FAMU's finances are out of control

Castell has over spent budget by $22 million

By daRattler

FAMU's financial situation is far worse than anyone ever imagined. Today's BOT Finance Committee phone call, which just finished up, revealed that FAMU is running a $22 million deficit in its education & general budget. As a result academic departments have been told that they will not be able to hire any adjunct professors this summer. The E&G budget was over spent during the fall semester. In large part, this may have a lot to do with why as many as 600 adjuncts, graduate and teaching assistants, and OPS workers have experience problems with their pay this semester.

Further, it also appears that unless drastic measures are take a whole lot of other folks won't be getting paid.

The deficit has has hampered faculty in their ability to order basic teaching supplies for their courses ---chalk, dry erasers, pens, paper, etc. This didn't seem to bother Trustee Leery Jenkins who brushed aside this issue when it was raised by Trustee Mary Dialo. Dialo said that departments have access to only 22% of their budgets.

Instead, Mr. Jenkins chastised Diallo for raising the issue and asking questions about the $22 million deficit. He said, “these are down in the weeds questions, that I don’t care to know about."

Also, interim president Castell Bryant over spent her budget for outside consultants by $3 million. The board had approved a budget of $4.5 million, however Mrs. Bryant spent $7.5. Again, the committee didn't seem at all concerned.

Audit shows $10.4 million deficit

Castell should have been fired long ago

CFO quits abruptly

Castell's financial shell game

The incredible shrinking surplus

Morris Brown in the making

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  1. Lord, deliver us from the throes of CVB & Co., the masterminds (or mistress-minds) behind this horrendous debacle. I bet Castell's getting her paycheck every two weeks, though, deficit or no deficit.

  2. Ms. Bryant needs to LEAVE NOW.....not later. I think she needs to return her salary, and i'm not sure she should be entitled to keep the "cost of living expenses," since many of FAM's employees haven't gotten their "cost of living expenses" paid at ALL this semester. Let's see if she likes not eating or having electricity!!!

  3. Castell, I am begging you to just go. You have caused a major disaster and what's so sad is that you don't even care. Get on your broom and haul ass!!!! NOW!!!!

  4. How much of this can be attributed to Gainous and Humphries now???

  5. I AM SO SICK AND TIRED OF BLACK FOLK ALWAYS ASKING FOR STUFF AND BEGGING AND CALLING ON THE LORD(WHICH IS A GOOD THING)and not doing anything else! CVB and damn there the entire BOT needs to be GONE and just like Moss had to lead the people out of Egypt someone needs to Lead FAMU based on the word of God! And it sure as hell at Holmes! We need fearless leadership! Augustus once said HOPE HAS TWO CHILDREN, ANGER AND COURAGE. ANGER TO BE MAD ENOUGH TO FIGHT AND COURAGE TO FIGHT!

  6. Jenkins do not care because his Architectural Firm's hand is in the pockets of FAMU

  7. 1:07--you sound real confused.

  8. If anyone wants to get the total scoop of the correspondences exchanged by members of the BOT regarding the non-issuance of paycheck for university personnel, go to:

    You will see via the exchange of BOT letters just how Castell and Debra are blaming others for this fiasco.

  9. Time to Go Cast-Hell!Broom...Broom...Broom!

  10. More like it's time for Castell to jump on her broom and fly away.

    Does anyone have a bucket of water to melt this witch?

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