill Hayes is coming to an end. This Bob McBee character, well he never should have been brought here in the first place. As for Mr. Hollins, oh well.

  6. Vaughn Wilson has been working alongside his father for years at the Capital Outlook. He knows the ins and outs of journalism reporting. He has the energy, knows FAMU history, is smart, has great work ethics, and VERY good bloodlines. I think FAMU should take a very serious look at him.

  7. I say good riddance to both Hayes and McBee, but Roosevelt Wilson is the one with the experience, not Vaughn.

  8. FAMU should have hired Will Ayer, Jr. as SID or put him in the mix. Check out his work: http://

  9. If Wilson does absolutely nothing, it will still be more than what Hollins has done lately. It's time for that couch potato to go. I'm sure we will find a permanent replacement in one of our talented Journalism graduates.

    I support Dr. Ammons!!!

  10. RN you didi it again. Every times someone says something about Ammons.You extricate their statement. RN you need to stop. Ammons is not MOSES.

  11. 10:46,

    Not true. I deleted slanderous untrue personal attacks about Vaughn Wilson. Vaughn IMHO is an innocent by-stander and doesn't deserve the mean spirited attacks.

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