"There was a noise level via bands playing even when our offense was on the field, whether it was ours or theirs," Carter said about Saturday's game. "It didn't matter. There was a noise level with the players trying to adjust and get the play in a relative amount of time prior to the expiration of the play clock. I think it was just one of those situations where it resulted in a couple false starts."
Band's a distraction
Are you friggin kiddin' me??I guess the cheerleaders are a distraction too... might as well get rid of the announcers?
ReplyDeleteAt least Billy Joe accepted responsibility for his shortcomings...I think....
Well, Mr. Carter is a distraction for me!
ReplyDeleteCarter, carter, Carter. Tsk, tsk, tsk. Advice/Notice: The band has a general catalog of music which will be played. With that in mind, of course they should follow the game just as close as the referee staff, for the band is the soundtrack of the game for the Rattlers. So in essence You, Carter are an indirect consultant for the band. Sorta kinda.:? Communicate and coordinate. You gotta make it coordinate, Carter! Oh, and next time, pick some other scapegoate. This aint the right battle for you. They already know the plot. If you were more of an electrifying personality, maybe things would flow differently. Which would likely mean that BRAGG MEMORIAL would be full of screaming, ORANGE and GREEN wearin' RATTLER fans (like we should be doing anyway!)so loud that... you lose the game and blame it on the crowd. The BAND doesn't complain when they can't hear audibles or see signals durnig a performance, which the crowd CAN be deafning and highly distracting. Camera flashes, other bands... there are plenty of excuses to go around indefinitely. Point is, the game must still be played. WELL. Surely the band employs concepts which focus on identifying and correcting mistakes in performance, do you? And the band plays on, when distractions confront. And when confronted, like an armada, will adjust accordingly as a well trained and coreographed ensemble. lol-That is not what you really meant to say. lol-Alright, you DO KNOW that you can be out with CVB, posthaste. There is still love in the air for you though, but you oughta save all that heart up for the Orlando game or you maybe out "BC". Keep up the good work and we really do appreciate all that you do for our young men. The Band is your friend! Since 1946. Honors to 60 Years of Innovation. Hubba Doc! ..And cut the FOOLISHNESS people, NO DANCEHOZ!
ReplyDeleteIts a shame when a coach has to blame the band for distraction to the team when faced with a loss. I'm sure he wouldn't have said this if we had of won the damn game. I sat next to the band during the game and not once did FAMU band play loud when either team was calling a play. Coach Carter needs to stop looking for excuses but a few good WR's that will catch the ball and a better recipe to win the football game.
ReplyDeletecarter couldve kept that to himself. Who does this guy think he is, he must not see the game after halftime...people dont come to the games for the football team...duh!
ReplyDeleteNext he'll be complaining about crowd noise at games like the Florida Classic. Or the next game in a Dome.
ReplyDeleteHe is just another one of Castell's failing appointed employees. Duh! The noise level did not bother S.C. State.
ReplyDeleteRED FLAG!!!
ReplyDeleteI've been to non-black college football games lately, and the atmosphere is definitely different than black college football games. Gimme the black college gameday experience, anytime.
Is Coach Carter looking for a way out?
If he is looking for a way out, tell him the door is thataway! ----->
ReplyDeleteHe should move with a quickness!
Its a distraction having the football team on the wrong side of the field away from the band. The band is equally as important as the football team and its much easier to take a loss when the band gets to do their entire show; the pageantry of the band is why I buy season tickets, that includes the entrance, performance and exit with the last tuba player doing the split. CARTER MUST GO, CARTER MUST GO
ReplyDeleteBring back Billy Joe! Carter needs to accept the fact that he might have bitten off more than he can chew because he lacks the knowledge, skill, and class to be a Head Coach. The Band keeps the crowd hyped and I take offense to Carter trying to mess with TRADITION! Oh, but he wouldn't know much about TRADITION coming from Temple.
ReplyDeleteI think that I want Billy Joe back too. I told ya'll that I think we may have ushered in an inept trojan horse. We gotta eliminate the viruses and get these students inspired and motivated to excell at all cost. Time for the village to heal itself. Award free/partial housing for grade(3.0 min. goal, and/or personal goals attainment) improvement margins.
ReplyDeleteCarter has it backwards. The big sweaty guys pushing each other around the field are just the warm up act for the band.
ReplyDeleteIts all about the band baby.
Why do the big sweaty guys even go back on the field after the band plays?
Perhaps they are hoping for an encore.
At a minimum, Carter will be getting rid of his coordinators.......I hope he joins them. Carter is not the man that will bring us back to where we wanna be.
ReplyDeleteI recently talked with Coach Carter and he indicated his comments were taking out of context. He indicated that the band performed on a few key plays and the reporter plans to retract the comments that were printed. He furthmore went to say if the football team played like the band, their record would be "perfect" like the "100".
ReplyDeleteMmmmm hmmm.
That's some after the fact, b.s. right there.
Heath Smith is the same Tallahassee Democrat reporter that tried to pit the band vs the football team during the Riley/Joe era. If memory serves me correct he has had to retract many of his comments due to his reporting on a bias instead of the facts. - Shame on you Heath! I hope youre not trying to figure out why you dont cover the "Big Games" yet.
ReplyDeleteWrong! Heath wasn't even with the Democrat during the Ken Riley era.
ReplyDeleteSo Coach Carter get back to work !
Ok, let's be realistic here. The band is what makes Florida A & M University at any game. What happens in most 3rd quarters of any game?.... everyone leaves because they came to see the band perform. For the most part, the band isnt' even paying attention to the game. Now if we were talking about 10 years ago when the football team actually was worth something, then yes, the Coach could say something. BUT at FAMU the band was still the focal point. I'm a memember of the 100, not FAMU band (there's a big difference) and for the Coach and for that matter, the Interim President to always have something negative towards the band is a slap in the face. But this is a different error of students and facility. Of course, they wouldn't have gotten away with many things that go on now. Oh, well, life goes on.
ReplyDeleteOne piece of advice Coach Carter, worry about bringing some money for your Athletic program and stop worrying about the band playing one tune. If the football team was up to speed, they would actually want to be on the field playing. Don't you teach them first to learn to tune out the noise anyway? Oh, maybe you never learned that either, huh? Maybe you could take some advice from Dr. White on control and love for one's organization. Then your players will start winning and concentrating.
Heath is a Rattler, thats why we've had so much publicity all summer about the team. Keep it up Heath
ReplyDeleteI always thought Billy Joe was a great coach and good man. He had a love for FAMU, and we all know that. He was so very unceremoniously dumped by CVB. When you love something/someone you do all that you can to keep things right and in perspective. BillyJ. was so unfairly dismissed and now they won't even give the man his money. That's a damn shame. I hope he gets another coaching job soon (if he's not already do so), and that his winning record and CLEAN operation and administration will show FAMU administrators what they once had but then tossed out of the window like old dishwater. I say: BBB! Bring Billy Back! And with quickness!
ReplyDelete...done so. (My bad.)
ReplyDeleteThey did do Billy wrong from Ken Riley on down. He is a good coach and human being with a lot of style and class. He always took full responsibility for team losses and never tried to pass the buck or blame the band. He also was a quick learner in that he learned after the first game that the halftime show was worth a delay of game penalty. Then again, he taught his players to that football games are played for 4 quarters (60 minutes) instead of 1 quarter (15 minutes). He also never dissed the university even though he had lots of reason too. BBB, Bring Billy Back quick fast and in a hurry before this fool Carter destroys the rapport between the band and the football team as well as loyal Rattler fans
ReplyDeleteMy, My, My... what an A$$! Maybe Carter feels like the band is a distraction because after all, he DID come from Temple where their band didn't have much to play about (even though our team hasn't given "The 100" much to play about either!) As a matter of fact, does Temple even have a band???
ReplyDeleteWhy is this guy at FAMU anyway? Bring in an Alumus and bring back some of the Orange & Green tradition! Is the website www.firerubincarter.com up and running yet?? hahahaha
www.firerubincarter.com will be up and running , just as soon as we are done with www.firecastellbryant.com!