The FAMU Athletics Department expects to launch its much-anticipated new website next week according to a facebook update from Sports Information. It features a variety of multimedia, including fresh photo galleries of FAMU's student-athletes in action. While there are still some kinks, such as a few links-to-nowhere, the new website represents a big improvement over the old one.
Check it out
Yes, an improvement however, the last time we saw a nice improvement over the last layout. A key thing to improve this time- keep content fresh like update rosters & player profiles. (Basic 'amenities' that we normally have not provided as part of Sports Information.)
ReplyDeleteGood stuff. Just keep it updated and we'll be fine.
ReplyDeleteFirst off they need to make it clear...Who is responsible for updating the website because Sharon Saunders thru Alvin Hollins under the bus for not admitting her department was the cause for the delay of changes and updates. Also I looked at the Administration staffing it is a joke…have the person who really running the department looked at other Universities how the organizations structure is setup to have an unproven sports marketing person 2nd in control is Asinine that goes to show you it’s not what you know but if you have a short hair cut and play golf you can advance….
ReplyDeleteI agree with 9:21 AM, but would like to recommend additional additions. Please provide the email addresses for all Athletics employees. Also, please post pictures & bios of every athlete. It may also be a good idea to have a link that will list the name of season ticket holders & business supporters. This is a good start and I look forward to seeing the new website.
ReplyDeleteFolks, keep in mind that while Sports Information is respoonsible for content (releases, rosters, schedules, photos, bios, etc.), they can only post what the content management system allows them to.
ReplyDeleteQuite often, the CMS (content management system) locks out the folks trying post information and even after two years, EIT still can't get the site to display PDFs or boxscores or season statistics.
Of course, hopefully this new deal will allow for stats and live game stats like other sites.
So while it may look pretty, and improved, there are still content areas missing (coaches, players, staff bios and head shots), game and season statistics and PDF downloadable versions of team media guides/brochures.
Even when the SID Office (past and current) has tried to recommend additions to the site and streamlining the updating process, you get runarounds and are questioned whether you know what you are doing.
FAMU should be cutting edge in this regard - website, internet - but not under the current regime.
in fact, this regime wanted to build sites for all departments on campus - a noble undertaking - but some areas, opted out - not mention the EIT staff is both shorthanded and overworked.
Ever try accessing email or student accounts during registration or the end of semesters???? Trying to do too much.
Sadly, it's about control even in the face of evidence that other HBCUs are doing a better job in this regard.
In fact, I point to North Carolina Central, where many members of this regime came from. Look at their athletics site - www.NCCUEagles.com - now that's a website!!!
ReplyDelete...make clear to who ? The public gives lets than a rats ass about who's responsible for updating a website and we care about is that its done!
...you attacks on the sports marketing person seem real petty and personal.
The stuff I've seen this year is pretty good. It's all over face book a number of my friends have adopted the stuff and using it as their avatar.
Haven't seen any TV or internet videos, but that kind of stuff would take a real marketing budget.
OK they moved the new site to a new url and redirected folks to the current one.
ReplyDelete@(8/5/10) 11:18AM - let's not call out anyone.
ReplyDeleteThe point of the matter is the site looks good and the CMS may be the problem, however, it should be obvious if the CMS / website prototype is insufficient with lacking content, i.e. does it measure up to other MEAC univs? If not, find another product and build one. I am begging the question whether the EIT truly knows the requirements of an athletic website.
We have not had a good one in as long as I can remember. :-S
ReplyDeleteNot really sure this is a CMS problem, the university seems to do a fine job keeping FAMU.edu updated on a regular basis. From time-to-time FAMU.edu even has video and stuff. Wouldn't both use the same CMS system?
FAMU's CMS is basic at best and at times very confusing. I personally refuse to use it cause it does not provide the ability to add modules or plugins like JOOMLA something most major corporations use. Last time I check they use some homemade type CMS that in my opinion does not provide enough flexibility for expansion.
ReplyDeleteThe basic structure of the site will not allow for add-ons like bio pages on players, coaches, administrators; live statistics; game boxscores or season stats; streaming audio or video; PDFs can't be displayed, so media guides, posters, game programs, game notes, newsletters, flyers, brochures can't be displayed and/or downloaded.
ReplyDeleteThe CMS is indeed very basic and it doesn't matter who is responsible for updating it if the system is so shaky at times THAT IT CAN'T BE UPDATED!!!
In a perfect world with the technoglogy and the CIS school on campus, it would be great to manage this deal totally in house.
But some departments on campus have not subscribed to this EIT deal, but Athletics has and it is suffering.
We don't need to bash anyone here, just recognize that everyone else in the country - PWC and HBCU - is dealing with an outside company specifically geared toward athletic websites.
In this day and age, websites serve a wide variety of people - what may be okay for some, is not for others - and for FAMU to be cutting-edge, we need to go outside.
Even the SIAC signed a conference-wide contract for an outside company to manage all school athletic sites and the conference site.
Survey the field of HBCUs - N.C. Central, Winston-Salem, Southern, Hampton, Tennessee State, Grambling, South Carolina State, DelState, UMES, Bethune-Cookman and see the full range of information - not just the surface graphics - available on their sites - and you'll understand what's lacking with the FAMU site.
The site we have now hurts us in recruiting, marketing/sponsorships (takes forever to place sponsor logos and links), lack of depth information-wise (media, committees ranking teams, voters for all-star teams, pro scouts, fans or parents needing contact numbers/emails).
Face it folks, okay or an improvement over last year is just not good enough!!!
It is not at all representative of a great institution like FAMU - We have to do better - Yes We Can and Yes We Must!!!
If the current CMS isn't cutting it, change to the site should be done to improve content areas. Firstly tho the requirements need to be enumerated and then assess the CMS approach with customized development or contract the development etc as the individual above mentioned that the SIAC has done. Without clear requirements laid down, EIT is just grasping & we are continued baffled.
ReplyDeleteThe website looks good graphically but not much 'useful' content which diminishes its value.