We Interrupt this Broadcast...

da rattler
1 minute read
We interrupt this broadcast for an important message from our sponsors. Please support this site by supporting our sponsors. Need a new iPod (click the link for the Apple store to the right) or music for your iPod? Check out: DMX Exclusive Remixes. Download on iTunes.com.

Looking for a new cell phone provider? Check out the great deals at Cingular Wireless, one of our newest sponsors. Check them out. Free Flip Phones + Free Shipping from Cingular

Save BIG on your favorite magazines at netMagazines.com. Stay on top of the world by taking advantage of their special Get 5 magazine subscriptions for $30.  Click here for details.

Rattler Nation is proud to have one American's leading retailers on the site, Target. At Rattler Nation, Target is always open 24/7. Shop Home at Target.com

Finally, click that annoying lil drop down ad at the top of the page (for the hell of it) Ads by Google and support Rattler Nation.

The fine companies to the right help to bring you the unvetted truth about Florida A&M, that you simply cannot find anywhere else. We hope that you'll support them through this site. That concludes my shameless plug for the week. I gotta eat, ya' heard me!?!

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  1. I got a great deal oon some magazines. Thanks

  2. This is an excellent site and is worthy of corporate support--Keep up the good work.

  3. Is this where all the "Cluster" members went?

  4. Anonymous @ 10:16 a.m.

    I fell out laughing.

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