There are currently many great scholarships and internships opportunites for students preparing for college or already in college. Several of these great opportunities will be expiring soon -- October 13th, October 30th and October 31st.
Scholarships & internships available
October 10, 2006
There are currently many great scholarships and internships opportunites for students preparing for college or already in college. Several of these great opportunities will be expiring soon -- October 13th, October 30th and October 31st.
Some of the scholarships that will be expiring are: AmTrak, Veterans of Foreign Wars, General Motors Minority Dealters, Fulbright, Paul and Daisy Soros Fellowship, 21st Annual BioMedical Symposium on Careers Application process, Coca Cola, Micro Soft Graduate Fellowship, The Prudential Spirit of Community Awards, Public Service Scholarship, The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, etc. There are many internships coming to a close as well.